Accuracy In Biblical Education

Promises, Promises

Every now and then I remember a situation where someone made a deal to visit a denominational service in exchange for the other person to visit with the Lord's church. This occurred at a service that was not on Sunday, or Wednesday evening, and it was a goodwill gesture to show that someone was willing to try and understand the other's beliefs. When I heard about this my comment was that I really have never seen this work out. True to my prediction, when it came time for the person to come and visit with New Testament Christians, it became apparent that they had no intention from the very beginning to do this. I then realize that this is the prevailing attitude on the part of many "religious" individuals. They are very zealous, in some fashion, and believe in Christ. Looking at the advertisements for these religious organizations, I see that they are willing to bring people into their assemblies by any means. I have seen everything from counseling to "fluid top off" services for automobiles. These are promises that, like the one mentioned above are empty. Some might say that they are not promising anything. Let's look at this more closely and see. First of all is the offer of something that may benefit others. I have copies of advertisements for everything from day-care to school and counseling services. There have also been support groups for almost every imaginable addiction and malady. The promise in this is that they simply want to help. Some do, perhaps, but there is a motive behind it. The thinking is that those who use such services will be drawn closer to God. Since the "church" is offering this that immediately presents an opportunity to get involved with that particular organization. Many will only take advantage of the help that is offered but the fact remains that this is a subtle manipulation. Religion masquerading as a support network for everything. Persuasion to become part of what they are doing lies in the background. There is nothing wrong with helping people and there is much good that is done by these well intentioned folks but to mask an intent behind something else is still coercion and is therefore a lie.

The Lord's church was not established to heal all the ills of the world or to become an outreach to communities. Christians helped each other and those who were not Chrisitians in the first century because they realized that this is what God wanted them to do. Examples of the work of the apostles and others however bears out that they taught the Gospel first and foremost. There was no question about what was intended. There is an honesty to that. The tactics of modern religious organizations have caused many people to doubt the integrity of those who claim to be Christians and to doubt the sincerity of religion in general. Promises are broken becuase things are not as they are represented.

To deepen the deception is the fact that the doctrines that are taught are not in harmony with what the scriptures teach. Peter refers to these false teachers in very interesting terms. "These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage." (2 Pet 2.17-19). Compromise is the spirit that drives religious thinking. Offer people something that appeals to them and then once we have them in the door we will talk to them about their souls.

Christians are honest about what they represent. We will try to talk to you about eternity, not waxing your car. We will offer Bible studies, not bonfires and hot dog roasts. We will tell you about Heaven and Hell, not just Heaven only. When you see us coming you will know that we are not collecting for the church's rummage sale or selling products for the "Christian" school. You will know that we are offering a place at our services or in our homes to learn about God. We won't counsel you through the woes of tax time or offer credit services. We won't be able to help you adopt a child, but we can help God adopt you by becoming one of his children. As the apostle Paul stated, "And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God." (1 Cor 2.1). Paul also stated that he spoke with "great plainness of speech" (2 Cor 3.12). This was done so that there would be no mistake about what was meant or intended.


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