Accuracy In Biblical Education

Galatians Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-5) Grace be to you
(6-8) I marvel that ye are so soon removed
(9-12) If any man preach any other gospel
(13-24) That I might preach Him
2. (1-10) Then fourteen years after
(11-14) But when Peter was come to Antioch
(15-19) Man is not justified by works of the Law
(20-21) Christ liveth in me
3. (1) Who hath bewitched you
(2-5) Are ye now made perfect nu the flesh
(6-9) The same are the children of Abraham
(10-12) No man is justified by the Law
(13-18) Blessing of Abraham might cone on the Gentiles
(19-20) It was added because of transgressions
(21-25) The Law was out schoolmaster
(26-29) Ther is neither Jew nor Greek
4. (1-7) When the fulness of the time was come
(8-11) When ye knew not God
(12-16) Ye would have plucked out your own eyes
(17-18) It is good to be zealously affected
(19-20) I desire to be present with you now
(21-31) Ye that desire to be under the Law
5. (1-6) Justified by Law ye are falled from grace
(7-12) A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump
(13-18) Walk in the Spirit
(19-21) Now the works of the flesh are manifest
(22-26) But the fruit of the Spirit is
6. (1-11) Bear ye one another's burdens
(12-16) God forbid that I should glory save in the cross
(17) I bear in my body the marks
(18) The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit

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