Accuracy In Biblical Education

Leviticus Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-2) Sacrifices to be of cattle, herd or flock
(3-9) Burnt offering of the herd
(10-13) Burnt offerng of the flocks
(14-17) Burnt sacrifice of fowls
2. (1-11) Meat offering
(12) Oblation of firstfruits
(13) Meat offering and salt
(14-16) Meat offering of firstfruits
3. (1-5) Peace offering of the herd
(6-11) Peace offering of the flock
(12-16) Peace offering of the goats
(17) Perpetual statute
4. (1-2) If a soul sin through ignorance
(3-12) If the priest that is anointed sins
(13-21) If the whole congregation shall sin
(22-26) If a ruler sins
(27-35) If the common people sin
5. (1-4) Various Trespasses
(5-13) The trespass offering
(14-16) Trespass against holy things
(17-19) Commission of anything forbidden
6. (1-5) Trespass by theft or deceit
(6-7) The offering for theft - deceit
(8-13) Law of the burnt offering
(14-18) Law of the meat offering
(19-23) Law of the offering for the priests when they are anointed
(24-30) Law of the sin offering
7. (1-7) Law of the trespass offering
(8) Priests portion of the burnt offering
(9-10) Priests portion of the meat offering
(11-15) Peace offering - thanksgiving
(16-18) Peace offering - vow or voluntary offering
(19-21) Prohibitions regarding the peace offering
(22-27) Not to eat fat or blood
(28-34) The wave breast and the heave shoulder
(35-38) Summary - law of offerings given at Sinai
8. (1-30) Consecration of the priests
(31-36) Instructions and sacrifices for Aaron and his sons
9. (1-7) Moses instructs Aaron to make offering
(8-22) Aaron carries out the instruction
(23-24) Fire from God consumes the offering
10. (1-7) Nadab and Abihu
(8-11) God prohibits strong drink - speaks to Aaron
(12-15) Moses instructs Aaron - eating sacrifices and their portion
(16-20) Sin offering not eaten by Aaron and his sons
11. (1-44) Clean and unclean animals
(45-47) Summary of the law of clean and unclean animals
12. (1-8) Purification after childbirth
13. (1-8) Skin problems - rising, scab, bright spot
(9-17) Leprosy and it's course
(18-23) Leprosy resulting from a boil
(24-28) Inflammation and leprosy
(29-37) A dry scall on the head or beard
(38-39) Freckled spots
(40-44) Baldness and leprosy on the head
(45-46) Separation of the lepers
(47-59) Contamination of wool or linen garments
14. (1-23) Procedure for pronouncing leper clean
(24-32) Offerings for cleansing of a leper
(33-48) A house in which God placed the plague of leprosy
(49-53) Cleansing of a house containing leprosy
(54-57) Summary - this is the law for all manner of leprosy
15. (1-12) Man with a running issue
(13-15) Cleansing of a man with running issue
(16-18) Uncleanness resulting from semen
(19-27) Woman with a running issue
(28-30) Cleansing of woman with running issue
(31-33) Summary - law of separation for uncleanness
16. (1-2) Warning about Aaron entering the holy place
(3-4) How Aaron should enter the holy place
(5-11) Offerings for priest and congregation
(12-13) Incense within the veil
(14-16) Blood of atonement
(17) No one else to enter the tabernacle during atonement
(18-19) Atonement for the altar
(20-22) Scapegoat released
(23-28) Burnt offerings etc for the priests and the people
(29-34) Perpetual statute of the day of atonement
17. (1-6) Sacrifices to be brought to the door of the tabernacle
(7) No sacrifices to "devils"
(8-9) Burnt offerings to be brought to the door of the tabernacle
(10-14) Prohibition against eating blood
(15-16) Cleansing after eating animals - die or killed by other animals
18. (1-5) Command to keep the law and not be like the Egyptians
(6-18) Prohibition against sexual relationship with relatives
(19) Sexual activity durng menstruation prohibited
(20) Not to have sex wth neighbors wife
(21) Not to sacrifice children to Molech
(22-23) Prohibitions against homosexuality and bestiality
(24-30) Reminder of how the Canaanites were and a warning
19. (1-2) Command to be holy
(3-4) Honor parents - avoid idolatry
(5-8) Peace offering
(9-10) Not to wholly reap fields - vineyards
(11-20) General laws and prohibitions
(21-22) Trespass offering
(23-25) Fruit of trees in the new land to be reserved 3 years
(26-36) General statutes and prohibitions
(37) Reminder to observe all statutes and judgments
20. (1-5) Warnings and consequences for sacrificing children to Molech
(6) Warning - following those with familiar spirits and wizards
(7-8) People to be holy and keep statutes
(9) Not to curse father or mother
(10-21) Limits on sexual relationships
(22-27) Admonition - not do as the Canaanites before them
21. (1-15) Conduct and relationships of priests to keep them holy
(16-24 ) Those who are blemished not to offer offerings
22. (1-16) Priests to preserve the cleanness of the holy things
(17-24) Animals offered to be without blemish
(25) Foreigners - not to accept offerings from
(26-30) Instruction or making offering
(31-33) God's name and commandments
23. (1-8) Feasts throughout the year
(9-21) Offering of sheaf of firstfruits
(22) Part of the harvest to be left for the poor
(23-25) Sabbath memorial in the 7th month
(26-32) Day of atonement
(33-43) Feast of tabernacles and instruction for keeping
(44) End summary
24. (1-4) Oil for the lampstand and instructions
(5-9) Bread for the table and instructions
(10-23) Consequences for blaspheming, other judgments - man stoned
25. (1-7) The Sabbath year
(8-17) The year of Jubilee
(18-22) Provision for food for three years following the Sabbath year
(23-24) Selling and redeeming land and houses
(25-38) Dealing with the poor
(39-55) Servants, bondage and redemption
26. (1-13) God's Blessings for the faithfulness
(14-39) Consequences for disobedience
(40-45) Blessings for repentance
(46) Summary - statutes and judgments made in Sinai
27. (1-8) Estimation for singular vow
(9-13) Estimation for value for beasts
(14-15) Sanctification of a house
(16-21) Sanctification of possession land
(22-24) Sanctification of purchased land
(25) Standard for estimations
(26-27) Estimation of clean and unclean beasts
(28-29) Restrictions on devoted things
(30-33) Tithes and redemption of tithes
(34) Summary - commandments given in Sinai

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