Accuracy In Biblical Education

Please Listen

This summer has been a rough one. We have seen several die, sometimes expected, sometimes not. In some cases the individual had met those conditions that we read in the New Testament for passing into eternity while others remained content with their own beliefs which we know are not in harmony with what the scriptures teach. In Luke 16 we read of the story of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16.19-31). The rich man died and because he had not lived in a way that God approved of he was in torment. Lazarus on the other hand was taken to Abraham's bosom by the angels and there he was comforted (Luke 16.22). Both now knew the reality of their lives and the inescapable condemnation that waits for those who do not listen. We know of others who are in similar situations. Unprepared to leave this world they continue on, convinced perhaps that they are ready to make that journey. As the rich man found out after his death, what we think does not matter. God's word is that which will prevail (Luke 16.31). If you are not a New Testament Christian, please listen to what God has to say. Our aim is to be ready to stand before God in judgement justified by his word and our faithful service to Him.

You may have faith, but is it the saving faith that comes from God's word. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Rom 10.17). The hearing spoken of here is that act of listening, thinking about that which is stated and understanding that which is presented. It involves setting aside those ideas which we have that are not found in God's word in exchange for the truth.

That kind of listening demands that we make a decisin about what we have understood. Will we believe it? Will we accept it? Christ stated, " Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." (John 14.21). This is the belief that through Christ's sacrifice, God will save us if we act in accordance with His will. It is the belief that motivates and moves us to do that which will bring us under God's care as His child.

If we believe in Christ, then we must also believe that to reject Him is to be lost. True belief brings with it fear in the heart of those who are not right in the sight of God. The Lord does not want us to be afraid of being lost. That is why He has sent His son that we might not perish but have everlasting life (John 3.16). True belief causes us to want to change in a way that will make our lives pleasing to God. It is the force that causes us to repent of the attitudes and ideas that stand in our way of salvation (Luke 13.3). This is the same repentance that was commanded on the day of Pentecost when those gathered were convicted of their error in rejecting and crucifying Christ (Acts 2.38).

Repentance demands that we acknowledge Christ as Lord. Paul states, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Rom 10.9-10).

Then we must come into contact with the blood of Christ through complete obedience. We must be baptized for the remission of sins for God to take those away, make us a new creature in His sight and place us in Christ's kingdom, the Church (Rom 6.3-4, Acts 2.38, Gal 3.27). This is the answer of a good conscience toward God in that we demonstrate that we have acknowledged His right as Lord to dictate the terms and conditions of salvation (1 Pet 3.20-21).

Having done these things then we can continue in faithful service to Him until that time that we will be called away from this earthly life (Rev 2.10) and He will give us the crown of life eternal.

Do you want these things? Is it too much to ask to obey the simplicity of God's own word? Is it too hard to accomplish? Not if our heart is in the right place. Are you a Christian as God commands? If not, why not? What is holding you back from the blessings and promises that God has made and that He wishes to give to all of those who will hear His voice. We do not ask that you accept the doctrine of "our church". We ask that you accept the doctrine of God who holds our lives and eternal fate in His hands. Please listen and do not put off that which will save you.


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