Accuracy In Biblical Education

Have To & Need To ....

Sometimes we hear someone say they have done something because they "had to" do it. We may even feel as though there are things that we must do and just cannot refrain from doing them. Most of the time these things are not wrong and there is no harm in doing them. There are other things and times when one may "feel" that something is necessary in their lives when the reality is that it is not a true necessity. One of the things that we try to do in teaching the Gospel, and in living our own lives, is to come to a realization of that which is necessary and that which is based on our own "wants".

Most of the time what we want - or think that we need is not wrong. We need jobs, food clothing and other things. There are those who include such things as leisure pursuits and recreational activities. These sometimes are the things that get in the way of one's commitment to the spiritual things of life.

Paul discusses the "wants" of life in his address to the Galatians when he states that "...the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would." (Galatians 5.17). Our own physical "needs" and "wants" get in the way of our ability to see the things that are spiritual. This was a problem for those at Corinth as Paul brings out in his letter to them concerning the many problems that plagued their fellowship and work as Christians. "And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ." (Cor 3.1). Because of their lack of growth and spiritual development Paul was unable to speak to them in any way but as to babes spiritually (1 Cor 3.2).

Sadly we follow those things that we want, because we have to, until the last moments of life. We may linger for months, or sometimes years, before some disease or physical failure sends us into eternity, but compared to the rest of our life, this is but a short time that passes quickly. We may turn to God in those final moments and pray for salvation, eternal rest and other benefits that we may vaguely believe are in store for us after death. What sense does this really make even in a worldly sense?

Would we want to do anything for someone who has spent a lifetime ignoring us, refusing to acknowledge us, talk to us, spend time together or even admit that they know us? We all know the answer to that one. Of course not! Why then do we expect God to suddenly pass over a lifetime of ignorance, rebellion and sin and express compassion upon us by saving us? We need to realize there are some things that we have to do.

We have to realize that we have a soul that comes from God, and which will return to Him (Eccl 12.7). We have to realize that we will all die and we have no power over that fact (Eccl 8.8). We have to realize that after death there will be a judgment in which we shall give an account of all things that we have done (Heb 9.27).

Coming to this realization we then must realize that we need to obey God. We need to serve Him and prepare for that time when we shall give an account of those things that are done (Rom 14.10-12). We need to realize that now is the time to do something about our souls. Now is the time do what we need and have to do.


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