Accuracy In Biblical Education

First John Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-4) That which from the beginning
(5-10) God is light
2. (1-6) The ye sin not
(7-11) I write no new commandment
(12-14) I write unto you little children
(15-17) Love not the world
(18-19) Many antichrists have come
(20-23) No lie is of the truth
(24-25) This is the promise
(26-29) Abide in him
3. (1-2) We should be called sons of God
(3-10) Whosoever is born of God
(11-16) We should love one another
(17-19) Let us not love in word
(20-21) God is greater than our heart
(22-24) Because we keep his commandments
4. (1-3) Try the spirits
(4-6) Ye are of God
(7-11) If God so loved us
(12-13) Hereby know we
(14-17) The Father sent the Son
(18-21) There is no fear in love
5. (1-5) Whatsoever is born of God
(6-8) This is he that came
(9-12) The witness of God is greater
(13-15) The confidence that we have in Him
(16-18) There is a sin unto death
(19-21) The son of God is come

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