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Daniel Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-2) Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem, Jehoiakim's third year
(3-5) Ashpenaz master of eunuchs children skillful in all wisdom
(6-7) Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah given new names
(8) Daniel purposed not to defile himself with king's meat
(9-14) Prove us ten days, give us pulse to eat, water to drink
(15-16) Their countenance appeared fairer, king's meat taken away
(17) God gave them knowledge and skill, Daniel in visions and dreams
(18-20) King found them ten times better than astrologers, magicians
(21) Daniel continued until the first year of Cyrus
2. (1) Dream troubles Nebuchadnezzar in second year of his reign
(2-9) Magicians, astrologers, sorcerers to reveal and interpret dream
(10-11) There is not a man on earth that can show the king's matter
(12-13) King angry, commands all the wise men to be destroyed
(14-18) Daniel asks Nebuchadnezzar for time to show the interpretation
(19-23) Secret revealed to Daniel in night vision, blesses God
(24-25) Arioch brought in Daniel before the king in haste
(26) Art thou able to make known to me the dream, interpretation
(27-30) There is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, what shall be
(31-35) The great image and stone that grew to great mountain
(36-45) Interpretation of the kingdoms and the stone
(46-47) Your God is a god of gods, Lord of kings, revealer of secrets
(48) Then the king made Daniel a great man
(49) Daniel requests Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego over Babylon
3. (1-3) Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, the dedication
(4-7) People to fall down and worship the image when music heard
(8-12) Accusation, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego did not worship
(13-18) Our God is able to deliver us from burning fiery furnace
(19-23) Furnace seven times hotter, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego in
(24-25) Four men seen in the furnace, one like the son of God
(26-27) Nebuchadnezzar calls for them to come out of the furnace
(28-30) Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego
4. (1-3) Nebuchadnezzar writes to show what God had done
(4-9) Daniel summoned to reveal dream and interpretation
(10-12) A tree in midst of earth reached unto heaven
(13-17) A watcher and holy one came down from heaven
(18) Now thou O Belshazzar declare the interpretation
(19-23) Daniel troubled one hour, reveals the dream
(24-27) Nebuchadnezzar to dwell with beasts, eat grass seven years
(28-30) Is not this great Babylon, by the might of my power
(31-32) There fell a voice from heaven, the kingdom is departed from thee
(33) Same hour was the thing fulfilled
(34-37) Nebuchadnezzar's reason restored, honors king of heaven
5. (1-4) Belshazzar's feast, drinks from Temple vessels, praises idols
(5-6) Fingers of a man's hand wrote on the wall, Belshazzar afraid
(7-9) Wise men of Babylon called, cannot read the writing
(10-12) Queen reminds king of Daniel and what he had done
(13-16) King promises to reward Daniel if he can interpret writing
(17) Daniel refuses reward, but will reveal the interpretation
(18-21) Nebuchadnezzar's pride and how God humbled him
(22-24) God in whose hand thy breath is hast thou not glorified
(25-28) Daniel interprets the writing
(29-31) Daniel rewarded, Belshazzar slain, Darius the Mede takes kingdom
6. (1) Darius sets one hundred twenty princes over the kingdom
(2-3) Daniel over presidents and princes of the realm
(4-5) Princes and presidents seek to find fault with Daniel
(6-9) Decree not to ask petition of any god or man except the king
(10-13) Daniel found praying, Darius told
(14-17) Darius tries to save Daniel, Daniel in lions' den
(18-19) King fasts, cannot sleep, goes to lions' den
(20-23) Daniel reports that an angel stopped the lions's mouths
(24) Daniel's accusers and families thrown to lions
(25-27) Proclamation to fear the God of Daniel
(28) Daniel prospers in reign of Darius, Cyrus
7. (1) Daniel's dream and visions first year of Belshazzar
(2-8) Four winds upon great sea, four great beasts
(9-10) Ancient of days, judgment set, books opened
(11-12) Beast slays other beasts, dominion taken, life prolonged
(13-14) Son of man, Ancient of days, dominion and glory given
(15-16) Daniel troubled by visions, asks truth
(17-18) Four great beasts are four kings
(19-22) Fourth beast more diverse, made war with the saints
(23-27) Fourth beast is fourth kingdom, greatness given to saints
(28) Daniel troubled but kept visions in his heart
8. (1-2) Daniel's vision in third year of Belshazzar
(3-4) Ram with two horns that no beasts could stand before
(5-7) He goat from West overcomes the ram
(8) Horn of he goat broken, four horns rise up
(9-12) Little horn becomes great, casts truth down to the ground
(13-14) Transgression of desolation, sanctuary trodden underfoot
(15-18) Gabriel appears, Daniel afraid and falls on his face
(19) To reveal the last end of the indignation
(20) Ram is Medes and Persians
(21) Goat is king of Grecia
(22) Four kingdoms rise from goat's broken horn
(23-25) King of fierce countenance, understanding dark sentences
(26-27) Vision shut for many days, Daniel sick
9. (1-2) First year of Darius, Daniel knows seventy years are done
(3-4) Daniel prays with fasting and sackcloth
(5-6) We have sinned, neither have we hearkened
(7-19) Righteousness of God, Israel's transgression
(20-23) Gabriel returns, shows meaning of vision
(24) Seventy weeks to make and end of sins
(25) Messiah, seven weeks and threescore and two weeks
(26-27) Messiah cut off, sacrifice - oblation to cease, to make desolate
10. (1-3) Third year of Cyrus, Daniel mourning three weeks
(4-7) Twenty-fourth day of first month, vision of man in linen
(8-11) Daniel only sees vision, has no strength
(12-14) Fear not Daniel, I am come to make thee understand
(15-17) How can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord
(18-19) One like the appearance of a man strengthens Daniel
(20-21) I will shew thee that which is noted in scripture of truth
11. (1-2) Three kings in Persia, fourth richer
(3-4) A mighty king shall stand up, kingdom divided
(5-6) King of South shall be strong, king's daughter and king of North
(7-9) Out of a branch of her roots shall one stand up
(10-13) King of South fights with king of North
(14) Many to stand against the king of the South
(15-19) King of North shall come, turn his face to the isles
(20) Raiser of taxes to stand up, destroyed
(21-26) Vile person to rise up, come in peaceably
(27-31) Both kings's hear shall do mischief, speak lies
(32-35) The people that do know their God shall be strong
(36-39) King of North to magnify self, divide the land for gain
(40-45) Tidings out of East and North shall trouble him
12. (1-3) There shall be a time of trouble such as never was
(4) Daniel shut up words and seal the book
(5-7) How long shall it be to the end of these wonders
(8-13) What shall be the end of these things

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