Accuracy In Biblical Education

Chapter 11

Representational Forms

The previous section presented the content of the Bible in preparation for a more detailed examination of specific characteristics of the text. The opening chapters noted that the Bible is the story of God’s interactions with mankind and in this section we will examine how God utilized various means to convey deeper spiritual meaning. The ability to understand what these elements are and how they appear in the scriptures is critical to our later comprehension of Biblical doctrine. An appreciation of these elements reinforces the idea that there are limits to interpretation before we violate God’s will. The ideas discussed in this section are an extension of those appearing in the review of content. The intention is to build on the knowledge gained so far, creating a sense of how all components of the scriptures are interconnected.

Symbol” and “type” are terms one will encounter when reading commentaries and Bible study materials. The use of these terms has been avoided in order to lessen confusion and simplify the study. Neither of these terms is inappropriate but may lead to incorrect notions. The idea of a “symbol” has been associated with things that are complex, mysterious and perhaps even mystical. Symbols surround us and we use them every day, but somehow, when the term is applied in conjunction with the Bible, it takes on a life that does more to mislead than clarify. Type is a word that conveys a specific form of symbolism. Simply stated, a type is something that represents something else having precisely the same characteristics or innate qualities. Both terms are sound and when understood and used correctly are beneficial. A simpler way of coming to terms with the subjects to be discussed in this section is to use the term representation. It is easier to understand that something may represent another person, thing or event without becoming tedious or mystical. Most of us can understand the concept of representation more readily than a discussion of symbolism and it is much easier to reinforce the concept of limits when vague notions usually attached to the idea of a symbol are avoided. Thinking of one item representing another is easier to understand than a study of types as the concept of types may be foreign to new students of the Bible. It is better to start with something less complicated and work our way into more complex concepts when we are ready for them.

Representational forms perform critical functions in the scriptures and are employed in a number of ways. Some are prophetic in nature and generally draw more attention from those who like to speculate on things such as the end of the world. Other uses exist as well. This section will discuss and explore four functions of representative forms as they appear in the scriptures. These include boundaries or limitations, remembrance, identity and inheritance. These mechanisms bridge the gap between the printed word and doctrine. Physical and spiritual components serve as reminders that convey spiritual realities enhancing the written word. Understanding how these behave in the scriptures will assist later as we explore their meaning.

Boundaries, or limitations, is an essential concept when coming to terms with the scriptures. Transgression is a common term in the Bible and almost everyone understands this to be synonymous with sin. Transgression, by definition, occurs when one steps outside the boundaries of what is acceptable to God. Through a variety of means, the Bible demonstrates the nature of transgression and the limits imposed on human behavior. Other boundaries are demonstrated in the scriptures and are protective in nature, identify God’s people and serve as reminders of the Lord’s power.

Remembrance is a common failing with mankind. Humans are forgetful creatures and the scriptures provide ample examples of the means by which God has provided ways of remembering Him. Memorials abound in societies all over the world that preserve the memory of people and past events which should be honored. God has done exactly the same thing, giving us instructions designed to keep Him foremost in our thoughts and lives. There are also references and devices that represent the need to avoid things that will harm us spiritually.

Who we are, the associations we keep and what we think of ourselves are critical aspects of our lives that identify us. Identity is no less of an issue when it comes to spiritual things. How can we identify what is good and right? How do we know who is teaching the truth? These are facets of identification that can set us on the correct path or lead us to destruction. The Bible demonstrates how God has given us information to determine what we need to know, who we need to listen to and how we should live. We desire to be identified as His children and the Lord supplies clear direction to achieve this goal.

Inheritance is a familiar concept to almost everyone. Transmitting goods or traditions from one generation to another is a significant rite of passage in human existence. Those who are entitled to an inheritance are identified and given what is rightfully theirs. Impostors, claiming to be heirs, can be rejected based on stipulations set in place by one’s ancestors and predecessors. God identifies the nature of an inheritance and characteristics of heirs throughout the scriptures. Utilizing a common concept such as this we can understand the implications for those who would be heirs of God’s promises.

Each of these functions are closely related. Remembrance, for example, aids identity and points to inheritance while boundaries identify internal and external aspects and relationships of every person, situation or object under consideration defining what one needs to remember and know. These characteristics are inseparable and add to the wholeness of scripture. There are other ways to examine the Bible but these will help direct our study in a manner that seeks to explore the functional aspects of how God proves the book is His and is truthful. A summary of the chapters in this section is provided as an introduction to these concepts.

The functions listed above have specific patterns and characteristics as they appear throughout the scriptures. Each is represented by a variety of objects and events, including people, that appear in certain contexts with the same implied usage or meaning. This similarity will aid in identifying God as the Bible’s author. This statement will become clearer when we look at more concrete examples in the individual chapters. Each of these is summarized below.

The Little Things examines seemingly trivial elements of the scriptures. God chose simple things to convey His message and these sometimes defy human reasoning. We tend to look for the big things and can easily miss subtle events or apparently meaningless gestures without realizing their significance. This chapter will show that when God is involved anything can take on a greater meaning.

Man’s separation from God highlights differences between the Lord and human nature. The Father of Lights evaluates God’s essential character as manifested in the scriptures. The benevolence and care God has for all creation is further clarified in Like Father Like Son as we examine Christ as the instrument by which God resolves the spiritual distance between Himself and man. The nature of both God and Christ will be compared and presented in a manner which will show the consistency between them and their further provision for reconciliation. The Deadly Barrier presents an argument for God’s righteousness as we examine the origin, nature and consequences of sin that changed the world.

Some focus exclusively on Christ and many in contemporary society have lost sight of the relationship between the Father and Son. To rectify this we will examine the nature of Christ’s sacrifice by asking the question; Whose Sacrifice Is It? The relationship between Christ and God will be explored so we can see the unity that binds the scriptures together as a whole. The unity between Christ and God is fundamental to our later study of doctrine and will help clarify the nature of the transitions in the Bible.

Christ is the focal point of the scriptures and as such must be understood within the context of the entire message. To accomplish this we will examine the means by which the past, present and future are linked together through Christ. The Trail of Blood will examine the way in which the faithful of all time are brought together in God’s spiritual household and are partakers of His grace and mercy.

One of the more significant transitions in the Bible is that of the waning of the Law and the beginning of the New Testament. In Remembrance of Me discusses this transition and the changes that result from it. It will be shown that the New Testament is not simply an extension or revision of the Law of Moses, but constitutes a dramatic change that embodies the fulfillment of God’s scheme of redemption. While the New Testament is different from the Law, there is a linkage to the past in the way in which God introduces these commands.

The idea that the Bible is static, or represents human invention, will be challenged by looking at changes made by God. First Things That Passed presents the view that the Biblical narrative and human history have been dynamic as a result of God’s interventions spiritually and physically. This section will draw on the previous discussions and returns to more general considerations.

The final study in this section, It’s Elementary, supplies a bridge between the representational and doctrinal sections. In this chapter we will study physical elements God has utilized to represent aspects of salvation, purification and judgment. Within these representations is a sense of completeness in God’s forgiveness of sins and His final verdict against the earth.

To aid in understanding these concepts technical language has been avoided and familiar passages, situations and events have been utilized. Each point is supported with multiple references which are explained as they pertain to the discussion at hand. Additional references can be determined as one becomes more familiar with the subject material.

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