Accuracy In Biblical Education

John Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-5) In the beginning was the word
(6-9) A man sent from God whose name was John
(10-14) He was in the world ... knew him not
(15-18) John bare witness of him
(19-28) Voice of one crying in the wilderness
(29-34) Behold the lamb of God
(35-39) Two disciples ... followed Jesus
(40-42) We have found the Messias
(43-46) Philip and Nathaniel
(47-51) An Israelite in whom is no guile
2. (1-11) The marriage in Cana
(12-17) Make not my Father's house ... house of merchandise
(18-22) What sign shewest thou unto us
(23-25) Many believed in His name
3. (1-21) Nicodemus ... came to Jesus by night
(22-36) Jesus and John baptizing ... questions
4. (1-4) Jesus left Judea ... must go through Samaria
(5-6) Christ arrives at well at Sychar
(7-15) Give me this water that I thirst not
(16-19) Call thy husband and come hither
(20-24) God is a spirit and they that worship Him
(25-26) I know that Messias cometh
(27-30) They ... came unto him
(31-38) My meat is to do the will of him that sent me
(39-42) Many of the Samaritans believed
(43-45) Christ returns to Galilee
(46-54) Nobleman's son healed in Capernaum
5. (1-15) Impotent man healed at Bethesda by the sheep market
(16-18) Jews seek to slay Christ
(19-29) The hour is coming and now is
(30-37) But I have a greater witness
(38-47) Search the scriptures
6. (1-14) Jesus feeds over five thousand
(15-21) Jesus comes to disciples walking on the sea
(22-27) Ye seek me ... because ye did eat
(28-29) What shall we do
(30-35) I am the bread of life
(36-40) I came down from heaven not to do mine own will
(41-51) Is not this Jesus the son of Joseph
(52-59) This is that bread which came down from heaven
(60) This is a hard saying
(61-65) Jesus knew his disciples murmured
(66) Many disciples walked no more with him
(67-71) Will ye also go away
7. (1) The Jews sought to kill him
(2-9) The world cannot hate you but me it hateth
(10-13) No man spake openly of him
(14-18) My doctrine is not mine
(19-24) Judge righteous judgment
(25-27) When Christ cometh no man knoweth
(28-32) When Christ cometh will he do more miracles
(33-36) Ye shall seek me and shall not find me
(37-39) If any man thirst ... come unto me
(40-44) Of a truth this is the prophet
(45-53) Out of Galilee ariseth no prophet
8. (1) Jesus goes to Mount of Olives
(2-11) Woman taken in adultery brought before Christ
(12-20) Ye neither know me nor my father
(21-27) Ye shall die in your sins if ye believe not
(28-30) When ye have lift up the son of man ye shall know
(31-37) Ye shall know the truth
(38-47) If God were your father ye would love me
(48-59) Before Abraham was I am
9. (1-7) A man which was blind from his birth
(8-12) How were thine eyes opened
(13-34) If this man were not of God he could do nothing
(35-38) Dost thou believe on the son of God
(39-41) For judgment I am come in to this world
10. (1-6) He that entereth by the door is the shepherd
(7-18) I am the good shepherd and know my sheep
(19-21) Many of them said he hath a devil and is mad
(22-30) If thou be the Christ tell us plainly
(31-38) For which of those works do ye stone me
(39-42) All things that John spake of this man were true
11. (1-5) A certain man named Lazarus was sick
(6-16) Our friend Lazarus sleepeth
(17-29) Thy brother shall rise again
(30-44) And he that was dead came forth
(45-46) Some of them went to the Pharisees and told them
(47-53) It is expedient for us that one man should die
(54-57) Then sought they for Jesus
12. (1-8) Against the day of my burying hath she done this
(9-11) Chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus to death
(12-19) Behold the whole world is gone after him
(20-22) Greeks among them desired to see Jesus
(23-26) If any man serve me let him follow me
(27-30) Father glorify thy name
(31-33) Now is the judgment of this world
(34-36) Yet a little while is the light with you
(37-43) Though he had done so many miracles
(44-50) As the Father said unto me so I speak
13.(1-11) He ... began to wash the disciples feet
(12-17) For I have given you an example
(18-19) He that eateth bread with me ... lift up his heel against me
(20) He that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me
(21-30) Little children yet a little while I am with you
(31-35) A new commandment I give
(36-38) Lord whither goest thou
14. (1-4) In my Father's house are many mansions
(5-7) How can we know the way
(8-14) Lord show us the Father
(15-21) I will not leave you comfortless
(22-24) If a man love me he will keep my words
(25-31) But that the world may know that I love the Father
15. (1-10) I am the vine ye are the branches
(11-14) Ye are my friends
(15-17) Henceforth I call you not servants
(18-20) If you were of the world the world would love his own
(21-25) They hated me without a cause
(26-27) But when the comforter is come
16. (1-6) These things will they do unto you
(7-11) It is expedient for you that I go away
(12-16) I have yet many things to say unto you
(17-22) What is this that he saith unto us
(23-28) Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name
(29-33) In the world ye shall have tribulation
17. (1-5) Father the hour is come
(6-19) I pray for them ... which thou hast given me
(20-23) Neither pray I for these alone
(24-26) That they also ... be with me where I am
18. (1-11) Judas then having received a band of men
(12-14) Christ taken to Annas
(15-18) Peter stood at the door without
(19-24) Christ before Caiaphas
(25-27) Peter denies Christ
(28-38) I find in him no fault at all
(39-40) Ye have a custom that I should release one
19. (1-16) Christ before Pilate
(17-18) The crucifixion
(19-22) Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross
(23-24) Soldiers cast lots for Christ's garment
(25-27) Behold thy mother
(28-30) It is finished
(31-37) Christ's bones not broken
(38-42) Christ buried
20. (1-2) Mary Magdalene at the tomb
(3-10) Peter and John at the tomb
(11-17) Angels and Christ appear to Mary
(18) Mary tells disciples
(19-23) Jesus appears to disciples
(24-29) Thomas sees and believes
(30-31) These are written that ye might believe
21. (1-14) Christ appears to disciples at sea of Tiberias
(15-19) Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me
(20-23) And what shall this man do
(24-25) The world itself could not contain the books

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