Accuracy In Biblical Education

Got Spirit

From electrical tingling to passing out, I have heard a lot of salvation stories. The interesting thing is that there are so many people who are "saved", by the spirit no less, and all this happens long before they know anything about the word of God. I'm not one to say that folks haven't had an experience of some sort. I do have my doubts as to whether this was the "spirit" that was involved. You see I don't believe that you can really say you know what the spirit does, or does not do, without knowing what God's word says. The thing that really impresses me about folks is that they may have never really read the Bible at all and then they have an experience. Explain to me how and why others, who are actively seeking God, and his spirit, and praying for it, just never seem to have that kind of experience. Many also report that this occurred at the oddest times and circumstances. These folks, meaning well, then go out and start witnessing and testifying to their experience. Unfortunately the only thing they may be testifying to is their own ignorance of what the Bible teaches. It is difficult to understand how some "receive" this while others may seek for years and never get anything. Another thing that I have observed is that many of these folks begin to read many of the works of notable religious authors while only briefly spending time with the scriptures. The problem with this is that there are no examples of this type of salvation in the New Testament. This creates a problem for those who understand the scriptural teaching of conversion in that we have the spirit doing things in ways that are not recorded in the scriptures. This means that we have the unknowing and unwilling saved in a way that God has not told anyone about - but those who have these experiences are sure that it came from God and that they are saved. It may help to compare this with what the scriptures teach.

Is what you believe about your experience based on what you read in the Bible ? If not then please read Rom 10.1-3, 2 Pet 1.20-21

Did your conversion match examples found in the book of Acts? If no then please read: Acts 2.32-41, 3.19-4.4, Acts 8.12, Acts 8.34-38

Were you taught the scriptures by someone who is a New Testament Christian? If not then please read: Rom 10.13-14, Gal 6.1-9

Are you aware that there are many who teach false doctrines? If not then please read: Matt 24.24, 2 Pet 2.1, 1 John 4.1

Are you reading the Bible and praying to understand what you read if you do not have someone to teach you? If not then please read: Eph 3.4, 1 Tim 4.13

Are you aware that the power of the Spirit is in God's word? If not then please read: Rom 1.16-17, Eph 6.17, Heb 4.12

When you were "saved" were you actively seeking God and salvation? If not then please read: Acts 17.24-27, Heb 11.6, James 1.5

If you need assistance with any of these things please give us a call. Our phone number is on the front of this bulletin and we can help.


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