Accuracy In Biblical Education

Acts Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-3) The former treatise have I made O Theophilus
(4-5) Wait for the promise of the Father
(6-8) Wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom
(9-11) He was taken up and a cloud received him
(12-14) Then returned they unto Jerusalem
(15-26) Death of Judas, selection of Matthias
2. (1-4) Day of Pentecost, Holy Spirit comes to the apostles
(5-13) Multitudes hear in their own language
(14-21) This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel
(22-36) This Jesus hath God raised up
(37-41) Men and brethren what shall we do
(42-47) And they continued stedfastly
3. (1-10) Silver and gold have I none
(11-26) Ye men of Israel why marvel ye at this
4. (1-4) Peter is arrested, five thousand believe
(5-6) Ruler, Elders and Scribes question
(7-12) Neither is there salvation in any other
(13-17) What shall we do to these men
(18-20) Commanded them not to speak at all
(21-22) When they had further threatened them
(23-31) With all boldness they may speak thy word
(32-37) Neither was there any among them that lacked
5. (1-11) Ananias and Sapphira
(12-16) Apostles perform signs and wonders
(17-32) Apostles arrested and released by angel
(33-42) Council plan to kill apostles, Gamaliel
6. (1-7) Seven men appointed to minister to widows
(8-15) Stephen teaching, brought before the council
7. (1) Are these things so
(2-50) Stephen reviews Israel's history
(51-53) Stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears
(54-60) Stoning of Stephen
8. (1) Great persecution against the church
(2) burial of Stephen
(3-4) Saul makes havock of the church
(5-8) Philip in Samaria
(9-13) Simon the sorcerer
(14-17) Peter and John laid their hands on them
(18-24) Repent therefore of this thy wickedness
(25) Peter and John return to Jerusalem
(26-40) Ethiopian eunuch converted
9. (1-9) I am Jesus whom thou persecutest
(10-16) A certain disciple named Ananias
(17-19) Saul baptized
(20-22) Saul preaches in synagogue
(23-25) Saul escapes plot to kill him
(26) Saul comes to Jerusalem
(27) Barnabas brings Saul to the apostles
(28-30) He spake boldly in the name of the lord Jesus
(31) Then had the churches rest
(32-35) Peter at Lydda , heals Aeneas
(36-42) Peter to Joppa, raises Dorcas
(43) Peter tarries with Simon the tanner
10. (1-8) Angel appears to Cornelius
(9-16) Peters vision
(17-24) Peter goes to Cornelius house
(25-29) And as Peter was coming in
(30-33) Four days ago I was fasting
(34-43) Of a truth I perceive
(44-48) While Peter yet spake these words
11. (1-3) Apostles and brethren heard Gentiles received the word
(4-17) Peter rehearsed the matter
(18) When they heard these things held their peace
(19-21) Hand of the Lord was with them
(22-24) Barnabas sent to Antioch
(25-26) Called Christians first in Antioch
(27-30) Dearth throughout the world
12. (1-4) Herod kills James and arrests Peter
(5-10) Angel releases Peter from prison
(11-12) Peter realizes what has happened
(13-16) Peter knocking, a damsel came to hearken
(17) Peter declared how Lord brought him out
(18-19) Prison keepers examined and executed
(20-23) Herod smitten by angel
(24) Word grows
(25) Barnabas and Saul take John Mark
13. (1-3) Separate me Barnabas and Saul
(4-5) Barnabas and Saul to Seleucia, Cyprus and Salamis
(6-12) Paphos and false prophet Bar-Jesus
(13) Ar Perga in Pamphyllia, John Mark departs
(14) In synagogue n Antioch of Pisidia
(15-41) Paul's sermon in the synagogue
(42) Gentiles besought these words preached to them
(43) Many Jews and religious proselytes follow
(44-48) Lo we turn to the Gentiles
(49-52) Jews raised up persecution
14. (1-7) Iconium Jews stirred up the Gentiles
(8-10) Man impotent in feet healed
(11-18) The gods are come down to us
(19-20) Paul stoned and supposed dead
(21-23) Returned again to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch
(24-28) Saul and Barnabas return to Antioch
15. (1-2) Questions about circumcision, Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem
(3) Paul and Barnabas declare conversion of Gentiles
(4-5) al at Jerusalem, Pharisees and circumcision
(6-11) Peter's address concerning Gentiles and conversion
(12) Paul and Barnabas declare miracles among the Gentiles
(13-21) James, trouble not them
(22-29) Men and letters to Syria, Antioch, Cilicia
(30-35) Rejoicing and brethren exhorted
(36-41) Paul and Barnabas part
16. (1-5) Timothy invited by Paul, churches established
(6) Phrygia and Galatia, forbidden to go to Asia
(7-8) Paul at Mysia, not to go to Bithynia
(9-10) Vision to come to Macedonia, Troas, Samothracia, Neapolis
(11-12) From Troas to Samothracia, Neapolis Philippi
(13-15) Lydia a seller of purple baptized
(16-24) Spirit cast out of damsel, Paul and Silas arrested
(25-34) Philippian jailor and household
(35-40) Beaten us openly and uncondemned being Romans
17. (1-4) Paul at Thessalonica in synagogue
(5-9) Unbelieving Jews create uproar
(10-12) Paul and Silas sent away to Berea
(13-15) Jews for Thessalonica stir up people, Paul leaves
(16-31) Paul at Athens, address on Mars Hill
(32-34) When they heard of the resurrection of the dead
18. (1-3) Paul goes to Corinth, meets Aquilla and Priscilla
(4) Paul reasons in the synagogue every Sabbath
(5-6) Your blood be on your own heads
(7-8) Justus and Crispus believe
(9-11) Paul's vision, stays in Corinth
(12-17) When Gallio was the deputy of Achaia
(18-21) Paul goes to Ephesus, leaves Aquilla and Prisilla
(22-23) Paul at Cesarea, Antioch, Galatia and Phrygia
(24-28) Aquilla and Priscilla correct Apollos, Apollos preaches
19. (1-7) Paul returns to Ephesus, twelve men taught correctly
(8-12) Paul teaches at school of Tyrannus, special miracles done
(13-17) Man with evil spirit subdues sons of Sceva
(18-20) Many believed, confessed and shewed their deeds
(21-22) Paul purposed to go to Jerusalem, Timothy to Macedonia
(23-41) Silversmiths stir up riot in Ephesus over Diana
20. (1-4) Paul in Macedonia, Greece and Syria
(5-12) Paul at Troas, breaks bread on first day of the week
(13-16) Paul from Troas to Assos, Mitylene, Samos, Chios, Miletus
(17-35) Pau calls for the elders from Ephesus and addresses them
(36-38) Paul's farewell and departure
21. (1-3) Cos, Rhodes, Patara, Phenicia, landing at Tyre
(4-6) Paul tarries there seven days and is warned
(7) Ptolemais, saluted brethren, abode one day
(8-9) Paul and company at Cesarea, Philip's house
(10-14) Agabus from Judea warns Paul
(15-16) Arrival in Jerusalem
(17-25) Paul meets with James and all the elders
(26) Paul and company purify themselves in temple
(27-36) Uproar in city, Paul arrested
(37-40) Paul carried to fortress of Antonia, asks to address the crowd
22. (1-21) Paul's defense before the people
(22-23) Away with such a fellow from the Earth
(24-29) Captain commanded him to be brought in
(30) Paul and chief priests and council gathered
23. (1) I have lived in all good conscience
(2-5) High priest commands Paul to be struck in mouth
(6-10) Dissension between Pharisees and Sadducees
(11) That night the Lord stood by him
(12-30) Plot to kill Paul, taken to Cesarea
(31-35) Paul before the governor
24. (1-2) Ananias, elders and orator Tertullus to accuse
(3-9) Tertullus statements against Paul
(10-21) Paul's statement before Felix
(22-23) Felix defers the matter until Lysias comes
(24-26) Felix hears the Gospel with his wife
(27) Festus replaces Felix, Paul still bound
25. (1-6) Festus comes in to province, Paul kept at Cesarea
(7-12) Paul's defense and appeal to Caesar
(13-22) Agrippa and Bernice arrive, Festus speaks of Paul
(23-27) Festus brings Paul out to stand before Agrippa
26. (1) Thou art permitted to speak for thyself
(2-23) Paul recounts his history and conversion
(24) Festus, much learning hath made thee mad
(25-26) I am not mad but speak forth the words of truth
(27-29) Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian
(30-32) This man might have been set at liberty
27. (1-2) Paul and Aristacrhus on ship with prisoners
(3-6) Landing at Sidon, Cyprus, Cilicia Pamphyllia, Myra
(7-8) Wind problem, landing at Fair Havens
(9-12) This voyage will be with hurt and much damage
(13-20) There arose a tempestuous wind, Euroclydon
(21-26) Sirs ye should have hearkened unto me
(27-44) Shipwreck
28. (1-2) Escape to Melita
(3-6) Viper fastened on Paul's hand
(7-10) Paul healing the sick
(11) Aboard ship from Alexandria
(12) Three days at Syracuse
(13-14) Syracuse to Rhegum
(15) Meeting with brethren at Appii Forum
(16) Paul in Rome, Paul with soldier
(17-22) Paul addresses chief of the Jews
(23-29) Paul preaches to many
(30-31) Paul in his own hired house for two years teaching

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