Accuracy In Biblical Education

Exouds Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-7) Children of Israel who came to Egypt
(8-14 ) Slavery - bondage imposed
(15-22 ) Midwives to kill male children
2. (1-10) Moses born- found by Pharaoh's daughter
(11-15 ) Moses kills Egyptian and flees
(16-22 ) Moses settles in Midian
(23-25) Pharaoh dies and God remembers the Hebrews
3.(1-22) God speaks to Moses through the burning bush
4. (1) Moses states that the people will not listen
(2-9) Sign of the rod, leprous hand and water to turn to blood
(10) Moses argues that he is not eloquent
(11-12) God to be with Moses, to be with his mouth
(13) Moses balks
(14-16) Aaron to be spokesman for Moses
(17) Rod to be taken and used to perform signs
(18-20) Moses leaves Midian
(21-23) God's instructions
(24-26) Circumcision of Moses' sons
(27-28) Moses and Aaron together
(29-31) Moses and Aaron meet with the elders
5. (1-5) Moses and Aaron first meeting with Pharaoh
(6-14) No straw for bricks
(15-19) Officers of the people meet with Pharaoh
(20-21) Officers meet with Moses and Aaron
(22-23) Moses entreats God
6. (1-9) God's response
(10-13) God charges Moses and Aaron to bring the people out
(14-27) The families of the Hebrews
(28-30) God's directive to go
7. (1-6) God to harden Pharaoh's heart
(7-13) Rod becomes serpent
(14-25) Water turned to blood
8. (1-15) The plague of frogs
(16-19) The plague of lice
(20-32) The plague of flies
9. (1-7) The murrain of beasts
(8-12) The plague of boils
(13-35) The plague of hail
10. (1-20) The plague of locusts
(21-29) The plague of darkness
11. (1-3) Preparation for the final plague
(4-8) Description of the plague
(9-10) Summary of the wonders and Pharaoh's reaction
12. (1-2) Institution of the Hebrew calendar
(3-4) Separation of the Passover lamb
(5-11) Procedure for keeping the Passover
(12-14) Reason - meaning of the Passover
(15-20) The feast of Unleavened Bread
(21-28) Moses' instructions to the Hebrews
(29-32) Death of the firstborn
(33-42) The exodus
(43-49) Law of the Passover
(50-51) God's deliverance summarized
13. (1-2) Sanctification of the firstborn
(3-10) Feast of unleavened bread
(11-13) Redemption of the firstborn
(14-22) The exodus memorial
14. (1-4) God instructs Moses where to camp
(5-9) Pharaoh pursues the Hebrews
(10-14) Israelites afraid
(15-18) God's response
(19-20) Angel and pillar of cloud block the Egyptians
(21-22) Waters divided
(23-29) Egyptians destroyed
(30-31) Israel saved
15. (1-19) Moses and Israel sing
(20-21) Miriam and women sing and dance
(22-26) Bitter water at Marah made sweet
(27) Wells at Elim
16. (1-18) Quail and Manna
(19-20) Too much Manna gathered
(21-22) Manna gathered six days
(23-26) Instructions for the Sabbath day
(27-30) Sabbath violated
(31) Description of the Manna
(32-34) Pot of Manna preserved
(35) Manna lasts for 40 years
(36) Definition of an Omer
17. (1-7) Water from the rock at Meribah
(8-13) Israel fights Amalek
(14) Book written as a memorial
(15-16) Altar built and perpetual war with Amalek
18. (1-12) Jethro visits Moses
(13-26) Judges appointed at Jethro's suggestion
(27) Jethro departs
19. (1-2) Israel camps in Sinai
(3-6) God speaks to Moses
(7-8) Moses meets with the elders and the people
(9-13) God gives instructions to prepare for his appearance
(14-15) Instructions given to the people
(16-20) God descends on mount Sinai
(21-24) God charges Moses to sanctify the priests - instructions to the people
(25) Moses speaks to Israel
20. (1-17) Ten Commandments
(18-21) People afraid
(22-26) Instructions on idols and construction of altars
21. (1-11) Laws regarding servants
(12-27) Laws regarding violent acts
(28-36) Incidents and accidents involving livestock etc.
22. (1-15) Property and restitution
(16-28) Regulations on personal actions
(29-30) Offering of the firstborn and prohibitions
(31) Ye shall be holy men unto me
23. (1-9) General prohibitions on personal conduct
(10-11) The Sabbath year
(12) The Sabbath
(13) Not to mention the names of other gods
(14-16) Feasts during the year
(17-19) Commands and prohibitions
(20-21) Warning
(22-31) Blessings for obedience
(32-33) Prohibitions
24. (1-2) Moses and others to come up on the mountain
(3) Judgments recited
(4-8) Book, sacrifices and covenant
(9-11) Moses and company go up on the mountain
(12-14) Moses and Joshua go on
(15-18) Moses alone before God
25. (1-7) Offering commanded
(8-9) Reason for offering
(10-16) Ark of the covenant
(17-22) Mercy Seat
(23-30) Table of Showbread
(31-40) Candlestick - lampstand
26. (1-30) The Tabernacle
(31-33) Veil
(34-35 ) Placement of the ark etc. in the Tabernacle
(36-37) Door and hanging for the tent - Tabernacle
27. (1-8) Altar of burnt offering
(9-18) The court of the tabernacle
(19) Vessels of the tabernacle
(20-21) Use of the lampstand
28. (1) Appointment of Aaron and sons as priests
(2-42) Garments for the priests and their usage
(43) Statute regarding the wearing of priestly garments
29. (1-9) Procedure for consecration of the priests
(10-28) Sacrifices offered for the priests
(29-37) Consecration of Aaron and his sons' successors
(38-42) The continual burnt offering
(43-46) Sanctification of the people and God's dwelling with them
30. (1-6) The altar of incense
(7-10) Usage of the altar of incense
(11-16) The atonement money
(17-18) The laver
(19-21) Usage of the laver
(22-33) The anointing oil
(34-38) The perfume
31. (1-11) Principal workmen identified and their inspiration for making
(12-17) The law of the Sabbath
(18) The tables given to Moses by God
32. (1-35) The golden calf
33. (1-3) Israel to move their camp
(4-6) People react to the news to move on
(7-10) Moses goes to the tabernacle to consults with God
(11-23) Moses and God talk
34. (1-28) Moses and God on mount Sinai, tables of stone replaced
(29-35) Moses veils his face when speaking with the people
35. (1-3) The law of the Sabbath
(4-9) God's instructions about offerings for the work to be done
(10-19) Listing of things to be built
(20-29) The offering for the work made
(30-35) The principal workmen listed and their tasks
36. (1-7) Too much offered for the work
(8-38) Construction of the tabernacle
37. (1-9) Ark of the covenant made
(10-16) Table of showbread made
(17-24) The candlestick - lampstand made
(25-28) Altar of incense made
(29) Making of the sweet incense and the anointing oil
38. (1-7) Altar of burnt offering made
(8) Laver made
(9-20) Construction of the court of the tabernacle
(21) The work is finished
(22-23) The workmen
(24-31) Amount of the gold etc that was used in the work
39. (1-32) Making of the priestly garments and the cloths of service
(33-43) The work is completed
40. (1-16) Command to set up the tabernacle and consecrate the priests
(17-33) Moses carries out the instructions
(34-38) Glory of God in the tabernacle and the cloud

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