Accuracy In Biblical Education

Philippians Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-2) Greeting
(3-7) Upon every remembrance of you
(8-11) For God is my record
(12-14) I would ye should understand
(15-17) Some indeed preach Christ
(18-20) Whether in pretence or in truth
(21-24) To live is Christ
(25-26) Having this confidence
(27-28) Let your conversation be
(29-30) For unto you it is given
2. (1-4) If there be therefore
(5-11) Let this mind be in you
(12-18) It is God which worketh
(19-24) I trust in the Lord to send Timotheus
(25-30) I supposed it necessary
3. (1-3) Rejoice in the Lord
(4-7) Though I might also have confidence in the flesh
(8-11) I count all things but loss
(12-14) I press toward the mark
(15-17) Be followers together of me
(18-19) They are the enemies of Christ
(20-21) Our conversation is in Heaven
4. (1-3) Stand fast in the Lord
(4-7) Let your moderation be known
(8-9) Whatsoever things are ...
(10-14) Your care of me hath flourished
(15-17) Ye Philippians know also
(18-19) But I have all and abound
(20-23) Salute every saint

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