Accuracy In Biblical Education

Ezekiel Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-3) Vision of Ezekiel in the fifth year of Jehoiachin's captivity
(4-14) Vision of the four living creatures
(15-21) Wheels appear with the living creatures
(22-23) The firmament above the living creatures
(24-25) Noise of their wings... like great waters .. voice of the almighty
(26-28) Above the firmament was the likeness of a throne
2. (1-8) Thou shalt speak my words unto them ... eat that I give thee
(9-10) Roll written within and without ... lamentations
3. (1-3) Then did I eat it ... in my mouth sweetness
(4-11) Get thee unto the house of Israel ... speak with my words
(12-14) Spirit took me up, I went in bitterness, hand of the Lord strong
(15-19) I have mead thee a watchman unto the house of Israel
(20-21) When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness
(22-27) Ezekiel goes to the plain and receives instruction
4. (1-3) Siege of Jerusalem, wall of iron portrayed
(4-5) Ezekiel to lie on his left side forty days
(6) Ezekiel to lie on his right side forty days
(7-8) Thou shalt not turn from one side to the other till siege ended
(9-13) God commands Ezekiel to make and eat defiled bread
(14-15) Lo I have given thee cows dung for mans' dung
(16-17) I will break the staff of bread in Jerusalem
5. (1-4) Take thee a barbers razor and cause it to pass upon thine head
(5-9) Hath changed my judgments into wickedness more than the nations
(10) The fathers shall eat the sons, sons shall eat their fathers
(11-17) I will send upon you famine and evil beasts, pestilence
6. (1-7) I will bring a sword upon you, destroy your high places
(8-10) I will leave a remnant, shall remember me among the nations
(11-14) then shall ye know that I am the Lord when slain among the idols
7. (1-19) Now is the end come upon thee and I will send my anger
(20-22) I will give it into the hands of the strangers for a prey
(23-27) I will bring the worst of the heathen. They will possess their houses
8. (1-4) The sixth year, sixth month, hand of the Lord fell upon me
(5-13) Behold the wicked abominations that they do
(14-17) Is it a light thing that they commit the abominations that they do
(18) Mine eyes shall not spare neither will I have pity
9. (1-2) Six men with slaughter swords, one with a writers inkhorn
(3-4) Man with inkhorn to mark them that cry over the abominations
(5-7) Men with slaughter weapons to kill them that lack a mark
(8-10) The iniquity of Israel and Judah is exceeding great
(11) Man with inkhorn reports his task is completed
10. (1-2) In the firmament a throne as it were a sapphire
(3-7) Take fire from between the wheels, between the cherubims
(8-17) The appearance and movement of the cherubims
(18-22) Glory of the Lord departed, cherubims mounted up from the earth
11. (1-4) The spirit lift me up, brought me to the East gate of Lord's house
(5-12) Ye shall fall by the sword, I will judge you in the border of Israel
(13) When I prophesied Pelatiah the son of Benaiah died
(14-18) I will even gather you from the people, out of the countries
(19-21) I will give them one heart, put a new spirit within you
(22-23) The glory of the Lord went up from the midst of the city
(24-25) I spake unto them all the things the Lord had showed me
12. (1-7) Prepare thee stuff for removing, remove by day in their sight
(8-11) Like as I have done so it shall be done unto them
(12-13) Prince, I will bring him to Babylon yet shall he not see it
(14-16) I shall scatter them among the nations
(17-20) Her land may be desolate because of the violence
(21-25) There shall no more be any vain vision nor flattering divination
(26-28) But the word I have spoken shall be done
13. (1-3) Woe unto the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit
(4-9) Because ye have spoken vanity and seen lies I am against you
(10-15) Thus will I accomplish my wrath upon the wall
(16) The prophets which see visions of peace, there shall be no peace
(17-23) Set thy face against the daughters that prophesy out of their heart
14. (1) Certain of the elders came and sat before me
(2-11) Repent and turn yourselves from your idols
(12-21) Will send famine, noisome beasts, sword, pestilence
(22-23) Therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth
15. (1-5) What is the vine tree, it was meet for no work
(6-8) I will make the land desolate
16. (1-5) Thy father was an Amorite, thy mother a Hittite
(6-14) I said unto thee when thou wast in they blood, live
(15-18) But thou didst trust in thine own beauty
(19) My meat also which I gave thee, set it before them
(20-21) Thou hast slain all my children
(22-25) Thou hast made thee a high place in every street
(26-29) Committed fornication with Egyptians, Assyrians, Chaldeans
(30-34) How weak is thine heart seeing thou dost all these things
(35-43) Wherefore, O harlot, hear the word of the Lord
(44-47) Thou wast corrupted more than they in all thy ways
(48-50) Sodom thy sister hath not done as thou hast done
(51-52) Neither hath Samaria committed half thy sins
(53-59) I will even deal with thee as thou hast done
(60-63) I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant
17. (1-6) Put forth a riddle and speak a parable
(7-8) There was also another great eagle
(9-10) The South the Lord God, shall it prosper
(11-21) Mine oath that he hath despised will I recompense
(22-24) I the Lord have spoken and have done it
18. (1-4) The fathers have eaten sour grapes
(5-9) If a man be just and do that which is lawful
(10-13) If he beget a son that is a robber
(14-17) If he beget a son that seeth all his father's sins
(18) Even he shall die in his iniquity
(19-23) Why doth not the son bear the iniquity of the father
(24) When the righteous turneth away from his righteousness
(25-26) Is not my way equal, are not your ways unequal
(27-28) When the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness
(29) Yet saith the house of Israel
(30-32) I will judge you according to your ways
19. (1-7) What is thy mother, a lioness
(8-9) The nations set against him, put him in ward in chains
(10-14) Thy mother is like a vine in thy blood
20. (1) Certain of the elders came to inquire of the Lord
(2-4) As I live saith the Lord I will not be inquired of by them
(5-8) I will pour out my fury upon them to accomplish my anger
(9-12) I wrought for my names sake that it should not be polluted
(13-14) But I wrought for my names sake that it should not be polluted
(15-18) They despised my judgments, walked not in my statutes
(19-20) Hallow my sabbaths and they shall be a sign between me and you
(21-24) I would scatter them among the heathen, disperse among countries
(25-26) I polluted them in their own gifts that they may know I am the Lord
(27-31) As I live saith the Lord I will not inquired of by you
(32-39) I will cause you to pass under the rod
(40-44) In the mountain of the height of Israel serve me
(45-48) Set thy face toward the South
(49) Doth he not speak parables
21. (1-5) All flesh shall know that I have drawn forth my sword
(6-7) Every heart shall melt and all hands shall be feeble
(8-13) A sword is sharpened to make a sore slaughter
(14-17) I have set the point of the sword against all their gates
(18-23) Appoint thee two ways the sword of king of Babylon may come
(24-27) Remove the diadem and take off the crown, shall not be the same
(28-32) Concerning the Amonites and concerning their approach
22. (1-6) Thou art become guilty in thy blood that thou hast shed
(7-12) Thou hast despised mine holy things, hast profaned my sabbaths
(13-16) Can thine hands be strong in the days that I shall deal with thee
(17-22) I will gather you and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath
(23-31) Their own way have I recompensed upon their heads
23. (1-4) Samaria is Aholah and Jerusalem is Aholibah
(5-10) Aholah played the harlot, delivered into the hands of the Assyrians
(11-21) When her sister Aholibah saw this she was more corrupt
(22-30) Therefore Aholibah will I raise up thy lovers against thee
(31-35) Thou hast walked in the way of thy sister
(36-44) Wilt thou judge Aholah and Aholibah, declare their abominations
(45-49) Ye shall bear the sins of your idols
24. (1-2) In the ninth year, tenth month, tenth day, write the name of the day
(3-5) Set on a pot, burn also the bones under it, make it boil well
(6-8) Her blood is in the midst of her, upon the top of a rock
(9-12) Woe to the bloody city, I will make the pile for fire great
(13-14) According to thy ways and doings shall they judge thee
(15-18) I will take away from thee the desire of thine eyes with a stroke
(19-24) Ye shall not mourn nor weep but ye shall pine away for iniquities
(25-27) Thou shalt be sign unto them, they shall know that I am the Lord
25. (1-7) Set thy face against the Ammonites, I will cause thee to perish
(8-11) I will execute judgments upon Moab
(12-14) I will also stretch out mine hand upon Edom
(15-17) I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines
26. (1) In the eleventh year, in the first day of the month
(2-6) Behold I am against thee O Israel
(7-14) I will make thee like the top of a rock, a place to spread nets
(15-21) Now shall the isles tremble in the day of thy fall
27. (1-36) What city is like Tyrus, destroyed in the midst of the sea
28. (1-10) Say unto the prince of Tyrus, thine heart is lifted up
(11-19) Thou shalt be a terror and never shalt thou be any more
(20-24) Behold I am against thee O Zidon
(25-26) When I shall have gathered the house of Israel
29. (1) In the tenth year, tenth month, the twelfth day
(2-11) Set thy face against Pharaoh king of Egypt
(12) I will make the land of Egypt desolate forty years
(13-16) Neither shall it exalt itself any more above the nations
(17-20) Egypt to be given to Nebuchadnezzar as wages for his army
(21) In that day I will give thee the opening of the mouth
30. (1-5) Sword to come on Egypt, great pain in Ethiopia
(6-8) They also that uphold Egypt shall fall
(9) Messengers to go forth in ships to make careless Ethiopians afraid
(10-12) The terrible of the nations shall be brought to destroy the land
(13-16) Pathros desolate, Sin shall have pain, No rent asunder
(17) Aven, Phi-beseth to go into captivity
(18-19) At Tehaphenes the day shall be darkened, yoke of Egypt broken
(20) In the eleventh year, first month, seventh day of the month
(21-26) Pharaoh's arms to be broken, Egyptians scattered
31. (1) Eleventh year, third month, first day word of the Lord came
(2) Son of man speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt
(3-9) The Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches
(10-14) Strangers the terrible of the nations have cut him off
(15-18) I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall
32. (1) In the twelfth year, twelfth month, first day
(2-16) Lamentation for Pharaoh and Egypt
(17) Word that came in the twelfth year, fifteenth day
(18-21) Wait for the multitude of Egypt and cast them down
(22-23) Asshur is there and all her company
(24-25) Elam and all her multitude round about her grave
(26-28) Meshech and Tubal shall not lie with the mighty fallen
(29) Edom, her kings and princes laid by them that were slain
(30) Princes of North, Zidonians gone down with the slain
(31-32) Pharaoh and all his army slain by the sword
33. (1-5) If the watchman warns, people do not take the warning
(6) If the watchman see sword come, does not warn
(7-9) I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel
(10-11) I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked
(12-16) Righteous who transgress, wicked who turn from evil
(17-20) I will judge you every one after his ways
(21) In the twelfth year, tenth month, fifth day
(22) One escaped from Jerusalem, Ezekiel struck dumb
(23-29) Ye eat with the blood, shed blood, shall ye possess the land
(30-33) Then shall they know that a prophet has been among them
34. (1-4) Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves
(5-6) My flock was scattered and none did search or seek after them
(7-10) I am against the shepherds I will require my flock at their hands
(11-16) I will feed my flock and I will cause them to lie down
(17-19) They eat that which ye have trodden with your feet
(20-22) I will save my clock they shall no more be a prey
(23-24) I the Lord will be their God, David a prince
(25-31) I will make with them a covenant of peace
35. (1-2) Son of man set they face against mount Seir
(3-5) Because thou hast had a perpetual hatred
(6-9) I will prepare thee unto blood and blood shall pursue thee
(10-13) I will even do according to thine anger and thine envy
(14-15) When the whole world rejoiceth I will make thee desolate
36. (1) Prophesy unto the mountains of Israel
(2-4) Because they have made you desolate
(5-7) In the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against residue of heathen
(8-11) Ye O mountains of Israel ye shall shoot forth your branches
(12-14) Thou shalt devour men no more neither bereave thy nations
(15) Neither shalt thou cause the nations to fall any more
(16-20) Israel defiled their land by their own way
(21-22) I do not this for your sakes O house of Israel
(23-24) I will sanctify my name which was polluted among the heathen
(25-26) Sprinkle clean water upon you, a new heart will I give you
(27-28) I will put my spirit within you
(29-30) I will also save your from your uncleanness
(31) Then shall ye remember you own evil ways
(32) Not for your sakes do I this saith the Lord
(33-35) In the day I shall cleanse you, desolate land shall be tilled
(36) then the heathen that re left shall know Lord builds ruined places
(37-38) Waste cities filled with flocks of men, shall know I am the Lord
37. (1-2) Ezekiel carried in spirit of the Lord to valley of dry bones
(3) Son of man can these bones live
(4-6) Prophesy upon these bones, breath to enter, flesh
(7-8) A shaking, the bones come together, skin covered them
(9-10) The four winds breathe on them, they lived, a great army
(11-14) These bones are the whole house of Israel
(15-17) Two sticks, one for Judah and Ephraim joined together
(18-20) The sticks whereon thou writest in thine hand before the people
(21-22) Children of Israel to be gathered, made one nation
(23) Neither shall they defile themselves any more with idols
(24-25) David my servant king, one shepherd, observe my statutes
(26-27) An everlasting covenant of peace
(28) Heathen shall know the Lord sanctifies Israel
38. (1-2) Set thy face against Gog, land of Magog, chief prince of Meshech
(3-4) I will turn thee back and put hooks in thy jaws
(5-7) Persia, Ethopia, Libya, Gomer, be thou prepared
(8-9) In the latter years, come into land brought back from the sword
(10-13) Thou shalt think an evil thought, to take a spoil, a prey
(14-16) Thou shalt come up against my people Israel like a cloud
(17-21) When Gog shall come up against Israel, fury shall come up
(22-23) I will be known the eyes of many nations
39. (1-5) I am against thee O Gog, prince of Meshech and Tubal
(6) I will send a fire on Magog, them the dwell carelessly in the isles
(7) My holy name known in Israel, heathen shall know I am the Lord
(8-10) Wood from weapons to be burned, will last seven years
(11-16) Gog to have graves in Israel, men employed to bury bones
(17-20) Every feathered fowl to feast on horses, mighty men of war
(21-22) I will set my glory among the heathen, Israel know I am the Lord
(23-24) Heathen shall know Israel went into captivity for their iniquity
(25-28) Mercy upon the whole house of Israel, jealous for my holy name
(29) I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel
40. (1) City smitten twenty-fifth year, first month, tenth day of month
(2) Ezekiel taken in a vision to very high mountain in Israel
(3) Man with appearance of brass, line of flax, measuring reed
(4) Declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel
(5-19) Measurement of wall, East gate, outward court
(20-23) Measurement of gates, inner court toward the North
(24-27) Measurement of gate, inner court toward the South
(28-31) The inner court by the South gate
(32-38) Gate and inner court toward the East
(39-43) Porch by East gate and tables for sacrifices
(44) Chambers for singers in inner court at the side of the North
(45) Chamber toward South for priests and keepers of the house
(46) Chamber toward North, keepers of charge of the altar
(47) Measurement of the altar
(48-49) Measurement of the porch
41. (1-17) Measurement of the door, posts and chambers
(18-20) Cherubims and palm trees on doors and walls
(21) The posts of the temple were squared
(22) This is the table that is before the Lord
(23-25) The temple and sanctuary had two doors
(26) Narrow windows beside the porch and side chambers
42. (1-12) Then he brought me forth into the outer court toward the North
(13-14) North, South chambers holy, where priests eat most holy things
(15-19) East, North, South, West sides measure five hundred reeds
(20) Wall separating profane place and sanctuary
43. (1-2) The glory of God came from the East
(3) The visions were like the visions by the river Chebar
(4-5) Spirit took me up, brought me into the inner court
(6-9) My holy name shall the house of Israel no more defile
(10-12) Shew the house to the house of Israel that they may be ashamed
(13-17) The measures of the altar after the cubits
(18-24) These are the ordinance of the altar
(25-27) Seven days shall they purge the altar and purify it
44. (1-3) East gate shut because God entered by it
(4-5) Glory of the Lord fills house, mark well all ordinances of the Lord
(6-8) Ye have broken my covenant because of all your abominations
(9-14) Levites who sinned to serve but not minister as a priest
(15-16) Levites, sons of Zadok, to minister before the Lord
(17-19) Priestly garments to be worn
(20-22) Not to shave their heads, grow locks, drink wine, marriage limits
(23-27) They shall teach difference between holy and profane
(28-31) I am their inheritance ye shall give them no possession
45. (1-6) A holy portion of land when inheritance divided
(7-8) Portion for the prince, princes will not oppress the people
(9-12) O princes of Israel execute judgment and justice
(13-16) People shall give this oblation for the prince in Israel
(17) Princes part to give meat, burnt and drink offerings
(18-19) First day of month sin offering to be made
(20) Seventh day offering for the simple and erring
(21-24) First month, fourteenth day Passover, unleavened bread
(25) Seventh month, fifteenth day, do according to feast of seven days
46. (1) East gate of inner court open six working days, closed sabbaths
(2-3) Prince to make offerings, people worship sabbaths and new moons
(4-5) Burnt offering prince to make in the sabbath day
(6-8) Offering to be made in the day of the new moon
(9-11) Entering and leaving during the solemn feasts
(12) Prince's voluntary burnt offering and peace offering
(13-15) Daily burnt offering, meat offering
(16-18) Prince shall not take of peoples inheritance by oppression
(19-20) Where priests boil trespass, sin offering, bake meat offering
(21-24) Place where ministers of house shall boil the sacrifice
47. (1-5) Water issued out from under the threshold
(6-10) These waters... go into the sea... waters shall be healed
(11) Miry places and marshes not healed, given to salt
(12) Trees by river, fruit thereof for meat, leaves for medicine
(13-21) Borders of the land for inheritance
(22-23) Strangers who beget children in land to have inheritance
48. (1-7) Borders of Dan, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, Reuben
(8-12) Land that is offered shall be most holy by border of the Levites
(13-14) Against the border of the priests the Levites shall live
(15-17) Profane place for dwellings and suburbs
(18-19) Residue for food for them that serve the city
(20) Ye shall offer the holy oblation foursquare with the possession
(21) The residue shall be for the prince, sanctuary in the midst
(22) Between border of Judah and Benjamin shall be for the prince
(23-29) Borders of Benjamin, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun, Gad
(30-34) The gates of the city shall be after the names of the tribes
(35) The name of the city from that day shall be The Lord Is There

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