Accuracy In Biblical Education

First Thessalonians Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1) Paul, Silvanus, Timotheus unto the church
(2-4) We give thanks to God always for you all
(5) Gospel came not unto you in word only
(6-8) Ye became followers of us and of the Lord
(9-10) They themselves shew of us what manner
2. (1-2) After that we had suffered before
(3-4) Exhortation was not of deceit
(5-12) Neither at any time used flattering words
(13) For this cause thank we God without ceasing
(14-16) Followers of the churches of God
(17-18) We being taken from you for a short time
(19-20) What is our hope
3. (1-5) When we could no longer forbear
(6-8) When Timotheus came from you
(9-11) What thanks can we render to God
(12-13) And the Lord make you to increase
4. (1-2) We beseech you brethren
(3-8) This is the will of God
(9-10) As touching brotherly love
(11-12) Study to be quiet
(13-18) Concerning them which are asleep
5. (1-3) But of the times and seasons brethren
(4-8) Ye brethren are not in darkness
(9-11) God hath not appointed us to wrath
(12-22) We exhort you brethren
(23-24) The very God of peace sanctify you
(25-26) Pray for us
(27-28) Epistle to be read to all holy brethren

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