Accuracy In Biblical Education

Joel Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1) Joel the son of Pethuel
(2-4) Hath it been in your days or days of your fathers
(5) Awake ye drunkards and weep
(6-7) For a nation is come up upon my land
(8-10) Lament like a virgin for husband of her youth
(11-12) Be ye ashamed O ye husbandmen
(13) Lament ye priests
(14) Call a solemn assembly gather the elders
(15-18) The day of the Lord is at hand
(19-20) O Lord, to thee will I cry
2. (1-2) A day of darkness and of gloominess
(3-11) And behind them a desolate wilderness
(12-14) Rend you hears not your garments
(15-17) Sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly
(18-20) Then will the Lord be jealous ... pity his people
(21-27) Ye shall know I am in the midst of Israel
(28-31) I will pout our my spirit upon all flesh
(32) Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord
3. (1-3) I will also gather all nations
(4-8) What have ye to do with me O Tyre, Zidon
(9-15) Prepare war wake up the mighty men
(16-18) The Lord also shall roar out of Zion
(19-21) Because they have shed innocent blood

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