Accuracy In Biblical Education

First Kings Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-4) King David was old ... but gat no heat
(5-10) Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself
(11-27) Nathan spake unto Bathsheba the mother of Solomon
(28-31) Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me
(32-40) Zadok the priest took a horn of oil ... anointed Solomon
(41-49) Adonijah and all the guests that were with him heard it
(50-53) Adonijah feared because of Solomon
2. (1-4) David charges Solomon to follow the Lord
(5-9) Directions toward Joab, Barzillai, Shimei
(10-11) David slept with his fathers and was buried
(12-25) Adonijah asks for Abishag the Shunamite
(26-27) Abiathar removed from being priest
(28-34) Benaiah sent to kill and bury Joab
(35) Benaiah replaces Joab, Zadok replaces Abiathar
(36-38) Shimei to live in Jerusalem, not to leave or die
(39-46) Solomon commands Benaiah to kill Shimei
3. (1) Solomon brings Pharaoh's daughter to Jerusalem
(2-3) Solomon and people sacrifice and burn incense in high places
(4-15) Solomon at Gibeah asks God for understanding heart
(16-28) Divide the living child in two and give half to one
4. (1-6) Princes appointed by Solomon
(7-19) Solomon had twelve officers over all Israel
(20) Judah and Israel were many ... making merry
(21-28) Solomon's reign and provisions
(29-34) Solomon’s wisdom
5. (1-12) Solomon and Hiram ... cedar and fir for the temple
(13-18) Solomon raises a levy ... workforce
6. (1) Solomon begins building house for the Lord
(2-10) Description of building, dimensions and materials
(11-13) God to dwell with Solomon and Israel if faithful
(14-18) Temple covered inside with cedar, description of the work
(19-30) Interior of the temple and gold overlays
(31-35) Door made of olive and fir
(36) Inner court made of cedar and stone
(37-38) House built in seven years
7. (1-12) Solomon's house, house of forest of Lebanon, Pharaoh's daughter
(13-22) Hiram creates brass pillars
(23-25) Brazen sea made
(26-37) Ten bases of brass
(38-39) Ten lavers to sit on bases made
(40-47) All the work Hiram made for Solomon for house of the Lord
(48-51) So was ended all the work Solomon made for the house of the Lord
8. (1-8) Solomon moves the ark to the temple
(9) Only tables of stone put there by Moses in the Ark
(10-11) Glory of the Lord and cloud filled the house of the Lord
(12-21) Solomon blesses the people, history regarding the building
(22-26) Solomon begins prayer of dedication
(27-30) But will God indeed dwell on the Earth
(31-34) When thy people smitten before the enemy
(35-36) When heaven is shut up and there is no rain
(37-40) If there be famine, pestilence, enemy besiege ...
(41-43) Concerning a stranger that is not of thy people
(44-45) If thy people go out to battle against their enemy
(46-53) If they sin against thee ... carry them away captive
(54-61) Let your heart therefore be perfect with the Lord our God
(62-66) The king and all Israel with him offered sacrifice
9. (1-9) The Lord appeared to Solomon the second time
(10-14) Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee
(15-19) The reason for the levy which king Solomon raised
(20-21) Bondservice imposed on Amorites, Hittites Perizzites etc.
(22-23) No bondmen taken of the children of Israel
(24) Pharaoh's daughter goes to the house Solomon built for her
(25) Solomon sacrifices three times in the year
(26-27) Solomon's navy at Ezion-Geber
(28) Gold from Ophir brought to Solomon
10. (1-10) Queen of Sheba visits Solomon
(11-12) Almug trees and precious stones
(13) Queen of Sheba goes to her own country
(14-17) Gold and what Solomon made of it
(18-20) Solomon's throne
(21-29) Solomon's wealth and trade with the nations
11. (1-3) Solomon's wives from other countries
(4-8) Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord
(9-13) I will surely rend the kingdom from thee
(14-22) Hadad the Edomite raised up as an adversary
(23-25) Rezon raised as another adversary to Solomon
(26-28) Jereboam ruler over all the charge of the house of Joseph
(29-39) Ahijah reveals that Jereboam to be king over ten tribes
(40) Solomon seeks to kill Jereboam who then flees to Egypt
(41-43) Solomon reigned forty years in Jerusalem
12. (1-5) Rehoboam at Shechem to be made king
(6-7) Counsel of old men that stood before Solomon
(8-11) Counsel of the young men that grew up with him
(12-15) King answers roughly, forsakes old men's counsel
(16-17) What portion have we in David
(18-19) Adoram stoned, Rehoboam flees, Israel rebels
(20) Jereboam made king over Israel
(21-24) Ye shall not go up not fight against your brethren
(25-33) Jereboam sets up golden calves at Dan and Bethel
13. (1-10) Man of God sent to speak against Jereboam
(11-22) Old prophet deceives the man of God
(23-29) Old prophet brings body of man of God to bury him
(30-32) Old prophet instructs his sons to bury him with the man of God
(33-34) Jereboam returned not from his evil way
14. (1-6) Jereboam's son sick, wife sent to Ahijah
(7-13) God to bring evil upon Jereboam, child to die
(14-16) God to raise up a king that will cut off the house of Jereboam
(17-18) Jereboam's child dies and is mourned
(19-20) Jereboam reigns twenty-two years and dies
(21-24) Rehoboam rules, evil in the land
(25-28) Shishak plunders Jerusalem
(29-31) Summary of Rehoboams life & reign
15. (1-8) Abijam reigns over Judah, war with Jereboam
(9-15) Asa's good reign over Judah
(16-17) Baasha prevents travel into Judah, Asa sends present to Hadad
(18-21) Asa takes gold from the house of the Lord
(22-24) Asa builds, diseased in feet when older, his reign
(25-26) Nadab son of Jereboam begins reign, does evil
(27-28) Baasha kills Nadab, assumed rule
(29-30) Baasha wipes out Jereboam's offspring as prophesied
(31) Summary of reign of Nadab
(32-34) Baasha reigns in third year of Asa, did evil
16. (1-4) Word of the Lord against Baasha to Jehu the prophet
(5-7) The reign of Baasha and the evil that he did
(8-14) Elah son of Baasha killed by Zimri while getting drunk
(15-20) Zimri reigns seven days, besieged by Omri, sets house on fire, dies
(21-22) Civil war in Israel between Omri and Tibni
(23-24) Omri reigns six years, buys Samaria
(25-28) Omri did worse than all before him, summary of his reign
(29-33) Ahab reigns, marries Jezebel, serves Baal, more evil than before
(34) Hiel the Bethelite, sons die building Jericho as Joshua foretold
17. (1) Elijah tells Ahab there will be no rain
(2-7) Elijah at brook Cherith, fed by ravens
(8-16) The widow of Zarephath, barrel of meal, cruse of oil
(17-24) Elijah raises the widows son, she affirms he is a man of God
18. (1-2) Elijah to go to Ahab, God to send rain
(3-4) Obadiah greatly feared the Lord, hid one hundred prophets
(5-6) Obadiah and Ahab search for grass to feed animals
(7-16) Elijah instructs Obadiah to tell Ahab, Obadiah fears
(17-19) Ahab and Elijah meet, prophets of Baal and groves to be called
(20-40) Elijah challenges prophets of Baal at mount Carmel
(41-45) Elijah tells of an abundance of rain
(46) God's hand upon Elijah, outruns Ahab to Jezreel
19. (1-2) Jezebel threatens Elijah's life
(3-8) Elijah asks to die, fed by an angel twice
(9-18) Elijah comes to a cave, God asks why he is there
(19-21) Elijah calls Elisha to follow him
20. (1-12) Ben-hadad besieges Samaria, demands to be met
(13-21) Ahab and thirty-two princes attack the Syrians
(22) At the return of the year the king of Syria will come up
(23-25) Let us fight against them in the plain
(26-30) Children of Israel slew of the Syrians one hundred thousand
(31-34) Ahab's covenant with Ben-hadad the Syrian
(35-37) Man of the sons of the prophets ... smite me I pray thee
(38-43) Therefore thy life shall go for his life
21. (1-7) Ahab attempts to buy Naboth's vineyard
(8-14) Jezebel's letters and death of Naboth
(15-16) Ahab goes to possess Naboth's vineyard
(17-27) God sends Elijah to Ahab
(28-29) Seeth thou how Ahab humbleth himself before me
22. (1) Three years of peace between Israel and Syria
(2-6) King of Israel and Jehoshaphat to take Ramoth Gilead
(7-9) Is there not a prophet of the Lord besides
(10-12) Zedekiah and prophets foretell success at Ramoth Gilead
(13-23) Micaiah prophesies and tells of the lying spirit
(24-25) Zedekiah strikes Micaiah, Micaiah prophesies against him
(26-28) Ahab orders Micaiah to be held until be returns
(29-33) King of Israel disguises himself, King of Syria orders to attack him
(34-38) A certain drew a bow at a venture and smote the king
(39-40) Summary of Ahab's reign, Ahaziah reigns
(41-50) Jehoshaphat's good reign, Jehoram reigns
(51-53) Ahaziah reigns in Israel two years and does evil

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