Accuracy In Biblical Education

Ephesians Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-2) Greeting
(3-8) Chosen us in him
(9-10) Having made known the mystery
(11-12) Obtained an inheritance
(13-14) Sealed with Holy Spirit
(15-18) Eyes of your understanding
(19-23) Head over all things
2. (1-3) In time past
(4-7) Raised us up together
(8-10) By grace saved through faith
(11-13) Made nigh by blood of Christ
(14-22) We both access by one spirit
3. (1-6) When ye read ye may understand
(7-12) I was made a minister
(13-19) I desire that ye faint not
(20-21) Unto him be glory
4. (1-3) Walk worthy
(4-6) One
(7-16) Measure of gift of Christ
(17-19) Walk not as other Gentiles walk
(20-24) Ye have not so learned Christ
(25-32) Wherefore putting away ...
5. (1-2) Be ye followers of God
(3-7) But fornication and all uncleanness
(8-13) Ye were sometimes darkness
(14-16) Awake thou that sleepest
(17-21) Be ye not unwise
(22-33) Husbands and wives
6. (1-3) Children obey your parents
(4) Fathers
(5-8) Servants
(9) Masters
(10-17) Armour of God
(18-22) Praying always
(23-24) Peace be to the brethren

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