Accuracy In Biblical Education

Something To Fear

The writer of Hebrews, warning Christians about the dangers of unbelief and unfaithfulness to God, states, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (Heb 10.31). We often observe those around us who live each day entrenched in the thoughts and cares of the world. Little time is spent dwelling on spiritual things. Time is spent in planning the "weekend", vacations and yard work while God is simply left out of the picture. It is interesting that many times when we try to talk to these same individuals about their souls that they may become indifferent, angry or simply not express the type of interest that one needs to have in the God and His word. "Religion" is for those special occasions when one is married, a loved one dies or for certain holidays and other special occasions. Life goes on for most with no thought for anything but the here and now.

One of the saddest things to witness is when the finger of death hovers over those who have neglected God, or who have never expressed an interest in their soul's salvation. At that point it is not uncommon for one to express a deep sense of guilt and desire to be saved. For some this will come to late. As Christians our role is to offer the hope to those who have none of a home with Christ. Paul states that we should "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." (Col 3.2). Paul then goes on to tell us why we should develop this attitude. "For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." (Col 3.3). The life that we have here is only the beginning of the eternal existence that we shall have. We are all immortal beings and possess a soul that will live on once this time on Earth has come to an end. Still the thought of death eludes many until the time that they themselves are ready to depart, or, someone that they hold dear is entering their final moments. Thoughts may turn to God, but too many times these thoughts are tainted by hopelessness and despair.

When tested concerning what the greatest commandment was, Christ stated, "...Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." (Matt 22.37). That does not leave much left to devote to the things of this life that will pass away. When the time comes for us to leave this world, we are told that there remains a judgment (Heb 9.27). We shall all give an account of those things that we have done and then we will receive the reward, or condemnation, that we have earned. God will judge according to His word, not the state of our lawn care on Sunday mornings, not the sporting events that we have excelled at, not the job that we have done, or the family that we have raised. We will not score points based on the number of good things v. the bad that has been laid up in God's mind. We will stand and give an answer for those times that we knew to do God's will, and for having never sought Him at all.

We can also rest assured that "The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him; but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him." (Ezra 8.22). We need not reach the end of our lives and be filled with sorrow, regret and fear. We can seek the Lord while there is time, while we have the energy and presence of mind to do so, and we can pass from this life in peace knowing that we have an eternal home with God.


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