Accuracy In Biblical Education

Romans Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-6) Paul a servant of Jesus Christ
(7-12) To all that be in Rome
(13-15) I purposed to come unto you
(16-20) I am not ashamed of the Gospel
(21-23) Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven
(24-27) When they knew God they glorified him not
(28-32) They did not like to retain God
2. (1-3) The judgment of God is according to truth
(4-6) After thy hardness, impenitent heart
(7-11) To them who by patient continuance
(12-16) Fo as many as have sinned
(17-23) An instructor of the foolish
(24-29) Name of God blasphemed
3. (1-4) What advantage hath the Jew
(5-8) Is God unrighteous
(9-18) There is none righteous
(19-21) By deeds of Law ... no flesh justified
(22-26) All have sinned and fallen short
(27-31) A man is justified by faith
4. (1-3) What shall we say then that Abraham
(4-8) Now to him that is worketh
(9-12) In circumcision or uncircumcision
(13-15) But through the righteousness of faith
(16-22) He staggered not at the promise
(23-25) Raised again for our justification
5. (1-2) We have peace with God
(3-5) We glory in tribulations also
(6-11) While we were yet sinners
(12-19) As by one man sin entered
(20-21) As sin hath reigned unto death
6. (1-2) Shall we continue in sin
(3-7) We are buried with him by baptism
(8-11) If we be dead with Christ
(12-18) Sin shall not have dominion
(19-23) Now being made free from sin
7. (1-3) Law hath dominion over a man
(4-6) Ye also are become dead to the Law
(7-12) I had not known sin but by the Law
(13-16) The Law is spiritual but I am carnal
(17-23) I delight in the law of God
(24-25) Who shall deliver me from the body of this death
8. (1-4) No condemnation to them in Christ Jesus
(5-8) Spiritually minded is life and peace
(9-11) If Christ be in you the body is dead
(12-13) If ye live after the flesh ye shall die
(14-17) We are the children of God
(18-23) Sufferings of present time not worthy
(24-25) Hope that is seen is not hope
(26-28) He that searcheth the hearts
(29-30) Conformed to the image of his son
(31-39) We are more that conquerors
9. (1-5) Heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart
(6-8) They are not all Israel
(9-15) Is there unrighteousness with God
(16-18) Mercy on whom he will have mercy
(19-24) Why doth he yet find fault
(25-29) A remnant shall be saved
(30-33) I lay in Sion a stumblingstone
10. (1-5) My heart's desire and prayer for Israel
(6-7) Righteousness which is of faith
(8-10) The word of faith which we preach
(11-13) No difference between Jew and Greek
(14-17) How then shall they call on him
(18-21) Have they not heard
11. (1-6) Hath God cast away his people
(7-11) God hath given the spirit of slumber
(12-15) Fall of them be the riches of world
(16-22) If some of the branches be broken off
(23-24) If they abide not still in unbelief
(25-28) Lest ye should be wise in you own conceits
(29-32) God hath concluded all in unbelief
(33-36) Depth of riches of wisdom and knowledge of God
12. (1-2) Present your bodies a living sacrifice
(3-5) We being many are one body
(6-8) Having then gifts differing
(9-21) Let love be without dissimulation
13. (1-8) Let every soul be subject
(9-10) Love is the fulfilling of the Law
(11-14) Now it is high time to awake
14. (1-7) Him that weak in the faith
(8-9) To this end Christ both died and rose
(10-13) Every knee shall bow to me
(14-23) There is nothing unclean of itself
15. (1-7) We then that are strong
(8-12) Minister of the circumcision
(13-14) God of hope fill you with all joy
(15-21) So I have strived to preach the Gospel
(22-29) I trust to see you my journey
(30-33) Prayers to God for me
16. (1-16) Commendations and greetings
(17-20) Mark them which cause divisions
(21-24) Closing salutations
(25-27) To God only wise be glory

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