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Joshua Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-6) As I was with Moses ... I will be with you
(7-9) Law shall not depart of thy mouth
(10-11) Within three days ye shall pass over
(12-18) Reubenites, Gadites and half the tribe of Manasseh
2. (1) Two spies sent to Jericho
(2-7) Rahab hides the spies
(8-22) She let them down by a cord
(23-24) Lord hath delivered all the land
3. (1) Children of Israel camp at Jordan
(2-4) When you see the Ark of the Covenant
(5) Sanctify yourselves
(6) Take up the Ark of the Covenant
(7-8) Thou shalt command the priests
(9-11) Lord of all the Earth passeth before you
(12-13) Take ye twelve men of the tribes
(14-17) Waters rose up upon a heap
4. (1-8) Twelve stones taken from Jordan
(9-10) Stones setup
(11-14) When the people were clean passed over
(15-18) Come ye up out of Jordan
(19-24) Twelve stones in Gilgal
5. (1) Amorties, Canaanites heard and heart melted
(2-9) Males born in wilderness circumcised
(10) Passover kept 14th day of the month
(11-12) Eat old corn, manna ceases
(13-15) Captain of the host of the Lord
6. (1) Jericho shutup because of Israel
(2-5) Instructions for Jericho from God
(6-9) Priests, Ark and armed men go forth
(10) Ye shall not shout nor make any noise
(11-14) Ark, Priests compass Jericho 6 days
(15-16) Seventh day around Jericho
(17-19) Consecrated unto the Lord
(20-21) Israelites take the city
(22-23) Bring out thence the woman
(24-25) City burned, Rahab saved
(26) Cursed be the man ... buildeth this city
(27) The Lord was with Joshua
7. (1) Anger of the Lord was kindled
(2-5) Attempt to to take Ai fails
(6-12) Israel hath sinned
(13-15) There is an accursed thing
(16-23) Indeed I have sinned against the Lord
(24-26) The Lord shall trouble thee
8. (1-2) Do unto Ai as thou didst unto Jericho
(3-8) Behold ye shall lie in wait
(9-13) Ambush set in place
(14-17) King of Ai pursues Israelites
(18-29) Ai destroyed, king hanged
(30-35) Joshua at Mount Ebal reads the Law
9. (1-2) Kings gather together to fight Joshua
(3-15) Joshua makes league with Gibeonites
(16-21) Children of Israel discover Gibeonites deception
(22-27) Gibeonites cursed, to be hewers of wood, drawers of water
10. (1-5) Five kings of the Amorites attack Gibeon
(6-10) Joshua attacks the army of the five kings
(11) Lord cast down great stones as army fled
(12-14) Sun and moon stand still
(15-19) Five kings trapped in cave and sealed
(20-21) Army of five kings destroyed
(22-27) Five kings executed and cast into the cave
(28-39) Makkedah, Libnah, Lachish, Eglon, Hebron, Debir taken
(40-43) Joshua smote all the country
11. (1-5) Kings unite and gather to fight Joshua
(6-9) Be not afraid of them
(10-11) Hazor taken and burned
(12-14) Cities taken and spoiled
(15) Joshua left nothing undone
(16-18) Joshua made war a long time
(19-20) Not a city that made peace
(21-22) Anakims city destroyed
(23) Joshua took whole land, rested from war
12. (1) Kings of land were defeated
(2-3) Sihon king of the Amorites
(4-6) Og king of Bashan
(7-24) List of kings on the West side of Jordan
13. (1) Joshua old, much land remaining
(2-6) The land that yet remains
(7-8) Land divided among 9 tribes and Manasseh
(9-12) Reuben and Gad's inheritance to the East
(13) Poeple not expelled
(14) No inheritance for Levi
(15-23) Inheritance of Reuben
(24-28) Inheritance of Gad
(29-31) Inheritance of half the tribe of Manasseh
(32) Countries deistibuted on East side of Jordan
(33) Lord as inheritance of Levi
14. (1-5) Countries in Canaan Israel inherited
(6-15) Inheritance given to Caleb
15. (1-12) Borders of Judah
(13-19) Inheritance of Caleb, Achsah, Othniel
(20-62) Cities in the inheritance of Judah
(63) Jebusites not driven out of Jerusalem
16. (1-4) Inheritance of the children of Joseph
(5-9) Inheritance of Ephraim
(10) Canaanites in Gezer under tribute to Ephraim
17. (1) Machir firstborn of Manasseh inheritance
(2) Male children of Manasseh to receive inheritance
(3-4) Daughters of Zelophehad given inheritance
(5-6) Ten portions to daughters of Manasseh
(7-11) Borders of Manasseh and Ephraim
(12-13) Canaanites notdriven out, later under tribute
(14-18) Mountain given to house of Joseph
18. (1-10) Land surveyed and divided among 7 remaining tribes
(11-20) Log of tribe of Benjamin
(21-28) Cities in inheritance of Benjamin
19. (1-9) Inheritance given to Simeon
(10-16) Inheritance given to Zebulun
(17-23) Inheritance given to Issachar
(24-31) Inheritance given to Asher
(32-39) Inheritance given to Naphtali
(40-48) Inheritance given to Dan
(49-50) Inheritance given to Joshua
(51) Summary of inheritance given at Shiloh
20. (1-6) God's commands to set aside cities of refuge
(7-9) List of cities of refuge
21. (1-3) Cities requested by Levites
(4-5) Cities of Kohathites and Aaron's children
(6) Cities of Gershon
(7) Cities of Merari
(8) Children of Israel gave cities to Levites
(9-11) Cities of Judah given to Levites
(12) Inheritance of Caleb excluded
(13-16) Cities of Judah given to Aaron
(17-19) Cities of Benjamin given to Aaron
(20-26) Cities given to children of Kohath
(27-33) Cities given to children of Gershon
(34-40) Cities given to children of Merari
(41-42) Forty-eight cities given to Levites
(43-45) God gave all the land - no good thing failed
22. (1-9) Reuben, Gad, half tribe of Manasseh blessed - sent home
(10) Altar set up by Jordan
(11-20) Israel gathers against Reuben, Gad, half tribe of Manasseh
(21-29) Altar to serve as a reminder
(30-33) Phinehas and people pleased with explanation
(34) A witness between us that the Lord is God
23. (1-2) Joshua old - calls for all Israel
(3-14) Cleave unto the Lord your God
(15-16) When ye have transgressed
24. (1) Joshua gathers all the tribes at Shechem
(2-8) Your eyes have seen what I have done
(9-10) Balak and Balaam
(11-13) Given you a land for which you did not labor
(14-18) Put away the gods which your fathers served
(19-24) If ye forsake the Lord
(25) Joshua made covenant with the people
(26-27) Joshua wrote these words
(28) Joshua let the people depart
(29-31) Joshua dies
(32) Bones of Joseph buried in Shechem
(33) Eleazar son of Aaron died, buried in mountain of Ephraim

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