Accuracy In Biblical Education

Luke Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-4) That thou mayest know the certainty
(5-22) Gabriel speaks to Zacharias
(23-25) Zacharias goes home, Elizabeth conceives
(26-38) Gabriel tells Mary about Jesus, Elizabeth
(39-45) Mary visits Elizabeth
(46-56) Mary praises God, stays with Elizabeth 3 months
(57-64) His name is John
(65-66) What manner of child shall this be
(67-79) Zacharias prophecies
(80) Child grew, in desert
2. (1-5) Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem - taxes
(6-7) She brought forth her firstborn son
(8-20) Angel appears ot shepherds
(21) Jesus circumcised on the 8th day and named
(22-24) Mary's purification done, goes to Jerusalem
(25-35) Simeon prophecies about Jesus
(36-38) Anna of Asher comes to see Jesus
(39-40) Return to Nazareth
(41-51) Jesus in temple at 12 years of age
(52) Jesus increased in wisdom and stature
3. (1-6) Word of God came unto John
(7-9) Who hath warned you to flee
(10-11) The people asked him what shall we do
(12-13) Publicans came to be baptized
(14) And the soldiers likewise
(15-18) One mightier than I cometh
(19-20) Herod shut up John in prison
(21-22) Jesus also being baptized
(23-38) Genealogy of Christ
4. (1-13) Jesus led by Spirit into the wilderness, tempted
(14-15) Jesus returned in power of Spirit into Galilee
(16-30) Jesus teaches in Nazareth and is rejected
(31-32) Jesus teaches in synagogue in Capernaum
(33-37) Jesus heals man with devil
(38-39) Simon's wife's mother healed of fever
(40-41) When sun was set sick came, devils came out
(42-43) Jesus went in to desert place
(44) Jesus preached in synagogues of Galilee
5. (1-3) Jesus teaches from Simon's ship
(4-11) Launch out into the deep, let down your nets
(12-16) Jesus heals a man with leprosy
(17-26) Man with palsy let down through roof and healed
(27-32) Levi called, feast at Levi's house
(33-35) Why do disciples of John fast often, thine eat and drink
(36-39) Piece of new garment, new wine into old bottles
6. (1-5) His disciples pluced the ears
(6-11) Jesus heals man with withered hand on Sabbath
(12-16) Jesus chooses twelve whom he also he named apostles
(17-19) Jesus in plain, great multitude
(20-23) Blessing on disciples
(24-26) Woe unto you
(27-38) But I say unto you which hear
(39-45) Can the blind lead the blind
(46-49) wise and foolish man built house
7. (1-10) Jesus heals Centurion's servant
(11-18) Widow of Nain's son raised from the dead
(19-23) John sends disciples to Jesus
(24-28) This is he of whom it is written
(29-30) Publicans justified, Pharisees and lawyers rejected
(31-35) Whereunto shall I liken the men of this generation
(36-38) Woman washes Jesus feet with tears
(39) When the Pharisee that had bidden him saw it
(40-47) To whom little is forgiven ... loveth little
(48-50) Who is this that forgiveth sins also
8. (1-3) He went through every city and village preaching
(4-8) Parable of the sower
(9-15) What might this parable be
(16-18) Nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest
(19-21) Thy mother and thy brethren
(22-25) He rose and rebuked the wind ... raging water
(26-33) Legion because many d
(34-37) Gadarenes ...besought him to depart
(38-39) Shew how great things God hath done for thee
(40-42) Jairus a ruler of the synagogue
(43-48) Woman with issue of blood healed
(49-50) Thy daughter is dead
(51-56) Jairus daughter raised
9. (1-6) Twelve given power and sent out
(7-9) Herod perplexed ... who is this
(10-17) Multitude fed with 5 loaves and 2 fishes
(18-21) Whom say the people that I am
(22) Son of man must suffer many things
(23-27) If any man will come after me
(28-36) The Transfiguration
(37-42) Healing of child with demon
(43-45) Let these sayings sink down into your ears
(46-48) Which of them should be greatest
(49-50) One casting out devils in Christ's name
(51-56) Village of the Samaritans did not receive him
(57-62) Some who desired to follow Christ, some who were called
10. (1-16) Seventy sent out
(17-20) Seventy return, rejoice because your names are written in Heaven
(21-22) In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit
(23-24) Blessed are the eyes that see ... that ye see
(25-37) The good Samaritan
(38-42) Martha was cumbered about much serving
11. (1-4) Christ teaches his disciple to pray
(5-13) Ask and it shall be given you
(14-26) Kingdom of God and kingdom of Satan
(27-28) Those who are blessed
(29-32) An evil generation seeking a sign
(33-36) The light of the body
(37-54) Woe to Pharisees and Lawyers
12. (1-3) Beware the leaven of the Pharisees
(4-12) Fear him ... hath power to cast into Hell
(13-21) True treasure
(22-34) Seek ye the kingdom of God
(35-40) Blessed are servants Lord shall find watching
(41-48) Who then is that wise and faithful steward
(49-53) I am come to send fire on the Earth
(54-59) How is it that ye do not disern this time
13. (1-5) The need for repentance
(6-9) Parable of the fig tree
(10-17) Sabbath healing of woman with infirmity for eighteen years
(18-21) Kingdom of Heaven like grain of mustard seed
(22-30) Are there few that be saved
(31-35) Herod's threat and woe on Jerusalem
14. (1-6) Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day
(7-11) Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased
(12-14) Call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind
(15-24) Invitation and the great supper
(25-35) Counting the cost of discipleship
15. (1-7) Parable of the lost sheep
(8-10) Joy in the presence of the angels
(11-32) The prodigal son
16. (1-13) The unjust steward and the need for faithfulness
(14-18) Ye are they which justify yourselves
(19-31) The rich man and Lazarus
17. (1-2) It is impossible but that offences will come
(3-4) If thy brother trespass against thee
(5-10) If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed
(11-19) Ten lepers healed
(20-37) Coming of the kingdom and prophecy against Jerusalem
18. (1-8) Shall not God avenge his own elect
(9-14) Two men went up into the temple to pray
(15-17) Suffer little children to come unto me
(18-27) A certain ruler asked what shall I do to inherit eternal life
(28-30) We have left all and followed thee
(31-34) Christ foretells his death in Jerusalem
(35-43) Healing of the blind man
19. (1-10) In the house of Zacchaeus
(11-27) A certain nobleman went into a far country
(28-40) The colt and Christ's entry into Jerusalem
(41-44) Christ weeps over the fate of Jerusalem
(45-48) Christ cleanses the temple and teaches
20. (1-8) Tell us by what authority thou doest these things
(9-16) Parable of the vineyard
(17-18) Stone builders rejected become the chief cornerstone
(19-20) Chief priests & scribes plot to kill Christ but fear the people
(21-26) Is it lawful for us to give tribute to Caesar
(27-38) In the resurrection whose wife of them is she
(39-47) Warning concerning the scribes
21. (1-4) Poor widow casting in two mites
(5-28) When shall these things be
(29-36) Parable and warning tobe vigilant
(37-38) Christ teaches in the temple
22. (1-6) The betrayal plot
(7-13) Peter and John to find room for the Passover
(14-20) The Passover and memorial
(21-23) Hanbd of hium that betrayeth me is with me
(24-30) Strife among disciples - which should be accounted greatest
(31-35) Simon Satan hath desired ... sift you as wheat
(36-38) Instructions to the disciples
(39-46) In the garden
(47-53) Christ is arrested
(54-62) The trials begin - Peter's denial
(63-65) Christ abused and mocked
(66-71) Christ before elders, chief priests and scribes
23. (1-7) Christ's first appearance before Pilate
(8-12) Christ appears before Herod
(13-16) Christ's second appearance before Pilate
(17-26) Pilate attempts to release Christ - sentences Christ to death
(27-49) The crucifixion
(50-56) The burial of Christ
24. (1-12) The resurrection
(13-35) Christ appears to two on the way to Emmaus
(35-48) Christ appears to the twelve and teaches them from the scriptures
(49-53) Christ's instructions and ascension

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