Accuracy In Biblical Education

First Timothy Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-4) Greeting and instruction
(5-7) Some have turned aside
(8-11) If a man use it lawfully
(12-17) I thank Christ Jesus
(18-20) War a good warfare
2. (1-4) Prayers be made for all men
(5-7) I am ordained a preacher
(8-15) I will therefore ...
3. (1-7) Office of a bishop
(8-13) Likewise must the deacons
(14-16) That thou mayest know
4. (1-5) Doctrines of devils
(6-10) Put the brethren in remembrance
(11-16) These things command and teach
5. (1-2) Rebuke not ...
(3-8) Widows indeed
(9-10) Widow ... well reported of
(11-16) Younger widows
(17-19) The elders that rule well
(20-25) Them that sin rebuke
6. (1-2) Servants and masters
(3-5) If any man teach otherwise
(6-10) Be therefore content
(11-16) But thou O man of God
(17-19) Charge them that are rich
(20-21) Avoid profane and vain babblings

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