Accuracy In Biblical Education

The Children Of God

The idea of being a child of God is one that may be confusing to some, especially to those in the religious world. Paul states, "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." (Gal 3.26). In previous articles we have defined what faith is. Faith is more than simple belief. It is more than simply trusting in the love of God or believing in salvation after this life is over. Faith is also a set of behaviors, actions that one performs that states their absolute trust and love for God. Faith is that which motivates us to learn and adhere to the commands that we find in the New Testament. Faith is also that which causes us to find a deeper appreciation for God and what He has done for us. Faith is that quality of the believers life that motivates us to abandon beliefs and practices that are contrary to what the Bible teaches.

In his writing to the Galatians, Paul addressed their acceptance of doctrines that had not been delivered to them by those who taught faithfully (Gal 1.6-7). This process continues today. In the first century there was confusion about the Law of Moses and the role that it should play in the life of believers, particularly the Gentiles (Acts 15.1-22). The Law was taken out of the way (Heb 8.13, Gal 3.19-25). Even today there is a preoccupation with the "Ten Commandments".

Faith, true faith, is seen in the lives of those who have shown their faithfulness to God by hearing those things that he spoke. Abraham listened to God, and when he was told to leave his country and go to a place that God would show him, he went (Heb 11.8). When Noah was told to build an ark, he did so, in spite of the fact that it had never rained on the Earth before (Heb 11.7). Abel offered a sacrifice, by faith, implying that God had given instructions as to what to offer, and his sacrifice was therefore acceptable to God (Heb 11.4). These examples are important because they tell us of those who were faithful before the Law of Moses was given. In our time the Law of Moses is no longer binding on our lives. God has provided a better sacrifice through Christ and has given us more enduring commands and examples to live by.

When told to build an ark, Noah did not alter the wood that was to be used. He did not alter the dimensions of the ark, nor did he question God. He simply did as he was instructed. Abraham left his country not knowing where he was going. He simply trusted that God would direct him and he followed those instructions.

Today the idea of the sinners prayer and attending the church of your choice are ideas that interfere with the saving faith that we can see in the lives of those who have gone before. They stand as an example of never substituting God's directions for what might be appealing to our own selves. It is not important that we are fed and entertained when these things are done outside of the authority of the New Testament. The sinners prayer, for example, cannot be found in the New Testament, nor do we find any examples of sinners who were saved through simply praying for salvation. True faith is characterized by a desire to know what the will of God is and then, once we have understood what needs to be done, doing it, without question. What kind of faith do you have? Yours, or God's.


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