Accuracy In Biblical Education

First Chronicles Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-42) Genealogy of the patriarchs
(43-54) Kings and dukes of Edom
2. (1-55) Descendants of Israel and his sons
3. (1-9) Sons of David
(10-24) Descendants of Solomon and his sons
4. (1-23) Descendants of Judah
(24-43) Descendants of Simeon and their lands
5. (1-10) Descendants of Reuben and their lands
(11-17) Descendants of Gad
(18-22) Reubenites, Gadites, Manasseh overcome inhabitants of the land
(23-24) Children of Manasseh and their heads
(25-26) Children of Manasseh, Gad, Reuben carried for their evil
6. (1-47) Descendants of Levi and their roles
(48-53) Descendants of Aaron, their service in the Tabernacle
(54-81) Cities given to Gershon, Kohath, Merari, sons of Levi
7. (1-5) Descendants of Issachar
(6-12) Descendants of Benjamin
(13) Sons of Naphatili
(14-19) Sons of Manasseh
(20-29) Sons of Ephraim and their possession
(30-40) Descendants of Asher
8. (1-40) Descendants of Benjamin
9. (1) Record of genealogies written in the book of the kings
(2) First who lived in their cities afer the return
(3-9) Those of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, Manasseh dwelt in Jerusalem
(10-13) Priests who lived in Jerusalem
(14-16) Levites who dwelt in Jerusalem
(17-23) Porters who kept the gates and gates of the house of the Lord
(24-25) Porters brethren to come every seven days
(26-27) Chief porters who opened gates of house of God every morning
(28-32) Those over vessels, instruments, frankincense, shewbread
(33) Singers, chief of the fathers of the Levites
(34) Summary of chief fathers of Levites dwelling in Jerusalem
(35-44) Genealogy of the family of Saul
10. (1-2) Israel flees before Philistines, sons of Saul killed
(3-5) Saul wounded by archer, Saul and armourbearer kill themselves
(6) Saul, his three sons, all his house died
(7) All men of Israel flee, Philistines occupy their cities
(8-10) Philistines take Sauls head, armour, placed in temple of Dagon
(11-12) Men of Jabesh-Gilead take bodies of Saul and sons, bury them
(13-14) Saul died for transgression, counsel with one with familiar spirit
11. (1-3) All Israel gathered themselves to David, anointed him king
(4-5) David comes to Jebus, took the castle of Zion
(6) Joab takes Jebus, becomes chief captain
(7) David dwelt in castle of Zion, called the city of David
(8-9) David builds the city, Joab repairs the rest, David becomes greater
(10-14) Chiefs of David's mighty men, great deliverance from the Lord
(15-19) Three of captains bring water from well at Bethlehem
(20-21) Abishai, brother of Joab one of the three, more honourable
(22-25) Deeds of Benaiah, David set him over his guard
(26-47) List of the valiant men of the armies
12. (1-16) List of the men who came to David
(17) David went out to meet them, if ye be come peaceably
(18) The spirit came upon Amasai, peace be unto thee
(19-21) Those who came to David from Manasseh
(22) There came to David to help him, until it was a great host
(23-37) These are the numbers of the bands that were ready armed to war
(38-40) Men of war came to Hebron to make David king over all Israel
13. (1-4) David sends to all men of Israel, priests and Levites to bring Ark
(5-6) David gathered all Israel, to bring the Ark to Kirjath-jearim
(7-8) Ark carried on new cart, David and all Israel played before God
(9-12) Uzza struck for touching the Ark, David afraid of God
(13) David carried the Ark to house of Obed-edom the Gittite
(14) Ark remains with Obed-edom three months, blessed by God
14. (1) Hiram king of Tyre sends timber of cedars, masons, carpenters
(2) David perceived that the Lord had confirmed him king over Israel
(3-7) David takes more wives, list of his sons
(8-9) Philistines hear David is king, went up to seek him
(10) David inquired of God, I will deliver them into thy hand
(11-12) David smote the Philistines, their gods were burned
(13) Philistines yet again spread themselves abroad in the valley
(14-15) David inquired of God, when sound heard in mulberry trees
(16) Philistines host smitten
(17) David's fame spreads, Lord brought fear upon all nations
15. (1-2) David made houses, prepared place for the Ark, Levites to carry
(3) David gathers all Israel to Jerusalem, to bring up the Ark
(4-10) Children of Aaron and Levites who brought up the Ark
(11-14) Priests and Levites to sanctify themselves to bring up the Ark
(15) Levites bore the Ark of God on their shoulders as commanded
(16-22) Chief of Levites to appoint singers, those that played instruments
(23-24) Doorkeepers for the Ark appointed
(25-28) Ark brought up by Levites, David clothed in fine linen
(29) Michal the daughter of Saul despises David in her heart
16. (1-3) Ark placed in tent prepared, David gives gifts to the people
(4-6) Levites appointed to minister before the Ark of the Lord
(7-36) Psalm of praise delivered by David
(37-42) Those left to minster before the ark, make offerings, praise God
(43) People depart to their homes, David returned to bless his house
17. (1-2) David tells Nathan the prophet of plans to build house for God
(3-6) Thou shalt not build me an house to dwell in
(7-8) I have been with thee whithersoever thou hast walked
(9-10) I will ordain a place for my people Israel and will plant them
(11-15) David's son to be established, to build house for God
(16-27) Let the thing thou hast spoken be established for ever
18. (1-2) David smote the Philistines, takes Gath, smote Moab
(3-4) Hadarezer king of Zobah conquered, chariots and men taken
(5-6) David kills twenty-two thousand of Syria, garrisons made
(7) David took shields of gold from servants of Hadarezer
(8) Brass taken from Hadarezer, used by Solomon for sea and pillars
(9-10) Tou king of Hamath congratulates David, sends vessels
(11) David dedicates silver, gold from Hamath, Edom, Moab to God
(12-13) Abishai slew eighteen thousand Edomites, garrisons in Edom
(14) David reigned over all Israel, executed judgment and justice
(15-17) Joab over the host, other officers about the king
19. (1-2) Nahash king of Ammon dies, comforters sent to his son
(3-5) David's servants called spies, shamed and sent away
(6-7) Hanun hires host from Mesopotamia and Syria to battle
(8-15) Joab and Abishai confront host, Syrians and Ammon flee
(16-18) Syrians reinforced, David does battle with them, Syrians flee
(19) Servants of Hadarezer make peace with David
20. (1-2) Cities of Ammon taken, David takes king's crown, people cut
(3) People in all cities cut with harrows of iron and axes
(4-5) War with Philistines, brother of Goliath killed
(6-8) War in Gath, giants slain
21. (1-4) Satan moves David to number Israel, Joab warns about trespass
(5-6) Joab returns with the numbers, Benjamin and Levi not counted
(7-8) God displeased, David confesses his sin
(9-12) God sends Gad the seer with three choices of consequences
(13) Let me now fall into the hand of the Lord, not into the hand of man
(14) Lord sent pestilence, seventy thousand men fall
(15-17) David sees the angel of the Lord, let thine hand be on me
(18) Angel sends message by Gad to build and altar
(19-22) David goes to threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite to buy it
(23-25) Ornan offers the place, David give six hundred shekels of silver
(26-27) David makes offerings, Lord commands angel to put away sword
(28) David sees that the Lord had answered him, sacrificed there
(29-30) Tabernacle at Gibeon, David afraid to go there
22. (1-5) David prepares for the house of God abundantly, Solomon young
(6-13) David charges Solomon to build the house of the Lord, be faithful
(14-16) David tells Solomon of the preparations for the construction
(17-19) David commands all princes of Israel to help Solomon build
23. (1) When David was old and full of days he made Solomon king
(2-6) Princes of Israel, priests and Levites gathered and counted
(7-11) Sons of the Gershonites that were appointed
(12-13) Sons of Kohath appointed and their duties
(14-20) Sons of Moses and their descendants that were appointed
(21-23) Sons of Merari listed, Eleazar had no sons but daughters
(24-27) Sons of Levi numbered from twenty years old and upward
(28-32) Office of Levites and their duties listed
24. (1-19) Divisions of the sons of Aaron, as the Lord had commanded
(20-31) The rest of the sons of Levi listed
25. (1-7) Sons of Asaph and Heman for song in the house of the Lord
(8-31) Lots cast and brethren ordered
26. (1-19) Divisions of the porters and their order set, gates assigned
(20-28) Appointment of those over the treasuries of the Lord
(29-32) Those appointed over every matter pertaining to God and the king
27. (1) Twenty-four thousand and their officers that served the king
(2-15) Those appointed in their courses for each of the twelve months
(16-22) Rulers over the tribes of Israel listed
(23) David did not number them twenty years old and upward
(24) Joab began to number but remembers God's wrath
(25-34) Those who served David listed
28. (1) David assembles princes of Israel, stewards, mighty men
(2-10) David addresses them, Solomon to build house of the Lord
(11-19) David gives Solomon that pattern from God for the house
(20-21) The Lord thy God will be with thee, will not fail of forsake thee
29. (1-2) I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God
(3-5) David lists that which he has given for the house of God
(6-9) The people gathered give willingly for the work
(10-19) David blesses the Lord, give unto Solomon a perfect heart
(20-22) David asks the congregation to bless the Lord, Solomon anointed
(23-25) Solomon sits on the throne, people submit to him, God blesses
(26-30) David reigns for forty years, died in a good old age

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