Accuracy In Biblical Education

Rights & Responsibilities

The number of "gay marriages" that have taken place in San Francisco has brought a lot of media attention as well as debate in political as well as religious circles. One of the statements that has been made to justify this has been that people have a "right" to be married and that should include same-sex partners. This article is not about those marriages directly, I do want to address the question of what we have "rights" to do. One of the confusing things about this is in the definition. A "right" refers to something that an individual should have access to. Rights are granted by God, first of all, and then we look to our own respective governments to provide "rights" to citizens based on equality, fairness, and in a spiritual sense, what God will approve of. The confusion comes up when we see that we have the ability to do something, and then confuse that with the "right" to do it. For example; a person who is financially encumbered has the ability to rob a bank. Robbing a bank, however is not a "right", it is illegal, and we all understand that taking what is not ours is wrong. Medical science has given mankind the ability to kill the unborn. There are groups who argue that since we have that ability, it is therefore a "right" to choose to end a life. This contradicts scriptural teachings. God pronounced a prohibition against taking life. God stated to Noah and his family, "And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." (Gen 9.5-6). This is one of God's universal laws that has not been taken away. If one murders another, their life then is forfeit. That is God's law. Does mankind have the ability to ignore that law? Yes, we do. Is that the correct thing to do? No, it is a violation of God's law. We have the ability to speed on the highway if we are late for work or an appointment. We have the ability to cheat on our taxes, lie to one another, get drunk, commit fornication, and neglect God in pursuit of our own self interest. Are those rights? Many would argue that they are. For that reason there are radar and laser detectors to assist one in avoiding the consequences of the law. There are tax consultants and movements that fight the tax laws. There are those who argue that drinking is a safe recreational activity and as long as one "drinks responsibly" we have that right, regardless of the fact that alcohol is a mood and mind altering drug. We have groups who aid and assist in wife swapping and every workplace is not without a certain number of premarital and extramarital affairs. This is argued as a "right" in the pursuit of happiness. All of these however are violations of God's law and is nothing but the influence of Satan, paired with the human mind and will that seeks to satisfy the flesh, not the creator. Christ answered a question about divorce and stated, "Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female.... (Matt 19.4). Paul states that fornication is a work of the flesh, and is not acceptable in the sight of God (Gal 5.19). God defines fornication as any sexual conduct outside of a God sanctioned marriage between a man and a woman. That is the model that God created from the beginning. Homosexuality is clearly condemned as one of the reasons why God gave up on individuals who pursued this activity (Rom 1.26-28). Paul even reminded the Corinthians that some of them had been homosexuals prior to their conversion (1 Cor 6.9-11). Now, do those who are marrying same-sex partners have the ability to do so? Apparently there are many who think they do. Is that a right? Not according to God. It is interesting that many of these individuals claim that this is a "God given right". Perhaps they need to read the Book again, all of it, and this time take it to heart. As Solomon wrote, " Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." (Prov 14.34). If one truly believes in God, one is therefore obligated to hold to those things that God has directed as right and abstain from those things that are wrong.


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