Accuracy In Biblical Education

Second Chronicles Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1) Solomon strengthened in his kingdom, Lord God was with him
(2-6) Solomon goes to the tabernacle, offers a thousand burnt offerings
(7-10) Solomon asks God for wisdom to judge the people
(11-12) God grants wisdom and knowledge, gives him riches and wealth
(13-14) Solomon reigns in Jerusalem, gathered chariots and horsemen
(15-17) Silver and gold at Jerusalem plenteous, items brought from Egypt
2. (1-2) Solomon determined to build a house for name of the Lord
(3-9) Solomon asks king of Tyre for skilled workman, timber
(10) Wages to be given to workmen from Tyre
(11-12) Huram blesses God and Solomon as a wise and prudent son
(13-14) Huram sends a skilled man of the daughters of Dan for the work
(15-16) Wheat, barley oil and wine to be sent, timber to be brought by sea
(17-18) Solomon numbers strangers, appointed them to the work
3. (1-2) Construction begins fourth year, second day, second month
(3-9) Dimensions of the construction, materials used
(10-13) Cherubims and their dimensions made for the most holy place
(14-17) Veil made and pillars constructed, described
4. (1) The altar of brass made and it's dimensions
(2-5) Molten sea, dimensions, stood upon twelve oxen that were cast
(6-8) Ten lavers, ten candlesticks and ten tables built, basins of gold
(9) Court of the priests made, the great court, doors overlaid with brass
(10) The sea set on the right side of the East end against the South
(11-17) Vessels and items made in the plain of Jordan in the clay ground
(18) Vessels made in great abundance, weight of the brass great
(19-22) Vessels, candlesticks and doors made of gold
5. (1) All the work for the house of the Lord was finished
(2-3) Elders of the tribes, assembled to bring up the ark to Jerusalem
(4-5) Priests and Levites bring up the ark and all the holy vessels
(6) Solomon and all the congregation make sacrifices, ark brought
(7-9) Ark of the covenant placed in the most holy place
(10) Nothing in the ark except the two tables placed there by Moses
(11-14) House filled with a cloud, glory of the Lord filled the house of God
6. (1-2) Lord said he would dwell in thick darkness, I have built a house
(3) Solomon blesses the whole congregation of Israel
(4-17) Solomon blesses and praises God, let thy word be verified
(18) Heaven of heavens cannot contain thee, how much less this house
(19-21) Hearken therefore unto the supplications of they servant and people
(22-23) Wicked to be judged, righteous justified
(24-25) If Israel sins and shall return and pray then hear thou from heaven
(26-27) If there is no rain due to sin and they turn, then hear thou
(28-31) If dearth or pestilence and prayers made, hear thou from heaven
(32-33) Asks for strangers prayer to be heard so they will know who is God
(34-35) If people go out against their enemies and pray, hear thou
(36-39) If people sin and are taken captive and pray, asks God to hear
(40-42) Let thine ears be attent unto the prayer that is made in this place
7. (1) Fire from heaven consumes the offering when prayer ends
(2) Priests could not enter the house of the Lord for the glory there
(3) All the people bow and worship when they see the fire and glory
(4-5) The king and all the people offered sacrifices before the Lord
(6) Priests waited on their offices, Levites praise with music
(7) Solomon hallowed the middle court because of all the sacrifices
(8-10) Feast seven days, eighth day solemn assembly, people depart
(11) Solomon finished the house of the Lord, prospered
(12-22) Lord appeared to Solomon by night, hears the prayer, warnings
8. (1-2) Twenty years to build the house, cities restored to Solomon
(3-6) Solomon prevails, cities built throughout his dominion
(7-8) Children of foreigners in the land to pay tribute
(9-10) Servants not taken from the children of Israel, made chief officers
(11) Solomon marries daughter of Pharaoh, builds house for her
(12-13) Offerings Solomon made every day and during the year
(14-16) Priests and Levites appointed to their courses by David's order
(17-18) Ships at Ezion-geber, gold from Ophir
9. (1-12) Queen of Sheba visits Solomon, one half of they greatness not told
(13-14) Weight of gold that was brought to Solomon in one year
(15-16) Solomon makes one hundred shields of gold
(17-19) Solomon makes a great throne of ivory overlaid with pure gold
(20) All the drinking vessels of Solomon in houses made of gold
(21) Riches brought by ships of Tarshish every three years
(22) Solomon passed all the kings of Earth in riches and wisdom
(23-24) All kings of the Earth sought presence of Solomon, gifts given
(25) Number of stalls of horses, horsemen at Jerusalem, chariot cities
(26) Solomon reigned from the river to border of Egypt
(27-28) Silver, cedar trees and horses from Egypt brought to Solomon
(29-31) Solomon reigned in Jerusalem forty years and slept with his fathers
10. (1) Rehoboam, Solomon's son goes to Shechem to be made king
(2) Jereboam who had fled from Solomon returns from Egypt
(3-5) Jereboam and people ask burden to be lightened, three days set
(6-7) Rehoboam seeks counsel from the old men, be kind to this people
(8-11) Rehoboam forsakes the old men's counsel, counsels with young
(12) Jereboam and people return on third day to hear the answer
(13-15) King answered roughly, forsook the counsel of the old men
(16) People saw the king would not hearken, forsake house of David
(17) Rehoboam reigns over cities of Judah
(18-19) Hadoram stoned, Rehoboam flees, Israel rebelled
11. (1) Rehoboam gathers men of Judah and Benjamin to fight Israel
(2-4) Ye shall not go up nor fight against your brethren, they obeyed
(5-12) Rehoboam dwells in Jerusalem, cities of defense built up
(13-14) Priest and Levites leave their possession, cast off by Jereboam
(15) Jereboam set priests for devils and calves which he had made
(16-17) All who sought God came to Jerusalem, faithful for three years
(18-21) Wives taken by Rehoboam, eighteen wives, threescore concubines
(22) Maachah, Rehoboam's son chief to be ruler, king
(23) Rehoboam disperses his children throughout all Judah
12. (1) Rehoboam and all Israel with him forsake the law of the Lord
(2-4) Shishak came up against Jerusalem because they had transgressed
(5-6) Ye have forsaken me, left in the hand of Shishak for transgression
(7-8) Lord saw they humbled themselves, granted some deliverance
(9) Shishak takes the treasures from the house of the Lord
(10-11) Rehoboam makes brass shields, placed in guard chamber
(12) When Rehoboam humbled himself God did not destroy altogether
(13-16) Rehoboam reigns seventeen years in Jerusalem, did evil, died
13. (1-3) Abijah began to reign over Judah, war with Jereboam
(4-12) Abijah addresses the host of Jereboam, God is with us
(13-15) Battle was before and behind, God smote Jereboam and all Israel
(16-18) Israel flees, children of Judah prevailed, relied on God
(19-20) Cities taken, Jereboam stricken by God and dies
(21-22) Abijah becomes mighty, fourteen wives, recorded by prophet Iddo
14. (1-2) Asa son of Abijah reigns, land had quiet ten years, did right
(3-5) Asa takes away altars of strange gods, commanded to seek Lord
(6-8) Fenced cities built, land had rest, Asa had an army of men
(9-15) Ethiopians come against them, Lord smote them before Asa
15. (1-2) The Lord is with you while you be with him
(3-7) Be strong and not weak, your work shall be rewarded
(8-9) Asa hears the words, takes courage, put away abominable idols
(10-15) Judah takes oath to seek the Lord, those who did not put to death
(16) Asa removes his mother from being queen, had made an idol
(17) High places not taken away, Asa's heart perfect all his days
(18) Asa brings dedicated things to house of God
(19) No more war until thirty-fifth year of Asa
16. (1) Thirty-sixth year of Asa, Baasha of Israel came up against Judah
(2-3) Asa sends silver and gold to Ben-hadad, break league with Baasha
(4-5) Ben-hadad sends armies against Israel, Baasha withdraws
(6) Asa takes stone and timber left by Baasha, built Geba, Mizpeh
(7-9) Because thou hast relied on king of Syria, thou hast done foolishly
(10) Hanani the seer put in prison for delivering God's message
(11-14) Asa diseased in the feet, dies, great burning made for him
17. (1) Jehoshaphat son of Asa reigns in Judah, strengthens against Israel
(2-6) Lord was with Jehoshaphat, his heart lifted up ways of the Lord
(7-9) Levites sent through Judah to teach the law of the Lord
(10-11) Fear of the Lord fell on kingdoms of the lands, tribute sent
(12-13) Jehoshaphat waxed great, had much business in cities of Judah
(14-19) Numbers of the mighty men of valor and their captains
18. (1-3) Jehoshaphat persuaded by Ahab of Israel to go to Ramoth-gilead
(4-6) Inquire at the word of the Lord, is there not a prophet of the Lord
(7) Ahab, there is yet one man, Micaiah, but I hate him
(8-11) All the prophets tell Ahab to go to war and will prosper
(12) Messenger tells Micaiah what the other prophets have said
(13) Micaiah, what my God saith that will I speak
(14-16) I did see all Israel scattered upon the mountains
(17) Did I not tell thee he would not prophesy good unto me but evil
(18-22) The Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of thy prophets
(23-26) Zedekiah strikes Micaiah, Micaiah in prison
(27) If thou return in peace the Lord hath not spoken by me
(28-34) The Lord helps Jehoshaphat, Ahab wounded and dies
19. (1) Jehoshaphat returned to Jerusalem to house in peace
(2-3) Shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord
(4) Jehoshaphat dwells in Jerusalem, brings people back to the Lord
(5) Judges set throughout the land
(6-7) Take heed what ye do, ye judge not for man but for the Lord
(8-11) Levites set to judge, warn the people that they trespass not
20. (1-4) Moab, Ammon come up, Judah gathers to ask help of the Lord
(5-13) Jehoshaphat prays to God for help against Moab and Ammon
(14-17) Be not afraid nor dismayed, for the Lord will be with you
(18-19) Jehoshaphat and Judah bow, worship, Levites praise God
(20-21) Believe in the Lord your God, believe his prophets
(22-25) Lord set ambush against Moab, Ammon, dead, none escaped
(26-28) Fourth day blessed the Lord, came to Jerusalem with joy
(29-30) Kingdoms afraid when heard the Lord fought for Judah, peace
(31-34) Jehoshaphat walked in way of Asa his father, high places remained
(35-37) Jehoshaphat joins Ahaziah of Israel, does evil, ships destroyed
21. (1) Jehoshaphat dies, Jehoram his son reigns
(2-3) Gifts given to Jehoram's brothers, Jehoram firstborn becomes king
(4) Jehoram kills his brethren and also princes of Israel
(5-7) Jehoram walks in ways of Ahab, marries Ahab's daughter
(8-10) Edom revolts against Judah because he had forsaken the Lord
(11) Jehoram makes high places, fornication in Jerusalem and Judah
(12-15) Writing from Elijah, plague to come, to have great bowel sickness
(16-17) Lord stirs up enemies against Jehoram, spoiled Judah, king's house
(18-20) Jehoram stricken with incurable disease in his bowels, dies
22. (1-4) Ahaziah made king, son of Athaliah daughter of Omri, did evil
(5-9) Ahaziah wounded in battle, killed by Jehu
(10) Athaliah kills all the seed royal when she sees Ahaziah is dead
(11-12) Joash son of Ahaziah hidden, Athaliah reigns six years
23. (1-3) Jehoiada gathers captains of hundreds, king's son to reign
(4-8) Levites to compass the king as he comes and goes with weapons
(9-11) King's son anointed by Jehoiada and made king
(12-13) Athaliah hears noise, runs to the house of God and cries treason
(14-15) Athaliah taken from the house of Lord and killed
(16-17) Jehoiada and people to be the Lord's, house of Baal broken
(18-19) Jehoiada appoints offices for house of the Lord, porters
(20-21) King brought to the king's house, people rejoice, city has quiet
24. (1-2) Joash seven years old at start of reign, does right in sight of God
(3) Jehoiada takes two wives, has sons and daughters
(4-10) thaliah's sons broken up house of the Lord, money for repairs
(11-13) Money brought day by day, workman hired and make repairs
(14) Rest of the money used to make vessels for the house of the Lord
(15-16) Jehoiada dies at one hundred and thirty
(17-19) Idols and groves served , wrath upon Judah from God
(20-21) Zechariah son of Jehoiada warns people and is stoned
(22) Joash does not remember the kindness of Jehoiada
(23-24) Syrians destroy with small company, God's judgment
(25-26) Joash killed, not buried in the sepulchres of the kings
(27) Summary of Joash's reign, written in the book of the kings
25. (1-2) Amaziah reigns twenty-nine years, good but not with perfect heart
(3-4) Conspirators who killed Joash killed
(5-6) Army built up, men hired out of Israel
(7-10) Word of God to Amaziah, sends the men of Israel away
(11-12) Amaziah smites the children of Seir, another ten thousand killed
(13) Soldiers of Israel that were sent back fall upon cities in Judah
(14) Amaziah brings back the gods of Seir and burns incense to them
(15-16) Why hast thou sought after other gods, could not deliver their own
(17-24) Amaziah fights Joash of Israel, Jerusalem invaded, plundered
(25-26) Acts of Amaziah written in the book of the kings
(27-28) Amaziah killed by conspirators and buried
26. (1-2) Uzziah son of Amaziah king at age sixteen
(3-5) Uzziah reigns fifty-two years, does right, sought God
(6-8) Uzziah wars against Philistines, Ammonites give gifts
(9-10) Towers and wells built in Jerusalem and the desert
(11-15) Engines on bulwarks able to shoot great arrows and stones
(16-21) Uzziah tries to burn incense, ignores warnings, made leper
(22-23) Uzziah dies, buried in field because of his leprosy
27. (1-2) Jotham reigns, did not enter the temple of the Lord
(3-6) Jotham became mighty because he prepared his ways before God
(7-9) Summary of Jotham's reign and burial
28. (1-4) Ahaz reigns and does evil, molten images, burned his children
(5) God delivers Ahaz into hands of Syrians, Israel
(6-8) Pekah of Israel slays one hundred twenty thousand
(9-15) Israel takes captives, warned by God to release them
(16-19) Ahaz asks Assyria for help, brought low for his transgression
(20-21) Portions from house of God given to Assyria who does not help
(22-25) In time of distress Ahaz trespassed more
(26-27) Ahaz dies but not buried in the sepulchres of the kings
29. (1-2) Hezekiah begins reign at twenty-five, does what is right
(3-11) House of the Lord opened, repairs begin, not to be negligent
(12-15) Levites gather and sanctify themselves to cleanse house of the Lord
(16) Priests cleanse the inner part of the house of the Lord
(17-19) Priests tell Hezekiah, vessels and altar cleansed
(20-30) Hezekiah goes to house of the Lord, worships and offerings made
(31-35) Levites help priests due to the abundance of the offerings
(36) Rejoicing, God had prepared the people, thing was done suddenly
30. (1-4) Hezekiah invites all Israel, Judah to Jerusalem for the passover
(5-12 ) Proclamation sent through Israel and Judah, reactions
(13) The second month feast of unleavened bread kept
(14) Altars and altars of incense removed, cast into brook Kidron
(15-16) Passover killed on the fourteenth day of second month
(17) Levites killed passover for those who were not sanctified
(18-20) Some of Israel ate passover other than written, Hezekiah prays
(21-23) Feast of unleavened bread kept seven days, added seven days
(24-26) Great joy, not the like in Jerusalem since time of Solomon
(27) Their prayer came up to his holy dwellingplace, even unto heaven
31. (1) Images, groves, altars and high places broken down
(2-4) Courses of the priests set, kings portion for burnt offering, Levites
(5-8) Abundance of the firstfruits and tithes come in
(9-10) Great store of the offerings left over
(11-13) Chambers in the house of the Lord to store the offerings prepared
(14-19) Levites over offerings, their genealogies, portions given to them
(20-21) Hezekiah wrought good, right, truth before the Lord his God
32. (1) Sennacherib of Assyria comes up to take the fenced cities
(2-4) Hezekiah and people stop the fountains and the brook
(5-8) Wall repaired, fortified, Hezekiah reminds people God with them
(9) Sennacherib besieges Lachish, messenger sent to Jerusalem
(10-17) So shall not the god of Hezekiah deliver his people out of my hand
(18-19) Assyrians cried with loud voice in Jews speech to affright them
(20) Hezekiah and Isaiah the prophet prayed and cried to heaven
(21-22) God sent an angel into the Assyrian camp, Sennacherib leaves
(23) Gifts brought to the Lord to Jerusalem, presents to Hezekiah
(24) Hezekiah sick to death, prays and is given a sign from the Lord
(25-26) Hezekiah's heart lifted up, wrath of God, humbled himself
(27-30) Hezekiah's riches, prospered in all his works
(31) Ambassadors's from Babylon, God tried him to know his heart
(32-33) Hezekiah dies, buried in chiefest of sepulchres of sons of David
33. (1-2) Manasseh reigns at twelve, did that which was evil
(3) Built high places, altars for Baalim, made groves, worshiped them
(4-5) Built altars in house of the Lord, altar for host of heaven in court
(6) His children burned, witchcraft, wrought much evil
(7-8) Placed an idol in the house of God
(9) Made Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem to do worse than heathen
(10) Lord spake to Manasseh and the people, would not hearken
(11) Manasseh taken by the Assyrians in fetters to Babylon
(12-13) In affliction humbled himself, restored, knew the Lord was God
(14) Built a wall around city of David, captains of war in fenced cities
(15) He took away the strange gods and idol out of house of the Lord
(16) Repaired altar of the Lord, sacrificed peace and thank offerings
(17) People still sacrifice in the high places but only to God
(18-19) Acts written in book of the kings, how God was entreated of him
(20) Manasseh died, buried in his own house, Amon his son king
(21-23) Amon reigned two years, did evil, trespassed more and more
(24-25) Conspirators kill Amon, conspirators killed, Josiah made king
34. (1-2) Josiah eight years old, reigned thirty-one years, did right
(3-7) Began to seek after God, removed altars and idols in the land
(8) Eighteenth year set out to repair the house of the Lord
(9-13) Money given to workman, work done faithfully
(14-19) Book of the law of the Lord found and given to Josiah
(20-21) Go inquire of the Lord for me, for great is the wrath of the Lord
(22-28) Huldah the prophetess tells of evil, Josiah not to see it
(29-30) Elders of Judah and Jerusalem gathered, read the words of the Lord
(31-32) Covenant made to keep all the commandments with all his heart
(33) Josiah took away all the abominations, made people serve God
35. (1) Josiah kept a passover the first month, fourteenth day
(2-6) Levites to bring up the ark, sanctify themselves
(7-16) Animals given for the passover, priests and Levites prepared
(17) Passover kept and feast of unleavened bread seven days
(18-19) No passover kept like that since the days of Samuel
(20-24) Josiah goes to battle against Necho of Egypt, killed
(25) Jeremiah lamented for Josiah, written in the lamentations
(26-27) The acts of Josiah, his goodness written in the book of the kings
36. (1-2) Jehoahaz made king, reigned three months in Jerusalem
(3-4) Jehoahaz taken to Egypt, Eliakim made king by Necho of Egypt
(5) Eliakim's name changed to Jehoiakim, reigned eleven years, evil
(6) Nebuchadnezzar takes Jehoiakim to Babylon in fetters
(7) Nebuchadnezzar takes vessels from house of God to Babylon
(8) Acts of Jehoiakim and his abominations written in book of kings
(9) Jehoachin king, did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord
(10) Nebuchadnezzar takes Jehoiachin to Babylon, Zedekiah made king
(11-12) Zedekiah reigns eleven years, did that which was evil
(13-14) Zedekiah rebels against Nebuchadnezzar, house of Lord polluted
(15-16) Messengers sent from God, mocked, wrath of the Lord arose
(17-21) Chaldeans take Jerusalem, house of the Lord burnt
(22-23) First year of Cyrus the Persian, charged to build house of the Lord

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