Accuracy In Biblical Education

Genesis Book Outline

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Chap. Verse/s Verse Summary
1.(1-5) 1st day of creation
(6-8) 2nd day of creation
(9-13) 3rd day of creation
(14-19) 4th day of creation
(20-23) 5th day of creation
(24-31) 6th day of creation
2. (1-3) God blessed the seventh day and rested
(4-9) Generations of the heavens and Earth
(10-14) A river went out of Eden
(15-17) Lord God ... put him in the garden
(18-25) Not good that man should be alone
3. (1-6) Serpent was more subtil
(7-8) Eyes of them both were opened
(9-12) Lord God called unto Adam
(13) Lord God said unto the woman
(14-15) Lord God said unto the serpent
(16) Unto the woman he said
(17-19) Because thou hast hearkened
(20) Adam called his wife’s name Eve
(21) Coats of skin and clothed them
(22-24) He drove out the man
4. (1-2 ) Birth of Cain and Abel
(3-9 ) Cain kills Abel
(10-12 ) Now art thou cursed
(13-16 ) Lord set a mark upon Cain
(17-22 ) Children of Cain
(23-24 ) Lamech ... slain a man
(25-26 ) Seth born, men call on the name of the Lord
5. (1-5 ) All the days that Adam lived
(6-8 ) All the days of Seth
(9-11 ) All the days of Enos
(12-14 ) All the days of Cainan
(15-17 ) All the days of Mahaleel
(18-20 ) All the days of Jared
(21-24 ) All the days of Enoch
(25-27 ) All the days of Methuselah
(28-31 ) All the days of Lamech
(32 ) Noah was five hundred years old
6. (1-8 ) God saw wickedness of man
(9-10 ) Generations of Noah
(11-12 ) Earth was corrupt before God
(13-16 ) God said unto Noah
(17-22 ) I do bring a flood of waters
7. (1 ) Come thou ... into the ark
(2-3 ) Of every clean beast
(4-5 ) For yet seven days
(6-10 ) Noah was six hundred years old
(11-16 ) Fountains of great deep broken up
(17-24 ) Waters prevailed upon the Earth
8. (1-5 ) And God remembered Noah
(6-12 ) At the end of forty days
(13-14 ) In the sixth hundredth and firs year
(15-19 ) Go forth of the ark
(20-22 ) Noah builded an altar
9. (1-7 ) God blessed Noah
(8-17 ) I establish my covenant with you
(18-19 ) These are the three sons of Noah
(20-27 ) Noah planted a vineyard
(28-29 ) All the days of Noah
10. (1) Generations of the sons of Noah
(2-5) Sons of Japheth
(6-20) Sons of Ham
(21-31) Unto Shem father of Eber
(32 ) These are the families of the sons of Noah
11. (1-9) The whole Earth was of one language
(10-32)These are the generations of Shem
12. (1-9 ) Lord had said to Abram
(10-20 ) There was a famine in the land
13. (1-4 ) Abram went up out of Egypt
(5-11 ) Lot ... which went with Abram
(12-13 ) Abram dwelled in the land
(14-18 ) The Lord said unto Abram
14. (1-12)In the days of Amraphel
(13-16)There came one that had escaped
(17)King of Sodom went out the meet him
(18-20)Melchizedek, king of Salem
(21-24)Abram said to the king of Sodom
15. (1-6 ) Word of the Lord came in a vision
(7-21 ) Lord made a covenant with Abram
16. (1-6 ) Abram’s wife bare him no children
(7-14 ) Haga Sarai’s maid
(15-16 ) Hagar bare Abram a son
17. (1-8 ) When Abram was ninety and nine
(9-14 ) Thou shalt keep my covenant
(15-16 ) Sarah shall her name be
(17-22 ) Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son
(23-27 ) Every male among Abraham’s house
18. (1-15 ) Lord appeared unto him in plains of Mamre
(16-22 ) Shall I hide from Abraham
(23-33 ) Will not destroy it for ten’s sake
19. (1-3 ) There came two angels to Sodom
(4-5 ) The men of the city
(6-8 ) Do not so wickedly
(9-11 ) Now will we deal worse with these
(12-14 ) We will destroy this place
(15-22 ) Set him without the city
(23-26 ) Brimstone and fire from Heaven
(27-29 ) As the smoke of a furnace
(30-38 ) Lot dwelt in the mountain
20. (1-8) Abraham sojourned in Gerar
(9-14)Abimelech, called Abraham
(15-18)Dwell where it pleaseth thee
21. (1-5 ) And the Lord visited Sarah
(6-8 ) God hath made me to laugh
(9-11 ) Sarah saw the son of Hagar
(12-13 ) Hearken unto her voice
(14-21 ) Angel of the Lord called to Hagar
(22-24 ) Abimelech and Phicol spake unto Abraham
(25-32 ) He called that place Beer-Sheba
(33-34 ) Abraham planted a grove
22. (1-14 ) Take now thy son
(15-19 ) In blessing I will bless thee
(20-24 ) Children unto Abraham’s brother Nahor
23. (1-2 ) Years of the life of Sarah
(3-18 ) Abraham spake unto the sons of Heth
(19-20 ) Abraham buried Sarah
24. (1-9 ) Take a wife unto my son Isaac
(10-28 ) Shew kindness unto my master Abraham
(29-49 ) Laban ran out unto the man
(50-60 ) Rebekah rose and followed the man
(61-67 ) She became his wife
25. (1-4 ) Again Abraham took a wife
(5-6 )Abraham gave all he had to Isaac
(7-11 )Days of the years of Abraham’s life
(12-18)Generations of Ishmael
(19-21)Generations of Isaac
(22-23)Two nations are in thy womb
(24-26)Jacob and Esau born
(27-28)The boys grew
(29-34)Feed me I pray thee
26. (1-5 ) Go down into Egypt
(6-11 ) She is my sister
(12-15 ) Isaac sowed in that land
(16-22 ) Thou art mightier than we
(23-35 ) Lord appeared to him the same night
(26-31 ) We saw certainly that the Lord was with thee
(32-33 ) We have found water
(34-35 ) A grief of mind to Isaac and Rebekah
27. (1-4 ) When Isaac was old, eyes dim
(5-17 ) Rebekah heard when Isaac spake to Esau
(18-29 ) Isaac blesses Jacob
(30-40 ) Hast thou but one blessing
(41 ) Then will I slay my brother Jacob
(42-45 ) Arise flee thou to Laban
(46 ) I am weary of my life
28. (1-5 ) Arise go to Padan-Aram
(6-9 ) Then went Esau unto Ishmael
(10-15 ) Behold a ladder set up on the Earth
(16-19 ) The Lord is in this place
(20-22 ) If God will be with me
29. (1-8 ) Jacob came into the land of the people of the East
(9-12 ) Rachel came with her father’s sheep
(13-14 ) When Laban heard the tidings
(15-20 ) I will serve seven years for Rachel
(21-30 ) Give me my wife
(31-35 ) Lord saw that Leah was hated
30. (1-8) Rachel and Bilhah have children
(9-13) Leah and Zilpah have children
(14-18) God hearkened unto Leah
(19-20) Now will my husband dwell with me
(21) Afterward she bare a daughter
(22-24) God remembered Rachel
(25-43) Send me away
31. (1-2) Jacob beheld countenance of Laban
(3) Return unto the land of thy fathers
(4-13) Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah
(14-16) Is there yet any portion or inheritance
(17-18) He carried away all his cattle
(19) Rachel had stolen the images
(20-21) Jacob stale away unawares
(22-43) Jacob and Laban
(44-55) Let us make a covenant
32. (1-2) Jacob went on his way, angels met him
(3-6) Jacob sent messengers to Esau
(7-12) Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed
(13-16) A present for Esau
(17-23) And he commanded the foremost
(24-32) There wrestled a man with him
33. (1-16) Jacob and Esau meet
(17-20) Jacob journeyed to Succoth
34. (1-4 ) Schechem defiles Dinah
(5-12) Hamor and Schechem ask for Dinah
(13-19) Sons of Jacob answered deceitfully
(20-24) Hamor &Schechem commune with men of their city
(25-29) It came to pass on the third day
(30-31) To Simeon and Levi ... troubled me
35. (1 ) Arise go up to Bethel
(2-4 ) Put away the strange gods
(5-7 ) Terror of God was upon the cities
(8 ) Rebekah’s nurse died
(9-15 ) God appeared unto Jacob again
(16-21 ) Benjamin born, Rachel died
(22 ) Reuben lay with Bilhah
(23 ) The sons of Leah
(24 ) The sons of Rachel
(25 ) The sons of Bilhah
(26 ) Sons of Zilpah
(27-29 ) Jacob came unto Isaac his father
36. (1-5) Generations of Esau who is Edom
(6-8) Thus Esau in Mount Seir
(9-30) Names of Esaus sons
(31-39) Kings that reigned in the land of Edom
(40-43) Dukes that came of Esau
37. (1-4 ) Israel loved Joseph more
(5-8 ) Joseph’s dream - sheaves
(9-11 ) Joseph’s dream - sun, moon and stars
(12-17 ) I seek my brethren
(18-20 ) Conspired to kill him
(21-22 ) Reuben delivered him out of their hands
(23-28 ) Joseph cast into pit and sold
(29-35 ) An evil beast hath devoured him
(36 ) Sold him unto Potiphar
38. (1-5 ) Judah marries Canaanite woman
(6-7 ) Er was wicked ... Lord slew him
(8-10 ) God strikes Onan dead
(11 ) Tamar a widow waiting for Shelah
(12-26 ) Judah and Tamar
(27-30 ) Birth of Pharez and Zarah
39. (1-6 ) Joseph in Potiphar’s house
(7-20 ) Potipher’s wife accuses Joseph ... in prison
(21-23 ) The Lord was with Joseph
40. (1-4) Pharaoh’s butler and baker in prison
(5-8) Butler and baker dream
(9-15) Chief butler’s dream
(16-19) Chief baker’s dream
(20-22) Joseph’s interpretations come true
(23) Chief butler forgot Joseph
41. (1-8) Pharaoh troubled by dreams
(9-13) Butler tells Pharaoh about Joseph
(14-24) Pharaoh tells Joseph his dreams
(25-32) Joseph revels meaning of the dreams
(33-36) Let Pharaoh look out a man ... wise
(37-45) Pharaoh promotes Joseph over the land
(46-49) Joseph prepares for famine
(50-52) Manasseh and Ephraim born
(53-57) Joseph opens storehouses during the famine
42. (1-5 ) Jacob sends sons to buy food
(6-17 ) Joseph speaks to his brothers
(28-25 ) Brothers sent to bring the youngest back
(26-28 ) Joseph’s brothers discover their money in their sacks
(29-34 ) Jacob hears story of trip to Egypt
(35-36 ) Joseph’s brothers find money in their sacks
(37-38 ) Reuben promises to bring Benjamin back
43. (1-2 ) Jacob asks sons to buy food
(3-10 ) Judah asks for Jacon to send Benjamin
(11-14 ) Carry down the man a present
(15 ) Present and double money taken to Joseph
(16-17 ) These men shall dine with me at noon
(18-23 ) Brothers commune with Joseph’s steward
(24-29 ) Joseph speaks with his brothers
(30-31 ) Joseph weeps privately
(32-34 ) Meal at Joseph’s home
44. (1-2) Money and silver cup in sacks
(3-5) Follow after the men
(6-13) Cup found in Benjamin’s sack
(14-34) Judah pleads with Joseph
45. (1-15 ) Joseph reveals himself
(16-24 ) Pharaoh commands to bring the family to Egypt
(25-28 ) Joseph my son is yet alive
46. (1-4 ) God to bring them back from Egypt
(5-7 ) All his seed brought he with him to Egypt
(8-27 ) These are the children of Israel
(28-34 ) Joseph prepares them to meet Pharaoh
47. (1-6 ) In the best of the land ... dwell
(7-10 ) Jacob meets and blesses Pharaoh
(11-12 ) Joseph nourished his father and brethren
(13-17 ) Joseph trades food for cattle
(18-21 ) Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh
(22 ) Land of priests exempt
(23-26 ) Pharaoh should have fifth part
(27-28 ) Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years
(29-31 ) Time drew nigh Israel must die
48. (1-20 ) Israel blesses Epraim and Manasseh
(21-22 ) God shall be with you and bring you again
49. (1-2 ) That which shall befall you
(3-4 ) Reuben unstable as water
(5-7 ) Simeon and Levi cursed be their anger
(8-12 ) Sceptre shall not depart from Judah
(13) Zebulun at the haven of the sea
(14-15 ) Issachar servant unto tribute
(16-18 ) Dan shall judge his people
(19 ) Gad shall overcome at the last
(20 ) Asher his bread shall be fat
(21 ) Naphtali given goodly words
(22-26 ) Joseph is a fruitful bough
(27 ) Benjamin shall devour the prey
(28 ) These are the twelve tribes, blessings
(29-33 ) Jacob’s instructions for burial and his death
50. (1-13 ) Death and burial of Jacob in Canaan
(14-21 ) Joseph’s brethren fear revenge
(22-26 ) Ye shall bring up my bones from hence

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