Accuracy In Biblical Education

Esther Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-4) Ahasuerus third year, feast for nobles in Shushan
(5-8) Feast for all people in Shushan
(9) Vashti has feast for women in the royal house
(10-12) Seven chamberlains sent to bring Vashti and the crown
(13-15) Ahasuerus counsels with wise men after Vashti refuses
(16-22) Decree sent that Vashti was no longer queen
2. (1-4) Fair young virgins to be gathered, king to select
(5-7) Mordecai and his uncle's daughter Esther
(8-9) Esther gathered, favored by Hegai keeper of the women
(10) Esther instructed not to reveal who her people are
(11) Mordecai walked before women's house to know how Esther did
(12-14) Purification of the women and their time with the king
(15-18) Ahasuerus loves Esther, makes her queen
(19-20) Mordecai in the king's gate
(21-23) Plot to kill Ahasuerus foiled
3. (1) Haman the Agagite promoted above all princes
(2-6) Mordecai does not bow to Haman, Haman seeks to destroy Jews
(7-11) Haman presents request to destroy Jews to Ahasuerus
(12-15) King's decree sent out, confusion in Shushan
4. (1-2) Mordecai cries out, in sackcloth and ashes in midst of the city
(3) Jews mourn throughout the country
(4) Esther sends clothes to Mordecai, Mordecai refuses
(5-9) Esther sends Hatach to find out what is going on
(10-14) Esther relates dangers, Mordecai's response
(15-17) Esther asks Jews to pray and fast for her
5. (1-8) Esther asks the king and Haman to come to a banquet
(9) Haman angry at Mordecai
(10-13) Haman brags about the king's favor, anger at Mordecai
(14) Haman's wife recommends building gallows to hang Mordecai
6. (1-3) Record of how Mordecai had saved the king
(4-5) Haman comes to ask permission to hang Mordecai
(6) What shall be done to the man the king delights to honor
(7-9) Haman answers, man to be proclaimed in the kingdom
(10) Make even to Mordecai the Jew
(11) Haman proclaims Mordecai through the city
(12) Haman returns home mourning
(13) Thou shalt prevail against him, shall surely fall
(14) King's chamberlains come to take Haman to Esther's banquet
7. (1-4) We are sold me and my people to be destroyed
(5-6) The adversary and enemy is this wicked Haman
(7-10) Haman hanged on the gallows he built for Mordecai
8. (1-2) Esther given Haman's house, places Mordecai over it
(3-6) Esther pleads for the letters against Jews to be reversed
(7-11) Ahasuerus directs Mordecai to send letter in his name
(12-14) Letter allowing Jews to defend themselves published
(15-17) Mordecai honored, Jews rejoice, many people become Jews
9. (1-5) The Jews smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword
(6-10) Enemies of Jews slain, did not take any of the spoil
(11-14) Ten sons of Haman hanged
(15) Three hundred men slain in Shushan, spoil not taken
(16) Seventy-five thousand killed in provinces, spoil untouched
(17-19) Feast days of gladness celebrated
(20-23) Mordecai writes to keep feasts on fourteenth, fifteenth day yearly
(24-26) Wherefore they called these days Purim
(27-28) The Jews ordained...that these days should be remembered
(29-32) Esther, Mordecai confirm days of Purim, written in a book
10. (1-3) King's tribute, Mordecai's greatness

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