Accuracy In Biblical Education

Nehemiah Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-3) Nehemiah hears the people are afflicted, walls broken down
(4-11) Nehemiah prays to God
2. (1-2) Artaxerxes asks Nehemiah why he is sad
(3-6) Nehemiah requests to go to Jerusalem, time set
(7-8) Nehemiah asks for letters for passage, materials
(9-16) Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem and surveys the wall
(17-18) Let us build up the wall of Jerusalem
(19-20) Sanballat and Tobiah laugh and accuse workers of rebellion
3. (1-2) The sheep gate built and sanctified
(3-5) The fishg gate built
(6-12) The old gate repaired and workers listed
(13) The valley gate and one thousand cubits of wall repaired
(14) Dung gate repaired
(15) Gate of the fountain repaired
(16-18) Place from sepulchres of David to house of mighty repaired
(19-25) Repair of wall and other structures, workers listed
(26) Dwelling of the Nethinims
(27) Part of the wall repaired by Tekoites
(28-32) Sections fo wall repaired, workers listed
4. (1-3) Sanballat and Tobiah mock the Jews
(4-5) Nehemiah prays to God for help
(6) Wall repaired, people had a mind to work
(7-8) Sanballat, Tobiah, Arabians conspired against Jews
(9) Prayers to God, watch set
(10-15) Plot known, defenses set, told to remember the Lord
(16-18) People work with weapons in their hands
(19-21) If alarm sounded, workers to come to aid in area attacked
(22) People to stay inside Jerusalem, work in the day
(23) Didn't even change clothes except to wash them
5. (1-5) Great cry, people have mortgages to buy food and pay tribute
(6-13) Nobles and rulers rebuked, promise to restore and repay money
(14) Nehemiah governor twelve years, had not eaten the king's bread
(15) Former rulers and servants had taken bread, wine, money
(16) Work on wall continued
(17-18) Those who sat at Nehemiah's table, daily provisions
(19) Nehemiah prays that God will remember his work
6. (1-4) Sanballat and enemies ask to meet
(5-7) Letter to kin accusing Jews of rebellion
(8-9) Nehemiah's response to Sanballat, prays for strength
(10-13) Shemaiah asks Nehemiah to come to temple, conspiracy known
(14) Nehemiah asks God to reward Sanballat and others for their deeds
(15) Wall finished in fifty-two days
(16) Their enemies see the work is done and was of God
(17-19) Nobles of Judah correspond with Tobiah to make Nehemiah afraid
7. (1-4) Porters, singers, Levites appointed, watch set over gates
(5) Genealogy of the people to be accounted for
(6-60) Account of those who came up out of Babylon
(61-65) Those who genealogy could not be confirmed
(66-69) Number of the congregation, servants and animals
(70-72) Contributions for the work that were given
(73) Priests, Levites singers, all Israel dwelt in booths seventh month
8. (1-8) Ezra stands on pulpit of wood, reads the Law to all the people
(9-12) Nehemiah declares the day as holy, people not to be grieved
(13-17) Feast of booths observed according to the Law, instruction given
(18) Ezra reads the Law, solemn assembly on the eighth day
9. (1-3) People separate from strangers, confess their sins, worship God
(4-38) Prayer of thanks for God's mercy, sure covenant made to keep Law
10. (1-27) Those who sealed the covenant to obey the Law
(28-33) All the people hold to do the law and keep it
(34-37) Those appointed to bring wood and offerings to the house of God
(38-39) Priest, Levites to receive offerings, pledge to not forsake
11. (1-2) One in ten to dwell in Jerusalem, some willingly stayed there
(3-9) List of those who dwelt at Jerusalem
(10-13) Priests and families who stayed in Jerusalem
(14-18) Levites who remained and worked in the house of God
(19) Porters and those who kept the gates
(20-21) Residue of Israel, priests, Levites, Nethinims in their cities
(22-23) Oversight of Levites, provision for singers
(24) Pethahiah at the kings hand in all matters concerning the people
(25-35) Those living in villages outside Jerusalem
(36) Divisions in Judah and Benjamin for the Levites
12. (1-9) Priests and Levites that came up with Jeshua and Zerubbabel
(10-11) Lineage of Jeshua
(12-21) Priests during the days of Joiada son of Jeshua
(22-26) Record of Levites in the days of Nehemiah and Ezra
(27-43) Dedication of the wall
(44) Some appointed over chambers, offerings
(45-47) Singers and porters keep commandments, provided for
13. (1-3) Reading of the Law concerning Ammonites and Moabites
(4-9) Eliahshib has chamber for Tobiah in the house of God
(10-11) Portions of Levites, singers not given, rulers confronted
(12-14) tithes brought in, Treasurers appointed, Nehemiah's prayer
(15-19) Sabbath violated, Nehemiah closes gates on the Sabbath
(20-21) Merchants camping outside the wall of Jerusalem, warning
(22) Levites to cleanse themselves, sanctify the Sabbath
(23-24) Jews who had married foreigners, their children
(25-27) Nehemiah confronts people, reminds them of Solomon's wives
(28) son of Joiada Sanballat's son-in-law chased away
(29) Nehemiah prays that God will remember they defiled priesthood
(30-31) People cleansed from strangers, offerings remembered

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