Accuracy In Biblical Education

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Title: My Thoughts On The Shroud Of Turin

Description: A well known and enigmatic religious relic is the Shroud of Turin. Believed to be an image of Christ as he was in the tomb at the time of his resurrection, the Shroud has been scrutinized, studied and debated as to it’s authenticity and meaning for Christians around the world. Is the Shroud an image of Christ or a clever hoax?

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Series 1: Introduction To The Bible

Title: 101 - Introduction To The Basic Bible Study Series

Description: This is the first video in a series intended for new readers of the Bible but will also benefit experienced readers as well. The video outlines the course and introduces the subject areas as well as the general method used in the course.

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Title: 102 What Version Of The Bible Should I Use

Description: A discussion of Bible source documents, the process of translation and the types of translations available. Bible translation methods are compared with recommendations on how to choose a reliable version of the scriptures.

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Title: 103 The King James Version Of The Bible

Description: A discussion of the King James version of the Bible and its relationship with more modern translations. Examination of the versions accuracy and usability for modern readers and whether this is a reliable version of the Bible

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Title: 104 Getting Or Buying A Bible

Description: This is a concise guide on selecting an e-version of the Bible for download as well as points to consider when purchasing a print Bible. Covers Bible construction including materials, paper and binding methods. Also included are recommendations for what should be included in a basic study Bible. Special edition Bibles as well as Study Bibles are discussed as well.

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Title: 105 Additional Resources For Bible Study

Description: In addition to your Bible there are some other external references that will be good to have on hand. These are simple and you might already have some of them. This video will list those and make suggestions for where you can get them.

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Title: 106 Creating A Bible Study Schedule

Description: In this video I outline a process for setting goals for your Bible study and suggestions for setting aside time to achieve your goals. I also talk about the differences between study and reading as well as finding a suitable place for study.

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Title: 107 Memorize The Books Of The Bible

Description: Finding passages quickly by knowing where to locate the books of the Bible is not just a good study skill but will also help lay the foundation for understanding the historical and contextual elements of the narrative. I offer suggestions for learning the order of the books and how to practice them.

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Title: 108 How To Establish Context

Description: The necessity of understanding and determining the context of passages is an essential skill with regard to the Bible. In this video I will identify the elements that make up the context and why they are important.

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Title: 109 The Bible From 30,000 Feet

Description: In this video we will look at the Bible from a high level view by examining the divisions of the book. We will also cover why the apocryphal books are excluded from this study

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Title: 110 Overview Of The Old Testament

Description: In this video we will begin to narrow our focus on the books of the Bible by looking at the Old Testament. We will group the books, identify the books in each group and discuss usefulness of the groups.

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Title: 111 The Books Of Law

Description: In this video we'll list and summarize the contents of the first five books of the Old Testament known as the books of Law, or the Pentateuch

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Title: 112 The Books Of History

Description: In this video I summarize the books of history from Joshua to Esther and provide some detail about the relative timeline of Biblical events.

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Title: 113 The Books Of Poetry

Description: In this video we'll review the poetic books of the Old Testament and summarize their contents and main themes.

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Title: 114 The Major Prophets

Description: In this video I summarize the major prophets, their mission to warn God's people and their role in forming a foundation for the coming of the Messiah.

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Title: 115 The Minor Prophets

Description: Brief summaries of the minor prophets and the nations addressed by them. Themes in the writings are noted as well.

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Title: 116 Overview Of The New Testament

Description: This video lists the books of the New Testament and groups them. The address of each of the books is reviewed and the importance of this in understanding the Bible

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Title: 117 The Gospels

Description: A brief summary of the opening books of the New Testament that detail the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ.

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Title: 118 The New Testament Book Of History

Description: A brief summary of the book of Acts and its importance for understanding doctrine and the other volumes in the New Testament

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Title: 119 The Epistles

Description: A brief summary of the letters that form the bulk of the New Testament.

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Title: 120 The New Testament Book Of Prophecy

Description: In this video we'll summarize the content of the book of Revelation, the last book physically and chronologically in the New Testament

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Title: 121 A Timeline Of Biblical History

Description: Now that we have surveyed the books of the Bible we can place the events on a timeline and synchronize these to each of the volumes. This will prepare us for the next studies in which we explore the various laws of God. Download the chart: Timeline Of Biblical History

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Title: 122 The Ages Of God

Description: An introduction to three distinct periods in the Bible characterized by the way in which God communicated His will. This study will prepare a foundation for a better understanding of the development of the Biblical narrative and God's plan to save mankind.

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Title: 123 The Patriarchal Dispensation

Description: This video explores the Biblical account of the earliest interaction between God and mankind. Laws given and the judgment of God are discussed in the context of a time when God spoke to heads of households or Patriarchs.

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Title: 124 The Mosaic Dispensation

Description: The nature and role of the Law given to Moses is reviewed as I continue a discussion of the dispensations of God. The duration of the Law as well as its fundamental characteristics are reviewed in light of the purpose of the nation of Israel.

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Title: 125 The Christian Dispensation

Description: The Gospel was the fulfillment of the Law of Moses. In this video I explore the nature of that fulfillment, the relationship with the old Law, the kingdom of God and the last days.

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Title: 126 The Scheme Of Redemption Part 1 - Mystery Of The Ages

Description: This video begins a discussion of how the Bible is connected from beginning to end. I start with an introduction to symbolic forms in the scriptures and how they are used. We will then begin exploring a variety of types that demonstrate how the narrative revolves around the sacrifice of Christ and God’s plan to save mankind. This is the first of several videos that will explore these characteristics of the Bible.

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Title: 127 The Scheme Of Redemption Part 2 - Delivered By The Firstborn King

Description: This video explores the Passover as a foreshadow of the deliverance of all people from sin through Christ. The Messiah's role as a king is also discussed and examined.

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Title: 128 The Scheme Of Redemption Part 3 - Lifted Up To Conquer

Description: Was Christ killed before he was able to complete what he came into the world to do? This video explores the scriptures to show that God's plan was for his son to die as the ultimate sacrifice for sin.

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Title: 129 The Scheme Of Redemption Part 4 - Nature Of The Messiah

Description: In this video I explore detailed prophecies that identify the birthplace of the Messiah, his attributes and intricacies of his death. The scriptures are explored to demonstrate the validity of the Bible and the fact that Christ was the son of God

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Title: 130 The Scheme Of Redemption Part 5 - Kingdom Come

Description: Many believe Christ died before he could establish his kingdom and will return to finish his work. Did Christ fail to complete his mission to save man and establish his kingdom or is it with us today?

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Title: 131 The Scheme Of Redemption Part 6 - The Messianic Strain

Description: In this video we'll look at more specific prophecies and descriptions pointing to Christ demonstrating that the coming Messiah is the unifying factor in the scriptures and the summation of God's power.

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Title: 132 End Of Days

Description: What does the Bible really say about the end of time and the second coming of Christ? In this video I explore what the scriptures have to say about this question.

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Title: 133 The Gpospel Plan Of Salvation

Description: This video provides a detailed examination about what the New Testament teaches about becoming a Christian and salvation. Christ's commands, the work of the apostles and examples of conversion from the book of Acts are examined and compared to demonstrate what the Bible teaches. I also discuss John 3.16 and the sinners prayer in detail as well as the idea of being saved by faith only and what faith really means. This will be a thought provoking lesson for anyone trying to understand what the Bible has to say.

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Evolution v. Creation: Is There A Middle Ground?
By David Eakin Ph.D

Title: 1. Introduction To The Origins Debate - David Eakin

Description: Are you an Evolutionist or Creationist? The debate over this question is one of the enduring conflicts between Scientists and Bible believers. In this series of videos, David Eakin Ph.D, a christian, preacher and biologist, presents a unique answer to this dilemma. Through the use of images, discussions of evidence and interpretation, David shows that whether you're a scientist or Bible believer, faith is the element that supports both positions. In this series you'll hear and see the evidence and interpretation used by both sides of this question. After viewing the series I believe you'll walk away with a deeper faith in God, if you're a Bible believer, and maybe a different perspective on evolution if you haven't considered the possibility of divine supernatural creation.

Title: 2. Natural Selection - David Eakin

Description: Some of the confusion over creation and evolution has resulted not only from the interpretations of science but also from well meaning Bible believers who have failed to understand God's word. In this second video David Eakin, Christian, biologist and preacher, presents a balanced approach to the controversy. David discusses areas that Bible believers need to be clear on in terms of evolutionary process and where science fails to live up to their own facts. Enjoy this discussion of Natural Selection.

Title: 3. Why Does That Ape Look Like Me - David Eakin

Description: In this third installment, David Eakin Ph.D discusses the evidence and interpretation of that evidence for the development of early man. He shows the position taken by general evolutionists and how their interpretations are based as much on their faith in science as Bible believers base their faith on the scriptures. The discussion is a respectful examination of the scientific and biblical evidence for evolution and creation and is conducted in a way that will promote discussion for anyone questioning the idea of ultimate origins.

Title: 4. What About The Fossil Record - David Eakin

Description: In this fourth installment of the discussion of evolution and creation, David Eakin Ph.D discusses the fossil record, geological rock strata and interpretations of evolutionists and creationists. Once again there is a strong emphasis on the difference between evidence and interpretation. David examines rock strata, fossils and the time periods in which they reportedly took place. From that he presents an objective analysis of what the record is and what it says to us as well as a problem that even Charles Darwin noted.

Title: 5. Is The Bible You Hold In Your Hands What Was Delivered To The Apostles & Prophets - David Eakin

Description: In the fifth installment of the discussion of Creation & Evolution David Eakin Ph.D. discusses the confidence we can have in the Bible. Do we have the message that was intended or was transmission of the scriptures left to oral repetition over generations. David demonstrates that we can have confidence in the written word based on the volume of surviving texts and their agreement. He discusses concerns and arguments that we often hear against the scriptures and provides a reasoned approach to answering these.

Title: 6. Why Am I Not A Theistic Evolutionist - David Eakin

Description: Some Bible believers have adopted a compromise solution when dealing with the question of evolution. In this sixth installment of the discussion of creation and evolution David Eakin Ph.D discusses the problems with this compromise and the consequences it has on one’s faith and the biblical text as a whole. David discusses a number of examples from the scriptures that would have to be removed from the narrative in order to support Theistic Evolution. This video is a must see for anyone questioning the idea of divine supernatural creation and its relationship with scientific discovery.

Title: 7. The Age Of The Earth - David Eakin

Description: Has the Earth been around for billions of years slowly evolving as time passes or is it much younger? What methods are used to date the age of the Earth and how accurate are they. In this final lesson, David Eakin discusses these issues and looks at the problems that scientists and creationists encounter. David demonstrates that the evidence to support evolutionists beliefs are the evidences that exist for Bible believers as well. In then end where do you put your faith and what is more reasonable?

Series 2: A Study Of Biblical Symbolism

Title: 200 Introduction To A Study Of Biblical Symbolism

Description: Symbols are around us every day, they're common and we don't think anything about them. But when we mention symbols and the Bible the idea sparks thoughts of things that are obscure and mysterious. In this study we'll examine symbolic forms in the scriptures and their role in linking the text as a unified whole.

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Title: 201 The Nature & Characteristics Of Symbols

Description: Understanding symbolic forms in the Bible begins with an understanding of what they are, how they are presented and their overall functions in the scriptures. Defining figurative forms will help us understand how the entire narrative is connected and prevent misunderstanding later when we review doctrine. In this lesson we’ll define symbolic forms and their functions as well as how we can recognize them.

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Title: 202 The Numbers Of God

Description: Is there such a thing as a lucky number? Is 666 really evil? A lot of people believe numbers can be lucky or signal bad things ahead. In my new lesson, The Numbers Of God, I discuss some of the numbers that God uses in the Bible and the ideas they convey. I also explore the meaning of 666 and the message it holds for us today.

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Title: 203 The Sanctity Of Blood

Description: Blood is one of the most significant physical and symbolic elements in the Bible. In this lesson I’ll discuss its importance, sanctification by God and its role in salvation. We’ll see how it ties the biblical narrative together and unites the faithful of all time in the family of God.

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Title: 204 The Figure Of Water

Description: A powerful, silent and sometimes controversial figure in the Bible is that of water. When reviewing the biblical text in detail we find that this is a subject that is overlooked in its greater context. In this video I explore the presence, usage and meaning of water from beginning to end.

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Title: 205 In Remembrance Of Me

Description: The Lord’s Supper, or Communion, is one of the most familiar acts of Christian worship, but its also one of the most misunderstood. In this lesson I discuss the Lord’s Supper, its connection to the sacrifices, Passover, the meaning behind the elements Christ used, its observance and misconceptions regarding observing it.

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Title: 206 Whose Sacrifice Is It?

Description: Bible believers recognize Christ as the redeemer and son of God but we don’t generally think of him as a symbol or figure. In this lesson we’ll explore the question “Whose Sacrifice Is It.” As we do that we’ll explore Christ as a powerful figure and figurative element representing the ultimate in love and planning.

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Title: 207 The Figure Of Fire

Description: Fire is an element that is both destructive and useful. In the scriptures we see it used in ways that are both literal and figurative but closely tied to God’s word and power. In this lesson we’ll discuss the Figure Of Fire and how God uses it in the scriptures.

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Title: 208 God & The Elements

Description: Figurative or symbolic forms aren't always obscure objects or references. In some cases they're things that are all around us and readily understood when their application is examined. In this lesson we'll discuss God & The Elements comparing physical processes and phenomena with their spiritual counterparts.

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Title: 209 Three Types Of Christ

Description: Woven into the fabric of prophetic and symbolic forms are a number of characters that share common traits with the savior. In this lesson we’ll take a look at Three Types Of Christ, their impact on the narrative as a whole and their value in confirming the divine inspiration of the scriptures.

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Title: 210 The Sun, Moon & Stars

Description: In the ancient world pagan cultures worshiped heavenly bodies and ancient deities were often represented by celestial objects. Some nations, such as the Babylonians, watched the heavens for a number of reasons and many cultures built structures marking the position of the sun at critical points in the year. How are these objects represented in the Bible and is there any emphasis placed on them? In this study we’ll examine The Sun, Moon & Stars as we answer this question.

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Title: 211 Establishing The Context & Scope Of The Old Testament Prophets

Description: In the next three lessons we’ll identify characteristics of prophecy in both the Old and New Testaments. In this lesson we’ll discuss Establishing The Context & Scope Of The Old Testament Prophets and the effect this has on understanding the Bible.

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Title: 212 Focal Points In Old Testament Prophecy

Description: In this lesson we’ll take a look at specific areas addressed by the Old Testament prophets and how some of these are misinterpreted. This will enhance our ability to understand the nature and purpose of prophecy and its relationship to God’s scheme of redemption. This will also prepare us for a discussion of New Testament prophecy.

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Title: 213 Prophecy In The New Testament

Description: In this third and final part of our discussion of prophetic language in relation to symbolism, we’ll examine prophecy that we find in the New Testament. The character and focus of these prophecies is different from what we saw in the Old Testament. In this lesson we’ll discuss Prophecy In The New Testament and how we need to approach and understand it.

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Series 2: Shadows In The Law

Title: 214 Shadows In The Law

Description: The Law of Moses brought the Hebrews together as a nation under God’s divine guidance and to prepare the world for the coming of the Messiah. Within the Law a number of figurative elements exist that mirror profound spiritual realities. In the following lessons we’ll continue our study of biblical symbolism by concentrating on Shadows In The Law and how these provide a solid foundation for the completion of God’s plan to save humanity.

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Title: 215 The Passover

Description: A pivotal moment in the history of the Hebrew nation was their release from bondage after four-hundred thirty years of slavery. As we’ve seen in previous lessons, their freedom was brought about by perhaps the single most destructive catastrophe to strike the Egyptians - the death of the firstborn. The Hebrews in preparation for that moment, and their deliverance from death, observed God’s commands in a solemn memorial that would be remembered throughout their generations. That memorial was The Passover.

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Title: 216 The Unleavened Bread

Description: Prior to the final plague God brought on the Egyptians Moses was given specific instructions on how to prepare for the event. These instructions included the separation handling, preparation and consumption of the sacrifice and introduced new elements that would become prominent as the Law was defined. One of these, The Unleavened Bread, becomes a significant figurative link with Christ and salvation.

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Title: 217 Sanctification Of The Firstborn

Description: As instructions were given to Moses in preparation for the final plague on Egypt, a number of elements are set apart. These elements would become familiar to the Hebrews and students of the Bible as they have spiritual significance during the time governed by the Law of Moses and later. In this lesson we’ll explore The Sanctification Of The Firstborn and the figurative elements involved.

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Title: 218 The Ark Of The Covenant & Mercy Seat

Description: One of the most well known objects in Hebrew worship fades then disappears from the pages of the biblical text. Over the years its become the center and source of legends and mystical ideas. Templars, treasure hunters and archaeologists have attempted to track its whereabouts or find evidence of what happened to it. In this lesson we’ll discuss The Ark Of The Covenant & Mercy Seat as we explore the realities of what it was and represented.

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Title: 219 The Lampstand

Description: Recognized the world over, the Menorah is a symbol of Judaism, faith and strength. Its design is modeled after a lamp created to provide light inside the Tabernacle that was constructed at Sinai under God’s direction and inspiration. This object is filled with figurative connections and conveys them in a subtle and silent manner. In this lesson we’ll take a look at The Lampstand from a practical, spiritual and figurative perspective.

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Title: 220 The Tabernacle

Description: At the heart of the Hebrew camp was a structure that represented their spiritual leadership, was a central point around which the tribes were organized and that later struck fear in their hearts. Made to be mobile, it was a work of art and engineering whose details came from God himself. In this lesson we’ll discuss The Tabernacle and its significance physically and figuratively.

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Title: 221 The Vail

Description: A perplexing and silent element in the Tabernacle separated the final path to the presence of God from the rest of the structure and the camp. Available to only the high priest once a year on the day of atonement the Most Holy Place was beyond a final barrier barring entrance - The Vail. In this lesson we’ll examine this barrier and its figurative connection to mercy and redemption from God.

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Title: 222 The Altar Of Burnt Offering

Description: Sacrifices to God were a critical part of worship under the Law of Moses. Although we can read about sacrifices being made by the Patriarchs prior to this, there’s no detail regarding how the sacrifices were made. In this lesson we’ll take a look at The Altar Of Burnt Offering as a foreshadow and focal point that foreshadowed the Messiah.

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Title: 223 The Altar Of Incense

Description: As we’ve discussed objects that possessed a symbolic nature that were part of the Law of Moses their figurative representation has been easily identifiable. As we examine the objects inside the Tabernacle we come to one that isn’t as prominent as some of the others but on closer inspection we see that it has a highly sacred nature and importance. In this lesson we’ll discuss The Altar Of Incense and explore its significance in worship to God.

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Title: 224 The Laver

Description: One of the many tasks performed by the priests at the Tabernacle was that of washing to purify themselves. This was done prior to entering the Holy Place so they didn’t die. One of the objects commanded by God was a large basin for water that was placed between the Altar of Burnt Offering and the door of the Tabernacle. In this lesson we’ll talk about The Laver and its significance physically and figuratively.

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Title: 225 The Holy Anointing Oil

Description: As the Tabernacle was setup there are several elements that come into contact with the objects consecrated for worship. These threads form a common web that integrates them and emphasizes the shared nature of their figurative representations. One of these, The Holy Anointing Oil, comes into contact with the physical objects and the priests and links them to the Messiah.

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Title: 226 The Priestly Garments

Description: As we explore figures in the Law we find that clothing plays an important role in ministering to God and offering sacrifices. In this lesson we’ll discuss The Priestly Garments and their significance for the time in which they were used as well as their connection to the Messiah.

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Title: 227 The Sabbath Day

Description: Today there’s confusion about when we should worship and why there’s a difference between our time and the period governed by the Law of Moses. In this lesson we’ll discuss The Sabbath Day, what it meant, its significance then and what it means for us now.

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Series 3: The Doctrine Of The Bible

Title: 300 The Doctrine Of The Bible

Description: The religious world is filled with a multitude of beliefs. In each of these belief systems core values and ideas form the basis of convictions held by its followers. In this lesson we’ll discuss the The Doctrine Of The Bible, what it is, and why we need to understand it.

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Title: 301 Interpreting The Bible

Description: Many think of the Bible as difficult if not impossible to understand and rely on others to explain it for them. In this lesson we’ll examine Interpreting The Bible as a skill Bible students must develop. I’ll cover attitudes and approaches to investigating the word of God and what to avoid so we can have confidence in what we believe and teach.

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Title: 302 The Word Of Faith

Description: What is faith? What does it mean to have faith. In this lesson we’ll define faith and discuss how the Bible presents faith as a body of information and a characteristic of true believers. We’ll explore the Bible as The Word Of Faith and what that means for believers.

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Title: 303 The All Or Nothing Principle

Description: God has always accepted those who live in accordance with his word, and rejected those who failed to honor his directives. In this lesson we’ll discuss The All Or Nothing Principle which emphasizes the need to pay attention to all that God has revealed.

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Title: 304 For The Love Of God

Description: For many the Bible represents a rigid rule book that takes the fun out of life. Others turn away from service to God because they feel they’re too damaged and beyond redemption. Still others reject the idea of God, sin, righteousness and eternal reward or punishment. In this lesson we’ll discuss the influences that have led to these and other attitudes and why we need to serve the him For The Love Of God that’s been shown to us.

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Title: 305 The Heart Of The Matter

Description: What does the Bible mean when it speaks of our heart and what’s the significance of our heart in relation to the doctrine of the Bible, faith and how we live? In this lesson we’ll discuss The Heart Of The Matter as we explore what the scriptures reveal about our inner being.

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Title: 306 Quite A Character

Description: History shows that many claiming to be God’s followers have failed to mirror the qualities the Lord wants us to develop. In this lesson we’ll examine the effect God’s word should have on us as we develop Quite A Character.

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Title: 307 The Spirit Of The Age

Description: A misunderstood, and controversial topic, in the New Testament concerns the actions and role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. In this lesson we’ll discuss The Spirit Of The Age and examine the scriptural record of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the first century, his purpose and how that impacts our lives today.

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Title: 308 The Grace Of God

Description: Believers acknowledge the grace of God but many times may not have a good understanding of exactly what it is. In this lesson we’ll explore God’s grace throughout the biblical narrative and discuss the fact that But For The Grace Of God no one would be saved.

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Title: 309 The Biblical Doctrine Of Salvation

Description: Throughout these studies we’ve seen God’s command to follow the patterns that have been revealed. This applies to objects created for worship, consecration of priests and conduct acceptable to the Lord. In this lesson we’ll focus on The Biblical Doctrine Of Salvation and the pattern of obedience as recorded in the scriptures.

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Series 4: A Study Of The End Times

Title: 400 The Last Days & End Times

Description: Wars, natural disasters and catastrophes usually attract the attention of Bible believers looking for signs of Christ’s return and the end of the world. Christ’s disciples, who later became his apostles, had questions about this as well. Speculation, interpretation and confusion have clouded the simplicity of what the scriptures teach. As we begin our study of the subject it’s vital that we make some critical distinctions. In this lesson we’ll start by defining The Last Days & End Times.

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Title: 401 The Second Coming

Description: There’s a lot of confusion about when Christ will return. Some ideas about the second coming are complex involving global events, multiple stages, a variety of signs and the impact this will have on believers. As with other subjects addressed by inspired scripture, details concerning Christ’s return are numerous enough to provide a clear picture of when and how it will occur and the order of events that will take place when the Lord returns.

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Title: 402 An Overview Of Matthew 24

Description: A critical chapter used as a basis for ideas about the end times and the last days is Matthew 24. This is a chapter that requires great care to understand what’s being revealed and how those things will be fulfilled.

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Title: 403 The Abomination Of Desolation

Description: As Christ answers his disciples questions while on a visit to Jerusalem, he prophecies of things that will take place and have a profound effect on the nation. One of these prophecies details a catastrophic event, preceded by the sign of the abomination of desolation. This is frequently interpreted as a sign of the end times and imminent return of the Lord but is that accurate?

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Title: 404 The Premillennial View

Description: As early as the late first century and early second century ideas about the future return of Christ were being circulated. These ideas proposed that Christ would return to Earth one day and establish a physical kingdom in which resurrected saints would rule with Christ for a thousand years before the final judgment took place. The modern version of this has come to be known as Premillennialism.

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Title: 405 Will There Be A Rapture

Description: There have been isolated instances in which God delivered the faithful from a coming catastrophe. As we study accounts of the Lord’s judgment on a broader scale we don’t find examples of the godly being removed from the situation in what is known as The Rapture. What we find is that those who follow God are preserved but may still have to endure the harsh realities they’re faced with. But, there are those who teach that God will spare the faithful from one of the worst calamities to fall on the entire world as a sign of the end times and imminent return of Christ.

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Title: 406 The Great Tribulation

Description: God’s wrath is evident in the scriptures. The Lord has taken action against individuals, cities, nations and at one time, the entire world. Some believe the end times will be marked by a series of trials that will afflict the globe. Pestilence, disease, destruction and supernatural actions will manifest as the anger of God toward a world turned to evil is poured out in a Great Tribulation.

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Title: 407 - The Antichrist & New World Order

Description: In every great story there’s a villain. And the Bible is no exception. From the beginning, Satan has worked to discredit, corrupt and undermine the integrity and credibility of God while captivating the souls of humanity. The story of the end times wouldn’t be complete without the appearance of a satanic superpower led by a charismatic ruler who’s determined to challenge God and destroy creation.

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Title: 408 - The Battle Of Armageddon

Description: The kingdom of the Antichrist is viewed as holding the world in a grip of evil. Bibles are destroyed and banned. Believers are persecuted and killed. The world tips toward chaos and the judgments of God begin. As the power of evil grows, and hope in the world wanes, a final conflict will decide the fate of the world as the forces of good and evil gather for battle.

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Title: 409 - The Kingdom & 1000 Year Reign

Description: Misconceptions regarding the nature of Christ’s kingdom have been in place since the first century. Christ’s disciples failed to grasp the nature of what Christ had come to do until they received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Today there are those who foresee a future time in which Christ will return to the Earth, secure his throne and rule over the nations. But is that what we find in the scriptures?

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Title: 410 - New Heaven, New Earth

Description: Descriptions of the second coming speak of the destruction of the physical universe. End times beliefs propose there will be a renewal, or regeneration, of those same heavens and Earth. Is there going to be a recreation of an unspoiled heaven and Earth resetting things to the way God intended in the beginning?

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Title: 411 - And After This

Description: Literal interpretations of biblical prophecy in the mid-nineteenth century led to a new perspective on the end times. These beliefs commonly held by some Bible believing groups have influenced ideas about the end of the world and the second coming. Although these have become popularized as a major component of Christian doctrines they contradict biblical prophecy and the doctrine of the New Testament. One of the problem areas we can identify are statements made by Christ about what would happen after the tribulation he foretold that fell on the Jewish nation.

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Series 5: Biblical Misconceptions

Title: Lucifer

Description: There are a lot of ideas about who Satan is and how he came to be. One of those is based on a passage in the book of Isaiah who refers to “Lucifer”. But is this a reference to Satan or is there someone else being addressed?

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Title: The Ten Commandments

Description: Many think that to live a godly life one should believe in God and practice such things as the golden rule and the Ten Commandments. The commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai in Exodus 20, while being an important part of the Law, don’t represent it’s entirety. In our time should we keep the 10 Commandments to be justified in God’s sight?

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Title: The Antichrist

Description: Powerful world leaders and current events are often interpreted as signs of the rise of a demonic influence and the end of the world. But is that what the scriptures teach. A common misconception revolves around this concept and is the subject of much speculation.

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Title: 666

Description: Fear of the number 666 is another biblical misconception that’s become embedded in mainstream thinking. Interpreted as a sign of the end times it evokes images of demonic leaders, world control, persecution and death. But what does the number mean and what should we be concerned about?

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Series 6: The Visitation Of God

Title: The Visitation Of God

Description: The idea of visiting someone usually brings to mind time we spend with friends, family, those who are sick, in need, or fellowship in general. Throughout the scriptures the word visit has another meaning as well denoting an action on the part of God. The Bible refers to this as a visitation.

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Title: The Visitation Of Blessing

Description: The idea of visiting someone usually brings to mind time we spend with friends, family, those who are sick, in need, or fellowship in general. Throughout the scriptures the word visit has another meaning as well denoting an action on the part of God. The Bible refers to this as a visitation.

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Title: The Visitation Of Trial

Description: God has the power to relieve us of all forms of trouble and yet allows it. Although we don’t see it when things aren’t going well, trial can shape our character, strengthen us and help us come to terms with ourselves and helps us realize that the Lord is with us.

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Title: The Visitation Of Consequence

Description: God has the power to relieve us of all forms of trouble and yet allows it. Although we don’t see it when things aren’t going well, trial can shape our character, strengthen us and help us come to terms with ourselves and helps us realize that the Lord is with us.

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Universal Laws

Title: Universal Laws

Description: From the perspective that the Bible is an inspired record of how God created and interacted with humans over the ages we can identify the common origins of ideas that comprise the foundations of morality. These ideas can be found in the earliest part of the biblical narrative at a time when God was known to all people. Some of these appear in the form of universal laws or conditions for all humanity.

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Title: Universal Laws: Marriage

Description: The way in which some things were created by God, set a precedent that implies His will for the natural order. The union of the first man and woman, brought together by the Lord, serves as the model for the most fundamental social relationship between humans. Marriage.

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Title: Universal Laws: Murder

Description: In a discussion of God’s universal laws given to the family of man, murder and the consequence for it, stands as one of the most profound and controversial in light of current attitudes.

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Title: Universal Laws: Blood

Description: We understand the significance of blood in our lives today, but in many respects it’s sacred aspects have been neutralized. Medically we understand that blood loss is dangerous and can lead to death while the quality of our blood determines our overall state of health. An aversion to blood is a common trait that many people share while others look forward to gory scenes in movies. Some believe that blood possesses power in a mystical sense. The scriptures reveal God’s attitude toward blood and how it’s to be respected.

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