The Bible has been presented as a structured system in which God revealed His will through a variety of representational means with a distinct underlying spiritual message. The manner in which specific themes have been handled in the scriptures shows how each part of the Bible complements every other part and does so consistently. Examining the entire record from beginning to end this consistency unfolds as evidence of design and intent in the scriptures. Apparent inconsistencies are easier to deal with when the Bible is viewed in it’s entirety as a spiritual library with each book contributing a unique yet parallel message and meaning.
In the opening section the content of the Bible was presented as a framework upon which to base a more complete study. Representations were then explored to look at the ways in which the content embodies spiritual truths revealed by God. In this section we will further the study by seeing how each of these spiritual truths are linked. In past ages God dealt differently with mankind. As the narrative progresses, the means change, but the underlying spiritual authority and meaning do not. The consistency of God is pronounced by comparing the ways in which He expected His people to render service to Him in the past and the meaning of acceptable service today.
In the beginning God spoke to the heads of households, identified as the Patriarchal dispensation. At that time the word was not in a written form. God acted in physical ways with a specific purpose for His actions. By God the race was created, preserved from the flood and later prepared for the Messiah by the establishment of a kingdom of people who would be a “peculiar treasure unto me above all people” (Ex 19.5). During the Mosaic dispensation, God directed His commands to be written down and God spoke through specific messengers, such as the prophets. A record still exists of those things as God intended for our learning. Eventually God spoke through His son Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1.1-2). He now addresses us through His word which has been preserved for all of mankind in accordance with His plan.
While much confusion exists as to the meaning of the Bible, the record, if studied objectively, speaks for itself. The doctrine of the Bible confuses many because of the apparent differences in the manner in which God has done things over time. Gradual transitions in the Bible are often misunderstood due to the volume of detail found in the scriptures. In these studies an attempt has been made to present information in such a way as to show how the detail is woven together to form a comprehensive narrative in the same manner as the threads of a tapestry form a design. Left to speak for itself, the Bible presents a doctrine that is uniquely it’s own.
The doctrine of the Bible may present difficulty for readers due to the variety of interpretations that exist. Some religious belief systems differ in almost every point from the Biblical record while others seem to vary only slightly. Christ stated that man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4.4) and so it seems logical that in order to be pleasing to God one must be open to the words of the Lord.
Many religious differences have risen from the interpretation of previous interpretations that originated from prior misunderstanding of the scriptures. To end the confusion some have adopted the attitude that everyone is entitled to their own view and have aspired to create “unity” by agreeing not to disagree.
As stated earlier in the study, the interpretation of the scriptures is not a question of whether we may arrive at a number of opinions as to the meaning of the Bible. It is evident that, like any other writing, the Bible is subject to being viewed in as many ways as there are individuals to interpret it. The question to be answered is; what is God’s opinion on the subject? In the end it is God’s interpretation of the scriptures that ultimately matters. Human imagination is such that any passage, book, or even the entire Bible, can be subjected to any perspective. Biblical arguments are sometimes justified or fail more on the basis of one’s ability to successfully present a point rather than actual statements found in the scriptures. A good salesman can sell almost anything.
One often hears the statement, “Do you think you understand the Bible perfectly?” when the above point is raised. The answer lies not in understanding everything “perfectly” but in understanding the Bible well enough to know what God’s will is. The block to understanding the doctrine of the scriptures is often not the complexity of the Bible but rather that we are inclined to hold on to our own beliefs in spite of scriptural evidence to the contrary. We create stumbling blocks for ourselves when we refuse to give up unworkable ideas, allow others to study for us or simply refuse to accept what the Bible teaches on a given matter.
God is the author of the scriptures. He utilized human agents to record His will and expects those who would follow Him to strive to understand His word. All who wish to serve God are students of His will. To what degree we are willing to set ourselves aside and allow God to speak through His word will determine our success or failure in gaining spiritual understanding. God does not wish for anyone to be lost eternally and so has provided the means for us to avoid this. In the end we will give an answer to God for our actions in life based on this critical point. God has opened the door to understanding. All we have to do is walk through that door, accept His word, and live accordingly. Considering that we have an expectation to be given an eternal home this does not sound like an unreasonable request.
In this section we will discuss the meaning of God’s word as it applies to the faithful of all time, but especially to the time in which we live. The same approach has been used in this section as in the previous two. Drawing on a knowledge of the content of the scriptures, and the representative means by which God has acted, we will further examine the underlying spiritual elements to derive meaning. While the conditions and situations may have changed, as well as the means by which God has acted, we will see that God’s expectations, mercy, patience and provisions for those willing to serve Him have not changed.
As in previous sections the student is asked to read the passages presented, consider the points made, and compare these with the scriptures. One must eventually come to a personal conclusion about each of the subjects presented. Hopefully those conclusions will be in accordance with what the Bible teaches. The intent of this study is to allow the scriptures to speak for themselves. In this way we indeed may achieve unity through accepting the will of God.
This section begins with an examination of The Word of Faith. It is God’s word, or instructions, that identifies the faithful and the unrighteous in His sight. To have faith one must know what the word of God is and render obedience to that word. We will define faith on the basis of scriptural definitions and examples.
God’s word defines expectations, conditions for acceptance of the individual, and actions which must be followed in order to maintain a right relationship with God. Within this a principle is demonstrated. The chapter entitled, It’s All Or Nothing, discusses the degree to which God expects those that turn to Him to adhere to His word. Examples will be given which show that the commands of God are not subject to human regulation and as such are to be accepted as a whole.
The reasons for serving God are discussed in For The Love Of God. God has been merciful and loving in His care for creation, particularly mankind, through the many blessings He has given to all people. We will discuss the need to serve God through love, obedience, respect and reverence for the Lord through His word.
The Bible is a book of change and the most important change is the act of turning one’s mind toward God. In The Heart Of The Matter we will examine what is meant by the “heart” and the impact that the scriptures have on the internal nature of those wishing to serve and please the Lord.
Individuals who grow to love the Lord are called upon to bring their lives into submission or obedience to God. The characteristics which one strives to incorporate into their lives are discussed in the chapter entitled Quite A Character.
How one changes has been the source of considerable controversy over the years. In the chapter The Spirit Of The Age we will discuss the function of the Holy Spirit in the first century, the roles the Spirit played in the lives of Christians and what this means for us today.
Following the discussion of the Spirit, we will examine the provision for all of mankind through salvation in Christ. But For The Grace Of God seeks to define what is meant by grace in scriptural terms and how this applies to the world and those who are Christians.
There are those today who believe and teach that Christ’s kingdom has not been established. Based on this doctrine, some contend that the last days have not come. In the chapter The Last Days we will look at what the scriptures teach about the kingdom of Christ and the eventual fate of the world.
To close the study we will look at The Gospel Plan Of Salvation. How one becomes a member of the Lord’s body and the ramifications this has on life afterward will be discussed. As with the previous sections scriptural references will be given to illustrate and reinforce each point made.