Accuracy In Biblical Education

DeuteronomyBook Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-4) Time and location of address
(5-8) Command to leave Horeb (Sinai)
(9-18) Moses weary and judges appointed
(19-40) Spies sent to Canaan and consequences
(41-46) Rebellion and consequences
2. (1-7) Passing by Mount Seir
(8-9) Moab
(10-23) Various races, wilderness wandering
(24-37) Sihon of Heshbon and war
3. (1-11) Og of Bashan
(12-20) Inheritance of Reuben and Manasseh
(21-22) Instructions to Joshua
(23-28) God and Moses talk
(29) Camped at Beth Peor
4. (1-6) Warning to keep statutes
(7-14) What the Hebrews saw at Sinai
(15-20) What was not seen at Sinai
(21-22) Moses to die
(23-28) Consequences of Idolatry
(29-31) Results of repentance
(32-38) Unique nature of what God has done
(39-40) Honor God by obedience
(41-43) Three cities of refuge set aside
(44-49) Summary of events and location
5. (1-22) Moses recounts God's appearance and laws at Sinai
(23-27) Peoples' reaction to hearing and seeing God
(28-33) God's instructions to Moses
6. (1-3) These are the commandments
(4-12) God's words to be remembered
(13-15) Not to go after other gods
(16-19) Warning not to tempt God
(20-25) What future generations to be told
7. (1-5) How to deal with other nations in Canaan
(6-11) The love God had for Israel
(12-26) Blessings before enemies if righteous
8. (1-6) Reminder to keep commands and blessings
(7-10) What God is giving the Hebrews
(11-20) Warning not to forget God
9. (1-6) God to go before them as they cross Jordan
(7) Provocation in the wilderness
(8-21) Provocation at Horeb
(22-24) Provocations at other places
(25-29) Moses prays for the people
10. (1-5) The second tables of stone
(6-7) Death of Aaron and places they passed through
(8-9) Separation of Levi to bear the Ark and their inheritance
(10-11) God's charge to Moses
(12-22) Reminder to love and serve God
11. (1-9) God's greatness, mighty hand and outstretched arm
(10-15) The land where they are going
(16-17) Consequences for idolatry
(18-21) Lay up these words in your heart
(22-25) Lord will drive out the nations
(26-32) Blessings and curses to be read
12. (1-9) Instructions for once they are in the land
(10-12) When ye go over Jordan
(13-18) Burnt offerings where God chooses
(19) Forsake not the Levite
(20-28) Sacrifices and eating holy things
(29-32) When they dwelt in another nations land
13. (1-5) False prophets and dreamers
(6-11) Individual idolatry
(12-18) If a city practices idolatry
14. (1-2) No cuttings or baldness to be made - peculiar people
(3-21) Animals to be eaten - not eaten
(22-26) Tithes and long distance offerings
(27-29) Tithes and the Levites
15. (1-6) Release after seven years
(7-11) Treatment of the poor and the release year
(12-18) Men or women sold into service
(19-23) Firstlings of the herd or flock
16. (1-2) When and where to keep the Passover
(3-4) To eat unleavened bread seven days
(5-7) Timing of the Passover
(8-12) Feast of weeks
(13-15) Feast of tabernacles
(16-17) All males to appear before God three times in the year
(18-20) Judges and justice
(21-22) Nor groves or images near the altar
17. (1) Sacrifices to be without blemish
(2-5) Punishment of idolaters
(6-7) Number of witnesses needed to put to death
(8-11) Hard matters to be taken to the priests
(12-13) Penalty for not listening to the priest
(14-20) Instructions for future king's conduct
18. (1-2) Levi to have no inheritance
(3-5) The priests due from the people
(6-8) Sojourn and ministry of the Levites
(9-14) Not to be like the nations driven out
(15-19) God to raise up a prophet
(20-22) False prophets
19. (1-10) Cities of refuge
(11-13) Cities of refuge and murderers
(14) Not to remove landmarks
(15-21) False witnesses
20. (1-4) Not to fear enemy in battle
(5-9) Exclusions from battle
(10-20) Instructions for siege
21. (1-9) If a person is found slain
(10-14) Wives taken from among captives
(15-17) Multiple wives and inheritance
(18-21) Rebellious son
(22-23) Those hung not to remain overnight
22. (1-4) Lost oxen, sheep and restoration
(5) No cross dressing
(6-7) Birds nest with eggs or young
(8) Building roof on house to prevent collapse and falls
(9) Not to mix seeds in the vineyards
(10) Not to plow with ox and ass together
(11) Not to mix materials in garments
(12) Fringes to be placed on garments
(13-21) If any man take a wife
(22) Adultery
(23-24) Fornication
(25-27) Rape of woman who is betrothed
(28-29) Rape of woman who is not betrothed
(30) Incest
23. (1-8) Those not to be admitted into the congregation
(9) Abstain from evil before going against enemies
(10-11) Man unclean by night
(12-14) Bury waste in designated area
(15-16) Not to return escaped servant to master
(17-18) Prostitutes and homosexuals money and the offering
(19-20) Lending and usury
(21-23) To pay - keep vows
(24-25) Vineyards and crops of others
24. (1-4) Limits for wife who is put away
(5) Man to stay with new wife
(6) Pledges and millstone
(7) Kidnapping and slavery
(8-9) Take heed in the plague of leprosy
(10-13) Lending to brother and repayment
(14-15) To pay hired servant
(16) Those put to death for their own sin
(17-18) Not to pervert judgment of the stranger
(19-22) Harvesting and gleaning
25. (1-3) Judgment and punishment for those who do wrong
(4) Not to muzzle ox treading corn
(5-10) Raising up children to the dead
(11-12) Wife intervening in fight
(13-16) To use righteous weights and measures
(17-19) Amalek to be blotted out
26. (1-11) Presentation of firstfruits
(12-15) Third year increase for Levite & stranger
(16-19) Reminder to keep statutes and commandments
27. (1-8) Law to be written on great stones
(9-10) Command to obey the voice of God
(11-13) Those to stand on Ebal and Gerizim
(14-26) Curses
28. (1-14) Blessings for faithfulness
(15-48) Curses for not listening to God
(49-57) Nation to come against them
(58-68) Consequences for not hearing
29. (1-9) Reminders of leadership and preservation
(10-15) Covenant / oath made with the people
(16-18) Not to be turned to idols
(19-24) Consequences for drunkenness and idolatry
(25-28) What nations will think
(29) God's secrets
30. (1-10) God's blessings for repentance
(11-14) Word not hidden
(15-20) Choice set before the people
31. (1-6) God to lead the people
(7-8) Joshua appointed
(9-13) Law to be read every seven years
(14-15) Moses and Joshua before God
(16-23) God tells Moses what shall happen
(24-27) Law placed in Ark as a witness
(28-30) Moses speaks to the elders
32. (1-4) God's greatness
(5-6) Corruption of the people
(7-14) Remember the days of old
(15-28) Consequences and limit of God's anger
(29-36) O that they were wise
(37-43) Nature of God's vengeance
(44-47) Moses exhorts people to remember
(48-52) Moses to die in Mount Nebo
33. (1-5) The blessing of Moses
(6) The blessing of Reuben
(7) The blessing of Judah
(8-11) The blessing of Levi
(12) The blessing of Benjamin
(13-17) The blessing of Joseph, Ephraim, Manasseh
(18-19) The blessing of Zebulun & Issachar
(20-21) The blessing of Gad
(22) The blessing of Dan
(23) The blessing of Naphtali
(24-25) The blessing of Asher
(26-29) God as a refuge
34. (1-4) Moses sees the land
(5-7) The death of Moses
(8) Mourning for Moses
(9) Joshua full of the Spirit
(10-12) No prophet like Moses

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